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14 April 2020 18:47:20


Was he not tested prior to boarding?

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Absolutely not - bizarre 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

The Beast from the East
14 April 2020 19:29:01

Just to frustrate me my mate flew back in on Sunday from Thailand , walked straight in , through customs , no discussion .

Plane was 75% full so WTF is that all about 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Wow, unless Thailand is now disease free?

Maunder? Open borders! Is that what Brexit was about?!



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
14 April 2020 19:40:59


I think we are past the peak and deaths will start dropping to 500 a day next week and maybe 300 the week after

Is that acceptable enough to ease the lockdown?

As for Nightingale being unused, we may still need it for the second wave in the Autumn

The second wave of Spanish flu was much worse that the first, though a very different type of virus of course

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I don’t see how the number of deaths is relevant to the decision to ease the lockdown. It’s all about hospital admissions and mitigating the impact on the NHS. If that’s under control then restrictions can be lifted, albeit slowly. 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Gavin D
14 April 2020 20:08:07

Some regional data for new cases today

The 7 English regions 

  1. London +472 (2.6%) 18,472

  2. Midlands +619 (5.2%) 11,987

  3. North West 1,109 (10.0%) 11,136

  4. North East and Yorkshire +627 (6.5%) 9,686

  5. South East +817 (8.8%) 9,334

  6. East of England +87 (1.4%) 6,089

  7. South West +186 (5.2%) 3,578

The 10 worst affected areas

  1. Birmingham +31 (1.6%) 1,884

  2. Kent +137 (8.1%) 1,689

  3. Hampshire + 78 (4.6%) 1,678

  4. Lancashire +100 (6.1%) 1,632

  5. Essex +78 (5.0%) 1,562

  6. Hertfordshire +82 (5.4%) 1,523

  7. Surrey +97 (6.7%) 1,441

  8. Sheffield +79 (6.0%) 1,316

  9. Cumbria +18 (1.5%) 1,236

  10. Brent +19 (1.8%) 1,037

The local areas with the lowest cases

  1. Rutland +2 (18.2%) 11

  2. Isle of Wight -3 (53)

  3. Hartlepool +5 (6.8%) 74

  4. North East Lincolnshire +4 (5.1%) 79

  5. Torbay +3 (3.0%) 101

  6. Peterborough + 1 (1.0%) 103

  7. Bracknell Forest +3 (2.8%) 107

  8. Herefordshire, County of +9 (8.0%) 113

  9. North Somerset +5 (4.2%) 120

  10. North Lincolnshire - 1 (124)

Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 20:15:18


I don’t see how the number of deaths is relevant to the decision to ease the lockdown. It’s all about hospital admissions and mitigating the impact on the NHS. If that’s under control then restrictions can be lifted, albeit slowly. 

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

I still think another factor is going to be taking pressure off the NHS, particularly ICUs.  They need a period to recover, replenish supplies and prepare for whatever comes next. For that reason alone I think they'll want to see cases a long way down.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 20:16:53


Wow, unless Thailand is now disease free?

Maunder? Open borders! Is that what Brexit was about?!



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

No, Brexit was about ensuring that we have unfilled nurse and doctor vacancies and crops rotting in the fields for want of workers prepared to pick them.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
14 April 2020 20:17:59

Interesting piece from The Times the other day on the Chinese dimension:

"The dream is over. For two decades the conventional wisdom has been that China’s economic rise comes at no political cost. Indeed, it was argued, prosperity would bring democracy.

The pandemic has laid bare our mistake. First, the death and destruction caused by the coronavirus stem directly from the deceit and bullying that is the hallmark of the Chinese Communist Party. The authorities have given no clue to the outbreak’s origins, other than to quote conspiracy theories blaming an American military delegation that visited Wuhan in October. They have silenced brave local doctors and journalists who tried to give warning of the danger.

The mainland regime’s obsessive desire to make Taiwan into an un-country meant that the World Health Organisation, supine towards Beijing, ignored the offshore Chinese democracy when on December 31 it sounded the alarm, telling the UN body that something more than pneumonia was spreading there.

In mid-January, the Chinese authorities were still denying that there was any clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. Worried about losing face, they let a huge festival go ahead in Wuhan that drew tens of thousands of people. When the Beijing authorities did finally lock down the plague-stricken region, they banned air links with the rest of China — but not between Wuhan and the outside world.

Earlier action could have forestalled the global plague. We are all paying the price for that. Worse, the Chinese leadership is moving into the vacuum left by the United States, accelerating towards Xi Jinping’s goal to be the world’s most powerful country by 2049. Not only has China dodged blame for the pandemic, it is taking credit for dealing with it. At home it highlights stunts such as the rapid building of 10,000-bed “hospitals” — actually prefabricated quarantine wards. Abroad it practises “facemask diplomacy”: the provision of lavish shipments of medical supplies (often sub-standard, or dressed up commercial shipments) to hard hit countries such as Italy. More is to come. The poorest countries in the world will be hardest hit by the pandemic. China’s squeeze on them will tighten further, with the promise of new infrastructure or debt relief in return for political compliance.


In The People’s Republic of Amnesia, the journalist (now academic) Louisa Lim wrote the definitive book on the state-sponsored policy of wiping out memories of the massacres at Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in 1989. Now, she says, the propaganda machine has changed gear: instead of rewriting history at home, the Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the present, and for an international audience.

Writing in Foreign Policy, she calls this “a new front line in the global information war”. The current issue may be the coronavirus, but “the bigger battle is over who will control global flows of information and the future of journalism itself”. The free press and our social media platforms — both, incidentally, banned in China itself — are both the target and the arena.


All this is part of a bigger and daunting picture. The veteran Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani has just published a book, Has China Won?. His analysis of the Chinese leadership’s success is a bit glib, but his main point is that we in the West, in particular the United States, have squandered our lead. Conceit, greed and short-sightedness have corroded our economic, political and social model. China’s integration into our supply chain, and the prowess of companies such as the telecoms giant Huawei, make “distancing” exceptionally difficult. As Charles Parton, for decades one of Britain’s top China-watchers, notes, we do not have a strategy for dealing with China. But China has a strategy for dealing with us.

Time is short. Look at the way the Chinese leadership treats its own people. Then imagine how they would like to treat us."


New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
14 April 2020 20:22:40

Wow, unless Thailand is now disease free?

Maunder? Open borders! Is that what Brexit was about?!

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I have stated on many occasions Beast, that not closing borders and not introducing strict port screening, has been the worst dereliction of duty by this government. But try getting the MSM to investigate that angle. Instead they obsess about PPE or the lack of it, an entirely side issue since obtaining sufficient PPE and getting it to where it is needed is a huge logistical exercise and there are bound to be wrinkles along the way.

Instead, the MSM should be putting the spotlight firmly where it belongs - on the lack of proper border controls! (Suspending the stupid asylum system for the duration of the emergency is also a must).


New world order coming.
Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 20:31:11

Interesting piece from The Times the other day on the Chinese dimension:

"The dream is over. For two decades the conventional wisdom has been that China’s economic rise comes at no political cost. Indeed, it was argued, prosperity would bring democracy.

The pandemic has laid bare our mistake. First, the death and destruction caused by the coronavirus stem directly from the deceit and bullying that is the hallmark of the Chinese Communist Party. The authorities have given no clue to the outbreak’s origins, other than to quote conspiracy theories blaming an American military delegation that visited Wuhan in October. They have silenced brave local doctors and journalists who tried to give warning of the danger.

The mainland regime’s obsessive desire to make Taiwan into an un-country meant that the World Health Organisation, supine towards Beijing, ignored the offshore Chinese democracy when on December 31 it sounded the alarm, telling the UN body that something more than pneumonia was spreading there.

In mid-January, the Chinese authorities were still denying that there was any clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. Worried about losing face, they let a huge festival go ahead in Wuhan that drew tens of thousands of people. When the Beijing authorities did finally lock down the plague-stricken region, they banned air links with the rest of China — but not between Wuhan and the outside world.

Earlier action could have forestalled the global plague. We are all paying the price for that. Worse, the Chinese leadership is moving into the vacuum left by the United States, accelerating towards Xi Jinping’s goal to be the world’s most powerful country by 2049. Not only has China dodged blame for the pandemic, it is taking credit for dealing with it. At home it highlights stunts such as the rapid building of 10,000-bed “hospitals” — actually prefabricated quarantine wards. Abroad it practises “facemask diplomacy”: the provision of lavish shipments of medical supplies (often sub-standard, or dressed up commercial shipments) to hard hit countries such as Italy. More is to come. The poorest countries in the world will be hardest hit by the pandemic. China’s squeeze on them will tighten further, with the promise of new infrastructure or debt relief in return for political compliance.


In The People’s Republic of Amnesia, the journalist (now academic) Louisa Lim wrote the definitive book on the state-sponsored policy of wiping out memories of the massacres at Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in 1989. Now, she says, the propaganda machine has changed gear: instead of rewriting history at home, the Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the present, and for an international audience.

Writing in Foreign Policy, she calls this “a new front line in the global information war”. The current issue may be the coronavirus, but “the bigger battle is over who will control global flows of information and the future of journalism itself”. The free press and our social media platforms — both, incidentally, banned in China itself — are both the target and the arena.


All this is part of a bigger and daunting picture. The veteran Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani has just published a book, Has China Won?. His analysis of the Chinese leadership’s success is a bit glib, but his main point is that we in the West, in particular the United States, have squandered our lead. Conceit, greed and short-sightedness have corroded our economic, political and social model. China’s integration into our supply chain, and the prowess of companies such as the telecoms giant Huawei, make “distancing” exceptionally difficult. As Charles Parton, for decades one of Britain’s top China-watchers, notes, we do not have a strategy for dealing with China. But China has a strategy for dealing with us.

Time is short. Look at the way the Chinese leadership treats its own people. Then imagine how they would like to treat us."


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

The highlighted sentence is just utter rubbish. Nobody in their right mind ever thought the Chinese Communist Party would change for the better. I have said for th best part of twenty years that making China a powerful economic force would have adverse consequences. A tyrannical leadership made more powerful.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Brian Gaze
14 April 2020 20:31:57

I wonder when the BBC news website will next lead with a story that isn't related to corona virus?

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
14 April 2020 20:33:36

 But if you are asymptomatic and only have small amounts in your system, then perhaps you wont show up the test they are using?


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Iceland has tested 10% of its (very small) population and found less than 1% infected with the virus at the time of testing, with ~half of them (if I remember correctly) being asymptomatic.


14 April 2020 20:47:20

I might be being a bit thick here but when we started the lockdown there was a small number of people in the country with the virus which has resulted in the deaths we are seeing. We have stopped the exponential growth with a pretty strict lockdown but when that stops in what looks like a few weeks what is going to stop another big rise in cases? In fact surely the rise will be greater as the virus has a greater presence than when we started the lockdown and it seems we are a long way from having enough of the population immune to curtail its spread? 

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

You are obviously not thick and the question answers itself really, the lockdown won't end before May and it can only be a gradual lift and not a sudden one. If at the end of the lockdown the authorities don't try to find where the virus is,  then we'll get more surges and more lockdowns and this time there might be more arguing too. The WHO describes the process as guerrilla war and street fighting, you need to find the virus at local level and isolate it.



Phil G
14 April 2020 20:49:01

Interesting piece from The Times the other day on the Chinese dimension:

"The dream is over. For two decades the conventional wisdom has been that China’s economic rise comes at no political cost. Indeed, it was argued, prosperity would bring democracy.

The pandemic has laid bare our mistake. First, the death and destruction caused by the coronavirus stem directly from the deceit and bullying that is the hallmark of the Chinese Communist Party. The authorities have given no clue to the outbreak’s origins, other than to quote conspiracy theories blaming an American military delegation that visited Wuhan in October. They have silenced brave local doctors and journalists who tried to give warning of the danger.

The mainland regime’s obsessive desire to make Taiwan into an un-country meant that the World Health Organisation, supine towards Beijing, ignored the offshore Chinese democracy when on December 31 it sounded the alarm, telling the UN body that something more than pneumonia was spreading there.

In mid-January, the Chinese authorities were still denying that there was any clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. Worried about losing face, they let a huge festival go ahead in Wuhan that drew tens of thousands of people. When the Beijing authorities did finally lock down the plague-stricken region, they banned air links with the rest of China — but not between Wuhan and the outside world.

Earlier action could have forestalled the global plague. We are all paying the price for that. Worse, the Chinese leadership is moving into the vacuum left by the United States, accelerating towards Xi Jinping’s goal to be the world’s most powerful country by 2049. Not only has China dodged blame for the pandemic, it is taking credit for dealing with it. At home it highlights stunts such as the rapid building of 10,000-bed “hospitals” — actually prefabricated quarantine wards. Abroad it practises “facemask diplomacy”: the provision of lavish shipments of medical supplies (often sub-standard, or dressed up commercial shipments) to hard hit countries such as Italy. More is to come. The poorest countries in the world will be hardest hit by the pandemic. China’s squeeze on them will tighten further, with the promise of new infrastructure or debt relief in return for political compliance.


In The People’s Republic of Amnesia, the journalist (now academic) Louisa Lim wrote the definitive book on the state-sponsored policy of wiping out memories of the massacres at Tiananmen Square and elsewhere in 1989. Now, she says, the propaganda machine has changed gear: instead of rewriting history at home, the Chinese Communist Party is rewriting the present, and for an international audience.

Writing in Foreign Policy, she calls this “a new front line in the global information war”. The current issue may be the coronavirus, but “the bigger battle is over who will control global flows of information and the future of journalism itself”. The free press and our social media platforms — both, incidentally, banned in China itself — are both the target and the arena.


All this is part of a bigger and daunting picture. The veteran Singaporean diplomat Kishore Mahbubani has just published a book, Has China Won?. His analysis of the Chinese leadership’s success is a bit glib, but his main point is that we in the West, in particular the United States, have squandered our lead. Conceit, greed and short-sightedness have corroded our economic, political and social model. China’s integration into our supply chain, and the prowess of companies such as the telecoms giant Huawei, make “distancing” exceptionally difficult. As Charles Parton, for decades one of Britain’s top China-watchers, notes, we do not have a strategy for dealing with China. But China has a strategy for dealing with us.

Time is short. Look at the way the Chinese leadership treats its own people. Then imagine how they would like to treat us."


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Yes a very interesting piece. Could it go in the China thread as well please as it'll add to the picture of the Chinese regime as we go forward. Already proactive they have been in touch with Raab to make sure their interests are protected and have taken no responsibility for this nightmare.

Whether Idle
14 April 2020 20:54:51


Yes a very interesting piece. Could it go in the China thread as well please as it'll add to the picture of the Chinese regime as we go forward. Already proactive they have been in touch with Raab to make sure their interests are protected and have taken no responsibility for this nightmare.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Raab is a cretin, a disgrace.  His latest moronic act is to promise to the Chinese leadership is not to politicise fallout from the virus. Ohh dear...

He really is a cowardly feck-wit.

We are truly led by donkeys.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 20:56:14


I have stated on many occasions Beast, that not closing borders and not introducing strict port screening, has been the worst dereliction of duty by this government. But try getting the MSM to investigate that angle. Instead they obsess about PPE or the lack of it, an entirely side issue since obtaining sufficient PPE and getting it to where it is needed is a huge logistical exercise and there are bound to be wrinkles along the way.

Instead, the MSM should be putting the spotlight firmly where it belongs - on the lack of proper border controls! (Suspending the stupid asylum system for the duration of the emergency is also a must).


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Definition of dereliction of duty: the shameful failure to fulfil one's obligations.

Sorry, that isn't appropriate.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

14 April 2020 21:02:08


Wow, unless Thailand is now disease free?

Maunder? Open borders! Is that what Brexit was about?!



Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Nah, it's obviously due to the effect of planet Nibiru on the whelks.   What on Earth made you think it had anything about Brexit unless you are a paranoid obsessive idiot? 

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 21:03:28


Raab is a cretin, a disgrace.  His latest moronic act is to promise to the Chinese leadership is not to politicise fallout from the virus. Ohh dear...

He really is a cowardly feck-wit.

We are truly led by donkeys.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

Politics is like a supertanker: it will take a while to change direction. Hopefully our leaders will have the courage, vision and wisdom to do it.

I agree about Raab but he's not the only obnoxious t**t in the New Brexit Party (aka Tory Party).

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

14 April 2020 21:06:35


No, Brexit was about ensuring that we have unfilled nurse and doctor vacancies and crops rotting in the fields for want of workers prepared to pick them.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I believe that was actually the effect of the whelks on planet Nibiru ....

btw the chemtrails appear to have addled your brain as well as that of Beast's.    I suggest upping the tinfoil hat level to grade 7

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
14 April 2020 21:09:13

Not expecting any changes until next month. 

Brian Gaze
14 April 2020 21:10:25

Politics is like a supertanker: it will take a while to change direction. Hopefully our leaders will have the courage, vision and wisdom to do it.

I agree about Raab but he's not the only obnoxious t**t in the New Brexit Party (aka Tory Party).

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

The problem is if we ditch China what options are left to make up for the shortfall that results from leaving the EU? The US has gone flaky and the potential opportunities in India come at a high price. We are left with countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The GDP per capita is high in all of them but their combined GDP is significantly less than Germany's. The Brexitiers are fast running out of options.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Gandalf The White
14 April 2020 21:12:42


The problem is if we ditch China what options are left to make up for the shortfall that results from leaving the EU? The US has gone flaky and the potential opportunities in India come at a high price. We are left with countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada. The GDP per capita is high in all of them but their combined GDP is significantly less than Germany's. The Brexitiers are fast running out of options.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Well, the obvious answer is to stay close to the trading partners that are closest to us and with whom we (used to) have the greatest influence.

Logic demands a rethink on our relationship with Europe. But that's another supertanker U-turn.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

14 April 2020 21:13:17

Raab is a cretin, a disgrace.  His latest moronic act is to promise to the Chinese leadership is not to politicise fallout from the virus. Ohh dear...

He really is a cowardly feck-wit.

We are truly led by donkeys.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

To be fair, it is a bit daft to agree not to do somthing which only cretinous moronic tin foil hatter would do.

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Brian Gaze
14 April 2020 21:17:02


Well, the obvious answer is to stay close to the trading partners that are closest to us and with whom we (used to) have the greatest influence.

Logic demands a rethink on our relationship with Europe. But that's another supertanker U-turn.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Yes I agree. I don't see it happening though because the Brexitiers have invested so much into their project any change of direction now would be a humiliation.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Phil G
14 April 2020 21:17:38


Well, the obvious answer is to stay close to the trading partners that are closest to us and with whom we (used to) have the greatest influence.

But that's another supertanker U-turn.


Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

It's been said as a stroke of pure luck Brexit preparations have made us prepared for this nightmare in some quarter's. When the EU Titanic sinks, we may well say the same, best we got off it before we got dragged down.

Saint Snow
14 April 2020 21:19:17

Just to underline the way viruses are endemic, the U.K. has been declared to no longer be free of Measles - courtesy of the stupidity of social media fraudsters claiming MMR is dangerous.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 


There seems to be a core minority of people in this country who seem to yearn to believe every/most conspiracy theory that come to light. Is it a genetic predisposition. From MMR to blaming the EU for all our/their ills, to 5G, and a multitude in between.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
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