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27 April 2020 17:13:29

Anyone who thinks they are going on holiday abroad or here this year (unless you have a campervan or second home) think again!!

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

In normal times I visit the UK semi-regularly for work. I've basically accepted this won't happen for 12-18 months. In fact it may be the end of business travel like this for me - airfare tickets were already causing my employer to cut back on travel anyway. The result of this pandemic has been a large investment in VPN and videoconferencing tech and bandwidth across the firm. Being a tech company, almost everyone can work from home. It wouldn't surprise me if some office locations never open again.

I've noticed a number of colleagues commenting how great home working is. I've done it for many years and I'm of the view it's a mixed blessing - there is a honeymoon period which quickly wears off.

In terms of holidays we haven't booked anything. We might be able to get away somewhere in Ontario in late summer but we'll have to see. All a bit of a depressing prospect.

At least the summers here are warm and the winters snowy . Spring can be rubbish though

Lionel Hutz
27 April 2020 17:15:41

I am staggered by the number of apparently intelligent people in The Times comment section, who are lamenting that the proposed 14 day quarantine for those arriving in the UK from overseas (whether nationals or not), will make it almost impossible for them to take a foreign holiday this summer.

I mean - does anybody in his right mind really think that spending a couple of weeks on the Costas or in Greece or Italy or the USA this summer is a viable and sensible proposition? Really?

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Yes, a holiday this summer may be a viable and sensible proposition. Take Greece, for example. They are now recording new infections daily in the teens. It is entirely possible that they may find themselves recording no new daily infections by late June. So a holiday in Greece could be perfectly safe.

Of course, as others have pointed out, tourists from abroad may not be welcome in Greece this summer. Arguably, a system could be put in place where travel between unaffected countries is allowed. However, I expect that most countries will discourage all unnecessary travel as this is the easiest measure to introduce, enforce and monitor. 

August is still a long way off and the situation will undoubtedly be very much better by then. On balance, I expect that there will be a de facto ban on unnecessary journeys throughout Europe until Autumn. However, I think that it's too early to rule out holidays abroad entirely at this stage. 

Lionel Hutz
Nr.Waterford , S E Ireland
68m ASL

27 April 2020 17:16:20


Other countries e.g. Germany and Denmark are sending children back to school so I’d imagine we will follow suit.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Why do you always look at other countries for an answer before knowing what the consequences could be ?

I'd like to think we'd make our own minds up

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

27 April 2020 17:17:17


Other countries e.g. Germany and Denmark are sending children back to school so I’d imagine we will follow suit.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Italy isn't, though (closed 'til September) and the medical advisors in France recommended the same there - Macron overruled them.

The sensible thing to do would be to keep schools closed until half-term. By then we'll have an idea of what's happened in those countries that have re-opened them...

(There's also somewhat less urgency now that exams have been written-off for this academic year. If they were still going ahead, there would have been a mad scramble to open schools as early as possible. Cancelling them early was a sensible move.)

Leysdown, north Kent
27 April 2020 17:17:33


I think it would be a big mistake opening schools before September here.

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

So do I CW said that children do contribute , that is a lot of spreaders running around 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

27 April 2020 17:22:27


Italy isn't, though (closed 'til September) and the medical advisors in France recommended the same there - Macron overruled them.

The sensible thing to do would be to keep schools closed until half-term. By then we'll have an idea of what's happened in those countries that have re-opened them...

(There's also somewhat less urgency now that exams have been written-off for this academic year. If they were still going ahead, there would have been a mad scramble to open schools as early as possible. Cancelling them early was a sensible move.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Good points Darren 

I wonder at what point the thought of " its not worth it now " ...with just a number of weeks left before the Summer holiday?

I'd also say my children are doing masses of work at home and monitored by my seesaw app, which also gives me the ability to make comments and have a discussion with the teacher 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

27 April 2020 17:23:21


Why do you always look at other countries for an answer before knowing what the consequences could be ?

I'd like to think we'd make our own minds up

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Because that’s how we can learn what works and what doesn’t. Denmark is nearly 2 weeks into their kindergarten and primary school children returning so it won’t be long before they (and us) can make an assessment as to how successful or otherwise that has been. I am fairly confident that some form of return to school will happen by June, of course it is just my opinion but I see no reason at present to change it.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
27 April 2020 17:31:37


Because that’s how we can learn what works and what doesn’t. Denmark is nearly 2 weeks into their kindergarten and primary school children returning so it won’t be long before they (and us) can make an assessment as to how successful or otherwise that has been. I am fairly confident that some form of return to school will happen by June, of course it is just my opinion but I see no reason at present to change it.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

Yes but you've said we will follow them , without even knowing what the results are , what's the classroom comparisons ?

Its not as easy as saying ……..…… and so have done it so we should follow 

I suspect Denmark being so small in numbers might find it a lot easier to implement distancing                

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

27 April 2020 17:33:12

Chris W

No doubt children contribute to increasing the R value 

Debate around the world about what contribution do children make to the spread of the virus between families - no data to currently help us.

If children go back to school how much closer to 1( R ) or even tip us above 1 .


Just wondering if the above is enough for the government to keep children off schools until September ?

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

I can well believe it !

My observation around here is that they are likely to be a major factor.   Typically, a  group of nattering Mums and a swarm of kids all intermingling around them.

The chances of  instigating social distancing in infant and primary schools (or whatever the hell they call those schools these days) is  zero.  I'd have more  chance instilling  Social Distancing in my  6-year-old    Springer than I would a 6-year-old kid - seriously !

Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Polar Low
27 April 2020 17:37:28

Much quieter and settled around here today police have succeeded with discussion and understanding of many families stuck in many flats at the Melbourne end. My understanding is no violence this time which can only be a good thing about 20 copper cars swarmed the place last night.

Nice to see, with 2 huge rainbow NHS flag fluttering in the wind at height it feels as if the reset button has been pushed and a reset of peace and understanding about why we need to be all together we are all human after all born to make mistakes a person from the Westlands area called Little Dave who passed from covid  just 59 picture on a flag blows slightly in the wind,

Ill never forget these times.

27 April 2020 17:37:55

A little offering from Caz and myself for when things get heated

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
27 April 2020 17:46:34


Good points Darren 

I wonder at what point the thought of " its not worth it now " ...with just a number of weeks left before the Summer holiday?

I'd also say my children are doing masses of work at home and monitored by my seesaw app, which also gives me the ability to make comments and have a discussion with the teacher 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

[From a primary school perspective] Given that teachers during the six weeks holiday would normally get planning/topic work ready for the first autumn term, I think it makes sense (assuming all is well) to have school reopen then.

Teachers are going to need plenty of notice so they can get everything ready in time and the six week holiday is the perfect time for that. Currently staff are getting to grips with delivery learning online and also fielding phone calls and checking in with families. It is a different normality that is slowly gaining some fluidity and engaging more and more families.

With tests and exams being cancelled it makes sense to continue as we are right up until the end of the summer term. Honestly, why reopen before then? A reopening that is characterised by only a small proportion of the pupil cohort in at a time is just another way of saying we've opened too soon.

In the meantime we should continue with the home learning programmes that teachers are working hard on, delivering an abridged curriculum to those children have to be in school, and giving more than a cursory nod to learning life skills while schools are 'shut' (well, not shut but you know what I mean!)  


edit: Polar Low also makes a good point regarding PPE especially if we open before September!

Polar Low
27 April 2020 17:52:54

Head thinks beginning of June, I think maybe not, Don’t forget how will your teachers and support staff  respond to no PPE or limited supply on any opening,

Think this might be a matter of we are open but say 8 a class, others a different day.

impossible to follow a school academic year like that.

It’s going to be a nightmare what ever,

22 in today btw



Italy isn't, though (closed 'til September) and the medical advisors in France recommended the same there - Macron overruled them.

The sensible thing to do would be to keep schools closed until half-term. By then we'll have an idea of what's happened in those countries that have re-opened them...

(There's also somewhat less urgency now that exams have been written-off for this academic year. If they were still going ahead, there would have been a mad scramble to open schools as early as possible. Cancelling them early was a sensible move.)

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Polar Low
27 April 2020 18:02:01

How much notification do you think is required?



[From a primary school perspective] Given that teachers during the six weeks holiday would normally get planning/topic work ready for the first autumn term, I think it makes sense (assuming all is well) to have school reopen then.

Teachers are going to need plenty of notice so they can get everything ready in time and the six week holiday is the perfect time for that. Currently staff are getting to grips with delivery learning online and also fielding phone calls and checking in with families. It is a different normality that is slowly gaining some fluidity and engaging more and more families.

With tests and exams being cancelled it makes sense to continue as we are right up until the end of the summer term. Honestly, why reopen before then? A reopening that is characterised by only a small proportion of the pupil cohort in at a time is just another way of saying we've opened too soon.

In the meantime we should continue with the home learning programmes that teachers are working hard on, delivering an abridged curriculum to those children have to be in school, and giving more than a cursory nod to learning life skills while schools are 'shut' (well, not shut but you know what I mean!)  


edit: Polar Low also makes a good point regarding PPE especially if we open before September!

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Northern Sky
27 April 2020 18:02:29


Because that’s how we can learn what works and what doesn’t. Denmark is nearly 2 weeks into their kindergarten and primary school children returning so it won’t be long before they (and us) can make an assessment as to how successful or otherwise that has been. I am fairly confident that some form of return to school will happen by June, of course it is just my opinion but I see no reason at present to change it.

Originally Posted by: speckledjim 

It's possible that we could see schools opening in some form in June. Chris Whitty seemed (quite rightly) cautious about it though. Perhaps a phased return with fewer pupils might work?

From a personal perspective I'm intrigued to see how my own school will tackle this. I work in a SEN school and the vast majority of our children have zero understanding of social distancing or even basic hygiene. It would be impossible to implement any distancing measures and I can't see how any PPE would be possible either. Add to that the fact that most of our kids are bussed in with escorts, many of whom are retired people. 

I was encouraged by the report from Australia although as Nick R pointed out there are question marks over it. 

If children can act as 'super spreaders' then opening schools is potentially a very dangerous step to take - there have been many studies that show how effective schools can be at spreading viruses. Can you also imagine the outcry if a child were to die from coronavirus caught in school?I would much rather we wait until we have more information. 

27 April 2020 18:02:32
I was discussing some of these issues with a couple of the members of the Scottish parliament’s Education and Skills committee and while the conversation was very helpful I am not sure if there is, as of today, an imminent plan for opening schools. The impression I got at the meeting was that it is very much still based on evidence and we are not at the stage of contemplating phased reopening just yet, although that was not stated explicitly. Of course things may end up being different south of the border.
27 April 2020 18:06:55

How much notification do you think is required?



Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Actually, I'm not sure! That's a question better suited to my teaching colleagues probably. I work as a TA specialising in general class cover and Forest Schools so though I do have stuff to plan, it isn't nearly as comprehensive as what teachers will need to have ready. 

Polar Low
27 April 2020 18:08:48

Special Schools I would imagine would have special arrangements as Ive said before some of those children have immunity issues off their own.

Trying explaining to child with Fragile x or Autism for example about SD I think special arrangements will be made or should be as far as I’m concerned.




It's possible that we could see schools opening in some form in June. Chris Whitty seemed (quite rightly) cautious about it though. Perhaps a phased return with fewer pupils might work?

From a personal perspective I'm intrigued to see how my own school will tackle this. I work in a SEN school and the vast majority of our children have zero understanding of social distancing or even basic hygiene. It would be impossible to implement any distancing measures and I can't see how any PPE would be possible either. Add to that the fact that most of our kids are bussed in with escorts, many of whom are retired people. 

I was encouraged by the report from Australia although as Nick R pointed out there are question marks over it. 

If children can act as 'super spreaders' then opening schools is a potentially a very dangerous step to take - there have been many studies that show how effective schools can be at spreading viruses. Can you also imagine the outcry if a child were to die from coronavirus caught in school?I would much rather we wait until we have more information. 

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Gavin D
27 April 2020 18:30:52
26,355 tested

4,310 positive

Confirmed rate is 16.35%
27 April 2020 18:34:53

Head thinks beginning of June, I think maybe not, Don’t forget how will your teachers and support staff  respond to no PPE or limited supply on any opening,

Think this might be a matter of we are open but say 8 a class, others a different day.

impossible to follow a school academic year like that.

It’s going to be a nightmare what ever,

22 in today btw



Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

Yes and of course that's another point , as we know children carry the virus around and spread it , surely to god teachers HAVE to have PPE 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Gavin D
27 April 2020 18:35:28
Pillar 1 - 2,730

Pillar 2 - 1,580

Total - 4,310
27 April 2020 18:58:57
We are approaching a situation where countries such as NZ have essentially eradicated the virus. They are living with full day to day freedoms. Meanwhile, we are in lockdown and staring down the barrel of months if not longer with at least some forms of restriction on life - contact, jobs, schooling, gatherings.

Just contemplate that: one government's decisions has given their population normality; while we will be seeing a severe limiting of our lives for some time. That's a pretty big contrast in nature and quality of life. Sobering.
[email protected]
Polar Low
27 April 2020 19:04:29

On the flip side one of the problems being expressed especially those in early years are the possible mental health issues that maybe will come to the surface if all teachers and support staff have PPE it’s difficult to explain to a 5 year old that your Teacher or Tim has to wear PPE all day and everyday until further notice without raising unnecessary distress and concern to someone so young.


So its very difficult and concerning all round.



Yes and of course that's another point , as we know children carry the virus around and spread it , surely to god teachers HAVE to have PPE 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
27 April 2020 19:06:23

From the point of view of a former secondary school manager aka Deputy Head, I wouldn't want to re-open schools before half-term (1) to see how other countries had managed (2) to cope with the complicated logistics of re-timetabling all the classes to maintain 2 metres of separation (most of our classrooms were designed to take 30 children and most classes had indeed got that number (3)this to include an assesment of how effective work done at home has been (science practicals anyone?) (4) to get hold ofPPE equipment for the teachers (bearing in mind that the only person I know who has died of CV was a former colleague)

I wouldn't be unhappy if classes didn't restart until September.

War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
27 April 2020 19:08:21

From the point of view of a former secondary school manager aka Deputy Head, I wouldn't want to re-open schools before half-term (1) to see how other countries had managed (2) to cope with the complicated logistics of re-timetabling all the classes to maintain 2 metres of separation (most of our classrooms were designed to take 30 children and most classes had indeed got that number (3)this to include an assesment of how effective work done at home has been (science practicals anyone?) (4) to get hold ofPPE equipment for the teachers (bearing in mind that the only person I know who has died of CV was a former colleague)

I wouldn't be unhappy if classes didn't restart until September.

Originally Posted by: DEW 

All very valid and important points David. 

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