This isn't biased. From the referendum to the December election, every day the BBC website published anti Brexit stories which always contained the words could, might, perhaps etc and followed these up on TV. It was every day, well over a thousand days of propoganda. When these stories were found to be untrue, there was nothing, no apology, but these stories had served a purpose because the strategy was if you tell a story enough times, it must be true. When it came to interviews, the BBC could not help themselves argueueing with leavers.
John Humphrey's on his leaving the BBC:
"John Humphrys has lifted the lid on the BBC's "institutional liberal bias" and accused the corporation of being out of touch with the nation in his memoir.
The veteran broadcaster, who retired from Radio 4's Today show two days ago, says bosses "badly failed" to read the public's mood on Brexit and "simply could not grasp" why anybody voted Leave.
In an extract published in The Daily Mail on Saturday, he recalled the morning after the referendum, writing: "Leave had won – and this was not what the BBC had expected. Nor what it wanted.
"No nods and smiles when the big bosses appeared. No attempt to pretend that this was anything other than a disaster."
There you go, from a horses mouth. It was funny to see the BBC presenters faces post December election. Smacked arses, restrained, muted, personality transplants. The BBC tried to influence the public telling them what they should be thinking. As far as I am concerned the quicker they get rid of as many of the unaccepting hard left wing remainers there the better. Being centre right I can acknowledge both sides, but when it comes to the Guardian they are so extreme left wing and unaccepting of the other side, you can never make them see your point of view.
Originally Posted by: Phil G