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27 January 2021 21:52:01



Go to snow depth inches. Saturday afternoon . In change parameters.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

And..Thanks also!

27 January 2021 21:52:39
The question is will we still see all this on the 18z and the following 00z.

It seems that we keep loosing the momentum, and by the morning we are back almost to square one.
Crepuscular Ray
27 January 2021 22:00:11
But then you watch Tomasz and he's concentrating on the mild air, 'like Spring' today and tomorrow and after a cooldown over the weekend it will turn mild all next week. Bit of white stuff on the map tomorrow and Sunday but don't worry, more likely to be sleet! He's doing my head in!
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
27 January 2021 22:00:25
Finally after banging on about the chances of prolonged very cold to deep cold for over about three weeks (seems longer) it looks as if the wait may finally be over. Not including this weekends possible snow events ( icon trending more amplified and colder, with more areas at risk this weekend) we are still talking 8 to 10 day range for the really cold air to kick in so looking at trends rather than detail. I am sure by the weekend we will be looking at some crazy synoptics both for cold and snow.
Overnight and morning runs seem less amplified I wonder if this is anything to do with covid and less flight data perhaps. Or am I talking rubbish !
27 January 2021 22:15:53

 Or am I talking rubbish !

Originally Posted by: DPower 

A bit too optimistic if you ask me... 

Neilston 600ft ASL
sunny coast
27 January 2021 22:21:45

But then you watch Tomasz and he's concentrating on the mild air, 'like Spring' today and tomorrow and after a cooldown over the weekend it will turn mild all next week. Bit of white stuff on the map tomorrow and Sunday but don't worry, more likely to be sleet! He's doing my head in!

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 


  yes I saw that he has been particularly irritating the last few nights ! Really ramping up the mild conditions set to dominate in the south for the next week or so apart from a blip at the weekend even then he said much too mild for snow ! 

Whether Idle
27 January 2021 22:28:59


  yes I saw that he has been particularly irritating the last few nights ! Really ramping up the mild conditions set to dominate in the south for the next week or so apart from a blip at the weekend even then he said much too mild for snow ! 

Originally Posted by: sunny coast 

Tomasz requires re-education, some time spent in a dark room; with a flashlight in the hands of Rob McElwee should do it.

Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Brian Gaze
27 January 2021 22:37:02

Saturday now looks more interesting than Sunday in these parts.

In the longer term there's still a signal for high pressure to be more influential on the UK's weather. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Snow Hoper
27 January 2021 22:38:02
Having a Low pressure stuck off the East Coast for over 20hrs (192hrs onwards) on the GFSP would be mad😳
Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Snow Hoper
27 January 2021 22:41:41

Having a Low pressure stuck off the East Coast for over 20hrs (192hrs onwards) on the GFSP would be mad😳

Originally Posted by: Snow Hoper 

Its actually there alot earlier before travelling back west around 240hrs.

One can but dream.

Going to war over religion is like killing each other to see who has the better imaginary friend.

Home : Thorndon, Suffolk.
Crepuscular Ray
27 January 2021 22:47:14
Tomasz says too difficult to call, maybe a bit of sleet as a weak white blob moved west over south Wales. I think he's making his own graphics up
Edinburgh, in the frost hollow below Blackford Hill
27 January 2021 22:51:09

Finally after banging on about the chances of prolonged very cold to deep cold for over about three weeks (seems longer) it looks as if the wait may finally be over. Not including this weekends possible snow events ( icon trending more amplified and colder, with more areas at risk this weekend) we are still talking 8 to 10 day range for the really cold air to kick in so looking at trends rather than detail. I am sure by the weekend we will be looking at some crazy synoptics both for cold and snow.
Overnight and morning runs seem less amplified I wonder if this is anything to do with covid and less flight data perhaps. Or am I talking rubbish !

Originally Posted by: DPower 

I can't see any of this in the charts or the forecasts to be honest. What evidence are you basing this on?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
27 January 2021 22:53:59


  yes I saw that he has been particularly irritating the last few nights ! Really ramping up the mild conditions set to dominate in the south for the next week or so apart from a blip at the weekend even then he said much too mild for snow ! 

Originally Posted by: sunny coast 

The truth hurts sometimes !

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Rob K
27 January 2021 23:05:55
Parallel run really seems to be picking up on the trend for another far west based NAO. History repeating? Promising synoptics soon scuppered by the high heading to Canada.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
27 January 2021 23:26:21

The short range 18z GFS ensemble data are quite impressive up here 

27 January 2021 23:37:44

Tomasz says too difficult to call, maybe a bit of sleet as a weak white blob moved west over south Wales. I think he's making his own graphics up

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

Yes - i said in the media thread - also he never mentioned about the cold later next week as models have shown from 3/4th Feb. Just double figure temperatures and turning milder and wetter.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

27 January 2021 23:50:00
18z ENS for London has shifted colder so far the ENS mean AVG for instance on 6th Feb is -6.2c in comparison with the 12z for 6th of February of -4.3c - A shift to colder on that day by almost 2.0c.
Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2021 00:02:41

Just looking through different ENS runs for Sat 6th Feb: - Quite a few go down to or even below the -10c @850hpa and usually this is a recipe for ice days.

P30 - Sat 6th Feb:

P8: - Sat 6th Feb:

P28: - Uppers of -10c and that Atlantic system could bring significant snow:


Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2021 00:15:48

The stuff dreams are made of.

maybe would break 850s records ?


28 January 2021 00:20:12

The short range 18z GFS ensemble data are quite impressive up here 

Although not as impressive as for you, I’m delighted to see a quite healthy precip spike for Saturday here with temps around 0c

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


28 January 2021 00:41:25

18z ENS for London has shifted colder so far the ENS mean AVG for instance on 6th Feb is -6.2c in comparison with the 12z for 6th of February of -4.3c - A shift to colder on that day by almost 2.0c.

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

Indeed Tally. And this set does show a more co-ordinated cluster for a while from Feb 6th. Previous dips in the mean have been less meaninful as they were the average of a much wider spread. This may be of more significance.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 January 2021 00:51:00

The stuff dreams are made of.

maybe would break 850s records ?


Originally Posted by: JRobinson 

P22 - wow! Just had to share this chart before it vanishes. Uppers of -18.6c for London - If only?

Meanwhile the 18z ENS for London: - P22 is of course and outlier but still.. to look at is eye candy?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2021 00:55:50


Indeed Tally. And this set does show a more co-ordinated cluster for a while from Feb 6th. Previous dips in the mean have been less meaninful as they were the average of a much wider spread. This may be of more significance.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Yes caution is needed however we have several more ENS members going down to and below the -10c from 5th February than previous runs and this is before the freezer run of P22 which brings the -20c isotherm (uppers into the SE) in FI range - will suit Steve - aka Gusty.  

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2021 03:11:01

Tomasz says too difficult to call, maybe a bit of sleet as a weak white blob moved west over south Wales. I think he's making his own graphics up

Originally Posted by: Crepuscular Ray 

His hair is a clear sign he's been possessed by Codge.. 

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