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25 April 2020 13:47:16


I never suggested that, did I? I'm fully aware of the way the reporting pattern works. I was simply pointing out that the figure for yesterday was only just over 100, which I think follows the recent pattern.


Edit: having had a chance to look at the table above, the totals at the foot of each column are the only ones that are relevant: the trend is clear enough (obviously you don't look at the last 3-4 days too closely).

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

You quoted a trend at me earlier in the week if I recall? , I mentioned a jump up ??

All of the numbers rely on human nature so by that only its only at the end can we see if they are reliable , as it stands I think we will see deaths recorded every day for months - running easily into 2021 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 13:48:44


The trend is down, I will give you that. But its still not a good place to be in as pressure is now building like a pressure cooker from the popular press to ease lockdown


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

As I said in my post above , we are relying on human nature , actually PPE also .

I most certainly wouldn't have faith in any of the above 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Roger Parsons
25 April 2020 13:49:15

Sorry, just replying to a post made in this thread.  I rarely check the sports forum. 

Why didn’t you respond this way to Gavin’s post?

Originally Posted by: John p 

Wd have done had I seen it, John - just picking up on the theme - it obviously applies to all the related posts. What's the point on chasing back when you are in step?



West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire
Everything taken together, here in Lincolnshire are more good things than man could have had the conscience to ask.
William Cobbett, in his Rural Rides - c.1830
Brian Gaze
25 April 2020 13:51:54
The situation may be improving but it remains very grim. That's all we can conclude at the moment. Key will be positives in the next couple of weeks. Will they go up, down or remain much as now.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Saint Snow
25 April 2020 13:55:16

I'm now another thinking the 'lockdown' is crumbling.

I'm being a bit hypocritical because I'm going out to supermarkets 3 or 4 times a week (it's been years since we were in the habit of doing a 'big shop' and in normal times, between us we'd probably go 5 or 6 times) - but importantly I vigilantly keep to the 2m distancing.

An increasingly substantial minority of others are no longer bothering. Last night I went the chippy and the queue stretched outside, with everyone seeming to adhere to 2m distancing. I joined the back of the queue but then this fat, middle-aged chav-looking woman waddles past, mouth-breathing, within 2ft of me, then stands about 2ft behind me. I shot her an incredulous look and, because I'd left about 8ft in front of me, shuffled up a bit. She must have took the hint that I was p*ssed off, even if she wasn't arsed about keeping distance, because she did then let the gap build to 2m. But then her fat, chav-looking, mouth-breathing daughter also waddles up and stands in front of her, cutting the distance to me. Luckily the queue moved on fairly quickly and you get called into the shop to give your order, then stand back to await your order being ready. There's enough room for 2m distancing with about 4 or 5 people inside. I'd been waiting for a few minutes when one older woman, well into her 70's, stands right in front of me, almost standing on my toes, pondering what she wants from the big display menu. And ponders. I move aside to my left as far as I can without encroaching on someone else's 2m space. She then orders, and backs up to stand between me and the guy standing 2m to my right. I feel like saying "FFS, we're making massive sacrifices mostly so your generation don't all die, and you can't be arsed keeping the social distancing that we all are". But my order is ready and I just tut, walk forwards, pay, leave.

Then today, the queue at the local Morrisons must be over 200 long. No doubt people buying BBQ stuff. I drive onto Tesco about half a mile away... queue even bigger, around 300m long. On I go. Aldi similar, so is ASDA. And then, Lidl. No queue. Great! I get a trolley, apply my hand gel and some to the handle, and enter. I can see why there's no queue... there's no enforcement of maximum numbers. I decide to make the best of it but half the people don't even bother with any pretence of social distancing. I fill my trolley and head to the tills. Oddly, everyone queuing now rigidly observes 2m distancing. Once through, I move to a space on the packing shelf, on the end leaving 2m to the person to the side of me. Someone quickly plonks themselves in the gap to fill their bags. I shuffle right to the end, but some women with 2 packs of flowers (essential...? ), puts one down almost on my bag, and proceeds to tear off the price label on the other whilst stood a foot away from me, then repeats with the other.

I figure after 4 weeks of doing a decent job of keeping myself out of harm's way, today and last night has potentially undone all that.

And not wanting to sound snobbish, but without exception the people not bothering with social distancing look like they're from the 'DE' social demographic.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Justin W
25 April 2020 13:57:53

The situation may be improving but it remains very grim. That's all we can conclude at the moment. Key will be positives in the next couple of weeks. Will they go up, down or remain much as now.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

It is grim. The trend is down but it is not dropping like a stone. At this rate, it will be many weeks before restrictions can be eased in a way that will allow anything like normal service to be resumed. I suspect that pubs, restaurants and cafés will remain closed for a long time yet.

Italy and Spain demonstrate that once the plateau is reached, the descent is slow and frustrating.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
25 April 2020 14:07:59

Can I just say this phrase lockdown

There hasn't been one , so why are people using it , a large % of the population has carried on working , people have  been walking around since day one and continue to do so .

Its been restrictions with a " please do " from the government 

A lockdown would have slowed the virus dramatically by now , instead we are still seeing 500 , 600 , 700 + deaths a day .

The whole of the UK should have been shut and I mean shut for the two weeks of Easter just 8 working days 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Northern Sky
25 April 2020 14:08:48


It is grim. The trend is down but it is not dropping like a stone. At this rate, it will be many weeks before restrictions can be eased in a way that will allow anything like normal service to be resumed. I suspect that pubs, restaurants and cafés will remain closed for a long time yet.

Italy and Spain demonstrate that once the plateau is reached, the descent is slow and frustrating.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

As yourself and many others have mentioned Justin, it seems fairly clear that the 'lockdown' is slowly crumbling of its own accord. It's by no means a return to normal but compared to the first few weeks the increase in traffic and numbers of people out and about are very noticeable. There also seems to be lots more shops open with varying degrees of social distancing being observed.

It will be very interesting to see if there is a rise in new cases in a couple of weeks time. If there is I'm not sure where we'd go from there?

25 April 2020 14:12:15


As yourself and many others have mentioned Justin, it seems fairly clear that the 'lockdown' is slowly crumbling of its own accord. It's by no means a return to normal but compared to the first few weeks the increase in traffic and numbers of people out and about are very noticeable. There also seems to be lots more shops open with varying degrees of social distancing being observed.

It will be very interesting to see if there is a rise in new cases in a couple of weeks time. If there is I'm not sure where we'd go from there?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

If there is an increase there will be only one solution 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 14:14:59

It is grim. The trend is down but it is not dropping like a stone. At this rate, it will be many weeks before restrictions can be eased in a way that will allow anything like normal service to be resumed. I suspect that pubs, restaurants and cafés will remain closed for a long time yet.

Italy and Spain demonstrate that once the plateau is reached, the descent is slow and frustrating.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

I agree that the drop in the number of deaths is more likely to be painfully slow and the 'lockdown' will probably last until mid/late May. We don't even know what is going on in our care homes yet.

At least that would give even more time to the govt to prepare a proper test - trace - isolate strategy.Like Brian though, I am concerned about the reliance on an app. it should only be supplementary and we need human tracers. The Chinese had ~10,000 in Wuhan alone. 

25 April 2020 14:16:30

I'm now another thinking the 'lockdown' is crumbling.

I'm being a bit hypocritical because I'm going out to supermarkets 3 or 4 times a week (it's been years since we were in the habit of doing a 'big shop' and in normal times, between us we'd probably go 5 or 6 times) - but importantly I vigilantly keep to the 2m distancing.

An increasingly substantial minority of others are no longer bothering. Last night I went the chippy and the queue stretched outside, with everyone seeming to adhere to 2m distancing. I joined the back of the queue but then this fat, middle-aged chav-looking woman waddles past, mouth-breathing, within 2ft of me, then stands about 2ft behind me. I shot her an incredulous look and, because I'd left about 8ft in front of me, shuffled up a bit. She must have took the hint that I was p*ssed off, even if she wasn't arsed about keeping distance, because she did then let the gap build to 2m. But then her fat, chav-looking, mouth-breathing daughter also waddles up and stands in front of her, cutting the distance to me. Luckily the queue moved on fairly quickly and you get called into the shop to give your order, then stand back to await your order being ready. There's enough room for 2m distancing with about 4 or 5 people inside. I'd been waiting for a few minutes when one older woman, well into her 70's, stands right in front of me, almost standing on my toes, pondering what she wants from the big display menu. And ponders. I move aside to my left as far as I can without encroaching on someone else's 2m space. She then orders, and backs up to stand between me and the guy standing 2m to my right. I feel like saying "FFS, we're making massive sacrifices mostly so your generation don't all die, and you can't be arsed keeping the social distancing that we all are". But my order is ready and I just tut, walk forwards, pay, leave.

Then today, the queue at the local Morrisons must be over 200 long. No doubt people buying BBQ stuff. I drive onto Tesco about half a mile away... queue even bigger, around 300m long. On I go. Aldi similar, so is ASDA. And then, Lidl. No queue. Great! I get a trolley, apply my hand gel and some to the handle, and enter. I can see why there's no queue... there's no enforcement of maximum numbers. I decide to make the best of it but half the people don't even bother with any pretence of social distancing. I fill my trolley and head to the tills. Oddly, everyone queuing now rigidly observes 2m distancing. Once through, I move to a space on the packing shelf, on the end leaving 2m to the person to the side of me. Someone quickly plonks themselves in the gap to fill their bags. I shuffle right to the end, but some women with 2 packs of flowers (essential...? ), puts one down almost on my bag, and proceeds to tear off the price label on the other whilst stood a foot away from me, then repeats with the other.

I figure after 4 weeks of doing a decent job of keeping myself out of harm's way, today and last night has potentially undone all that.

And not wanting to sound snobbish, but without exception the people not bothering with social distancing look like they're from the 'DE' social demographic.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Good post Saint 


I can relate to that , and yes I go out shopping twice maybe three times a week but adhere to every rule going and wear a mask when in the shop and I scan so don't have to deal with a cashier 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 14:18:36

Can I just say this phrase lockdown

There hasn't been one , so why are people using it , a large % of the population has carried on working , people have  been walking around since day one and continue to do so .

Its been restrictions with a " please do " from the government 

A lockdown would have slowed the virus dramatically by now , instead we are still seeing 500 , 600 , 700 + deaths a day .

The whole of the UK should have been shut and I mean shut for the two weeks of Easter just 8 working days 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Yes, it's more of a shutdown. Only the Chinese locked down the people in their homes in Hubei, but I doubt that'd be possible here. 

The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 14:20:52

 Psycho bitch Priti being wheeled out today to threaten lockdown breakers

Yet the govt is allowing DIY shops, car manufacturing and building sites to re-open, all of which will increase traffic and transport use and human contact

The mixed messaging is partly to blame for this crumbling of lockdown.

Like Saint, there are massive queues outside all the supermarkets round here

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Joe Bloggs
25 April 2020 14:23:18

Can I just say this phrase lockdown

There hasn't been one , so why are people using it , a large % of the population has carried on working , people have  been walking around since day one and continue to do so .

Its been restrictions with a " please do " from the government 

A lockdown would have slowed the virus dramatically by now , instead we are still seeing 500 , 600 , 700 + deaths a day .

The whole of the UK should have been shut and I mean shut for the two weeks of Easter just 8 working days 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

A true lockdown means no shops open, even food shops, and nobody is physically allowed to leave their house.

However you’d need the military to help, and the panic buying seen a month or so ago would have been a walk in the park in comparison. The Government would need to deliver food to people’s homes. 

Or do you mean people should be allowed to shop for essentials, but not go out to exercise? Would they be allowed to walk to the shop? How many people? Would families be allowed to walk to the shop together? How far would they be allowed to walk to? Would you be allowed to drive to the shop? 

Once you start thinking about it , it’s more complicated than you realise. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

25 April 2020 14:23:54


Yes, it's more of a shutdown. Only the Chinese locked down the people in their homes in Hubei, but I doubt that'd be possible here. 

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

For the 8 working days of Easter ? really , I have to disagree , sorry 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:23:55

UK data

  • 813 new deaths

  • 23,115 tested

  • 4,913 positive 

25 April 2020 14:24:52

It will be very interesting to see if there is a rise in new cases in a couple of weeks time. If there is I'm not sure where we'd go from there?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Have read quite a lot of speculation but one thing i read which is causing extra concern is what happens if the lockdown being loosened does result in a second wave? What would people's reaction to a second lockdown be? Would they blame the government for getting it wrong? This isn't just a party political concern, if people just decide to not obey a further lockdown then what happens? Call in the heavy mob to enforce lockdown, curfews, etc? I think most people are aware of the seriousness of the situation but will people struggling with little money feel they have already done their bit, especially if they think they have already have covid-19 and so can't get it again etc? 

Edit: and yes, i don't like the term lockdown either. It seems a bit odd to be able to go out for a decent length bike ride in something as severe sounding as a lockdown.

Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:27:37

UK data

  • 813 new deaths

  • 23,115 tested

  • 4,913 positive 


Originally Posted by: Gavin D 


Confirmed rate for positive tests is 21.25%

Heavy Weather 2013
25 April 2020 14:27:45
813 UK deaths
4.9K positive tests

The ‘lockdown’ continues to crumble here when the government should be keeping enforcement going.

What was the point in the extending of the lockdown when you have government ministers briefing the press in private going on about getting back to normality. All this does is influence the public psyche that it’s BAU.

The rush in the UK and Europe to get back to BAU will I fear be our downfall
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
25 April 2020 14:27:47

For the 8 working days of Easter ? really , I have to disagree , sorry 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

You are probably right for Easter. 

The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 14:28:23

this fat, middle-aged chav-looking woman waddles past, mouth-breathing, within 2ft of me,

But then her fat, chav-looking, mouth-breathing daughter also waddles up and stands in front of her, cutting the distance to me. 

And not wanting to sound snobbish, but without exception the people not bothering with social distancing look like they're from the 'DE' social demographic.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Yes, can report similar behaviour, especially inside the shops when there seems to be no consideration of others.

Outside, they seem to behave and the spend the queuing time staring at their phones or talking very loudly to each other or to someone on the phone

Ethnic groups also seem  less good at observing the rules and anecdotally I have seen plenty of household mixing among the Asian and Black families round here


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
25 April 2020 14:28:34


A true lockdown means no shops open, even food shops, and nobody is physically allowed to leave their house.

However you’d need the military to help, and the panic buying seen a month or so ago would have been a walk in the park in comparison. The Government would need to deliver food to people’s homes. 

Or do you mean people should be allowed to shop for essentials, but not go out to exercise? Would they be allowed to walk to the shop? How many people? Would families be allowed to walk to the shop together? How far would they be allowed to walk to? Would you be allowed to drive to the shop? 

Once you start thinking about it , it’s more complicated than you realise. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

We knew this was coming back in January but denied it

With planning why not ? One member of the household to the shop once a week , so that only 2 visits , hardly difficult is it. 

In the harshest of Winters people stay inside so why would the two weeks of Easter be any different .

Yes of course the military would have had to be involved 

Yes I appreciate the logistics would be hard ……………………..but how  hard are the logistics of a relaxation going to be , equally as , but still have to be done.


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
25 April 2020 14:29:18
The confirmed rate for positive tests is the lowest since around March 24th
25 April 2020 14:29:51


You are probably right for Easter. 

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

I cant prove it but I suspect it would have had a big impact 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Phil G
25 April 2020 14:30:03

Wrong type of household cleaner! He did not suggest, he said they would look at, explore, he was 'brainstorming', hoping for a light bulb moment. Ever been in a meeting where brainstorming is going on. It's just saying things out loud in the hope someone gets an idea, a light bulb moment. Could be that someone develops some kit, some filters perhaps containing bleach that destroys the virus before it enters our system.

He did not actually say down bleach. Sorry but it just goes to show how fucking stupid some people are.

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