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Chunky Pea
16 April 2020 19:33:52


  1. Key workers are allowed to do their job

  2. If the 'journalist' had complied with the very polite initial requests then there would have been no need for further action. He chose to argue, which wasn't a very bright move when he was in the wrong.

You can always spin the evidence to try to justify your prejudice. In this case there's simply nothing there to complain about.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Here are more of those 'key workers' doing their essential, key work by breaking into a man's house and causing damage. I hope he sues the arse off them.


Professional bullies that need to be held to account. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Tim A
16 April 2020 19:34:32


I'm absolutely loving the peace and quiet. I live under the flight path for LBA and although you get used to it, it's so nice not to have planes spoiling the peace. 

I'm not in the countryside but I'm lucky enough to have a pretty big garden and a large patch of ancient woodland two minutes walk from my house. I've just been there for a stroll and heard nothing but birdsong. The other day while walking along the stream in there my daughter and I saw a kingfisher fly past us! 

For all the terrible news and anxiety I'm determined to appreciate the positives as much as I can.

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Yes there are loads of positives. Love the lack of planes it makes such a difference especially at this time of year.  There is much less background noise too from distant main roads etc.  Residential streets are quiet and traffic free. Lived here for 6 years but the past few weeks, I have discovered loads of new ginnels/snickets, paths, patches of woodland that I never knew existed through having time to explore. My runs take me to open countryside within 7-8 mins and I have time to give my garden some TLC, it is large with lots of trees so needs much maintenance. 

Neighbours are more friendly, there is a community spirit almost like we are a small village rather than a sprawling Leeds suburb. People giving away things for free that they would normally sell, games and challenges are set up by people to do in the street etc.   

NW Leeds
187m asl

ย My PWS 
Whether Idle
16 April 2020 19:35:04

IMHO Raab did a reasonable job tonight.  Credit to the government, I had been worried that they would start to weaken the lockdown.  Pleased to see that the United Kingdom approach is unified across all 4 nations at present.  The first big decision the government have got right on this.  Well done, keep it up!

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Gavin D
16 April 2020 19:37:18

Regional data for new cases today in England

The 7 English regions 

  • London +560 (2.9%) 19,511

  • Midlands +560 (4.3%) 12,956

  • North West +502 (4.2%) 12,093

  • South East +705 (6.5%) 10,919

  • North East and Yorkshire +423 (4.0%) 10,633

  • East of England +267 (4.1%) 6,499

  • South West +139 (3.6%) 3,913

The 10 local areas with the highest cases

  1. Birmingham +51 (2.6%) 1,982

  2. Kent +156 (8.0%) 1,958

  3. Hampshire +56 (3.0%) 1,858

  4. Lancashire +77 (4.4%) 1,769

  5. Surrey +90 (5.2%) 1,739

  6. Essex +58 (3.5%) 1,647

  7. Hertfordshire +57 (3.5%) 1,609

  8. Sheffield +47 (3.3%) 1,412

  9. Cumbria +67 (5.0%) 1,345

  10. Brent +23 (2.1%) 1,086

The 10 local areas with the lowest cases

  1. Rutland 12 - no change

  2. Isle of Wight 55 - no change

  3. Hartlepool +4 (5.1%) 79

  4. North East Lincolnshire +2 (2.3%) 86

  5. Torbay +4 (3.7%) 107

  6. Peterborough +5 (4.4%) 113

  7. Herefordshire, County of +5 (3.9%) 127

  8. North Somerset + (2.4%) 127

  9. Bath and North East Somerset 139 - no change

  10. Bracknell Forest +5 (3.6%) 139

The Beast from the East
16 April 2020 19:38:02

Cases rising in Singapore and Japan 

Italy still running above 500 deaths a day, after all this time of severe lockdown 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Heavy Weather 2013
16 April 2020 19:38:35

IMHO Raab did a reasonable job tonight.  Credit to the government, I had been worried that they would start to weaken the lockdown.  Pleased to see that the United Kingdom approach is unified across all 4 nations at present.  The first big decision the government have got right on this.  Well done, keep it up!

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

Yes, I agree. I was getting nervous that they were going to succumb to some voices and lift too soon.

This was the correct process and credit to the government on this.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Chunky Pea
16 April 2020 19:38:51


Same the world over, I would say. The number of times that I have seen cops here using hand held mobile phones while driving their cars....

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

And the number of cops I have seen over here with bellies the size of beachballs is incredible. And why do they always talk in that curiously robotic, monotone accent? Probably something to do with their general dullness of mind or something. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
The Beast from the East
16 April 2020 19:39:10

OT. but why is Venus so bright these days? Is it just down to lack of air pollution?


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
16 April 2020 19:40:46


I'm in the countryside and garden club too. Enjoying it. Just wish restaurants and pubs could be safely opened. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

And Barbers!

I need a haircut and being on my own, I will have to attempt it myself. I don't want to chop off an ear!


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Chunky Pea
16 April 2020 19:44:25

BTW GTW, I sent you a PM the other day but your inbox reported as being 'full'. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Chunky Pea
16 April 2020 19:48:45


And Barbers!

I need a haircut and being on my own, I will have to attempt it myself. I don't want to chop off an ear!


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Last time I let a non barber cut my hair they fecked it up. Badly need a trim myself. When I look in the mirror these days I see a 70s fashion plate looking back at me. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Polar Low
16 April 2020 19:49:54

Savings are unlikely over Warfarin Apixaban at approx 500 dollars per 60 2.5mg also the former W is still regarded the gold star treatment for complex AHD and CHD so be careful about using general statements.



Have they looked at Apixaban for her? It is rapidly replacing Warfarin. No INR tests needed and in my and most cases no side effects whatsoever. GP's were reluctant to prescribe it on cost grounds but the price is falling as its use expands and of course if the NHS didn't look at the pills in isolation and factored in the costs of all the INR tests and clinics it would probably have been a saving overall!

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Heavy Weather 2013
16 April 2020 19:52:00
Yes, I usually get a skin fade on the sides and a trim on top. My hair is a total state. The clippers may be coming out tomorrow. I usually get my hair cut every two weeks. It looks like a bush and so grey on the sides.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
16 April 2020 19:55:40
Yes, I usually get a skin fade on the sides and a trim on top. My hair is a total state. The clippers may be coming out tomorrow. I usually get my hair cut every two weeks. It looks like a bush and so grey on the sides.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Polar Low
16 April 2020 20:01:47

Better than the shedded wheat look My old man used to get so mad when I used to take the P*ss out of him





Yes, I usually get a skin fade on the sides and a trim on top. My hair is a total state. The clippers may be coming out tomorrow. I usually get my hair cut every two weeks. It looks like a bush and so grey on the sides.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Gandalf The White
16 April 2020 20:02:59

BTW GTW, I sent you a PM the other day but your inbox reported as being 'full'. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Sorry, I tend to just clear out a few old messages at a time. There's space now.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Northern Sky
16 April 2020 20:10:26


Yes there are loads of positives. Love the lack of planes it makes such a difference especially at this time of year.  There is much less background noise too from distant main roads etc.  Residential streets are quiet and traffic free. Lived here for 6 years but the past few weeks, I have discovered loads of new ginnels/snickets, paths, patches of woodland that I never knew existed through having time to explore. My runs take me to open countryside within 7-8 mins and I have time to give my garden some TLC, it is large with lots of trees so needs much maintenance. 

Neighbours are more friendly, there is a community spirit almost like we are a small village rather than a sprawling Leeds suburb. People giving away things for free that they would normally sell, games and challenges are set up by people to do in the street etc.   

Originally Posted by: Tim A 

๐Ÿ‘I think you're just up the road from me Tim and yes I agree very much about our area, I think people have been fantastic. 

Lionel Hutz
16 April 2020 20:12:27


And the number of cops I have seen over here with bellies the size of beachballs is incredible. And why do they always talk in that curiously robotic, monotone accent? Probably something to do with their general dullness of mind or something. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Yes, there are some who look like they couldn't run to catch a cold never mind a criminal!

Still, there's plenty of them decent and they have alot to face at times - how many of us would fancy doing their job? However, I reckon that it's a job that can attract the wrong sort as well. In every walk of life, you'll find bullies. The problem with the police is that it attracts some bullies who figure they can get paid for it instead of just having to do it for free. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Polar Low
16 April 2020 20:20:52

can I replace some with most 


Yes, there are some who look like they couldn't run to catch a cold never mind a criminal!

Still, there's plenty of them decent and they have alot to face at times - how many of us would fancy doing their job? However, I reckon that it's a job that can attract the wrong sort as well. In every walk of life, you'll find bullies. The problem with the police is that it attracts some bullies who figure can get paid for it instead of just having to do it for free. 

Originally Posted by: Lionel Hutz 

16 April 2020 20:21:46

Mentioned it earlier today. Here's a clip from Merkel's press conference.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Just watched Question Time and the Government was represented by the Justice Minister who, being another lightweight, his name escapes me. But when challenged about Germany he basically said they tested more because they are more advanced than we are. Seems to crop up a lot at the moment how certain EU Countries have this and that and we don't. And there was me, after last year, thinking they were all useless compared to us.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Lionel Hutz
16 April 2020 20:24:46
As regards the positive side of the lockdown, I am also lucky enough to live in a nice house in a rural area. From a social point of view, I have no difficulty with lockdown. I'm perfectly happy staying at home. The only thing that I will miss is a holiday. However, I am still going to work and I might have a different view if I wasn't getting out of the house most days. And I have my wife and children for company.

The fly in the ointment is the financial worry. It's okay for now. But if things continue as they are then eventually things could get rather ugly for me.
Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

Gandalf The White
16 April 2020 20:28:07


Just watched Question Time and the Government was represented by the Justice Minister who, being another lightweight, his name escapes me. But when challenged about Germany he basically said they tested more because they are more advanced than we are. Seems to crop up a lot at the moment how certain EU Countries have this and that and we don't. And there was me, after last year, thinking they were all useless compared to us.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

What an extraordinary thing to say. 

It makes you ponder whether that's the real reason for Brexit: we need to sell to third world countries because they think we're too backward to sell to the likes of Germany.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Lionel Hutz
16 April 2020 20:28:18

can I replace some with most 


Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Certainly. Provided none of them are reading this๐Ÿ˜

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

16 April 2020 20:28:22

Yes I can relate to that and I know a lot of people who have said they’re used to it and quite like it now.  I’m one of the lucky ones too!  

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Hmm, I wonder what the profile of our membership is. Sounds very idyllic and middle class from where I'm sitting 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
16 April 2020 20:30:45

I've now asked for refunds for my train tickets up to and including 7/5. I still have tickets for weeks beginning 11/5, 18/5, 25/5, 1/6 but I do wonder if I'll be asking for these to be refunded too.

It's all money going back in my account.

Originally Posted by: westv 

Rail companies working the system. Some people who have an annual season, have found that the companies regard it as a 9-month ticket with a 3-month bonus added so if you ask for a refund with the last few months outstanding, very little is payable under the existing rules  - and this despite Government promises that the companies would have to refund pro rata in the present circumstances. [You and yours, Radio 4, lunchtime today]

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
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