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Ally Pally Snowman
28 January 2021 08:22:52

I'm liking GEM's take on the Saturday snow event gives my area a few Cms. Ecm is similar not quite as good.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Joe Bloggs
28 January 2021 08:23:03



Obviously nothing is ever certain but an easterly is looking likely this morning.  ECM mean at day 9.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

I share all the concerns this morning but that is a very, very good mean. 

Of course the EPS could be completely wrong but for a mean chart that is a very clear signal. 

I like the way the focus of cold is an eastern Scotland as it means there’s the chance of a proper easterly (rather than one with HP over the UK with an easterly through the channel). 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

28 January 2021 08:23:43

After our easterly cold it will dive to East Med after having a very warm spell prior to that and Cyprus just very close to -10C near the coast with -8C over the island giving possible heavy snow in Nicosia over night since 4th Feb 1950 at -10C uppers and 45cm.  I know is far away in FI but if you are living there you have higher chance of getting it than the UK for FI charts to come off.  

28 January 2021 08:24:20
The ECM mean on 0z at 240 hours is very, very encouraging. It's not something you would see very often, with anomalous heights to our north and an Easterly wind with 850s close to or below -5c.
This sort of mean is something that does generate interest in me, because it suggests a higher than normal level of agreement.
Couple that with the other big 3 all looking largely similar means there is a lot more hope of a significant cold spell brewing.
And no, my account hasn't been hacked, this really is me! 🤣
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
28 January 2021 08:29:03
Decent looking charts, the chase is on and interest levels high. If you can’t enjoy chasing then might as well just look out the window every morning. Decent easterly please
28 January 2021 08:46:59

A metric I use when tracking easterlies (been rare recently) is the De Bilts. For a location in Holland but a good signal for impending easterlies.
The dps have dipped which is good but 2m Ts not quite in the cold easterly range at the moment. You need to be seeing at least -5s in De Bilt (a la the extended control) to pretty much guarantee convective snow here.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Rob K
28 January 2021 08:59:40
Meanwhile for this weekend the trusty iPhone app (which picked out last Sunday’s snow over a week ahead, albeit after quite a few false alarms earlier in winter!) has now got 100% chance of snow on Saturday and 60% on Sunday, with the temperature down to 3C both days now.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
28 January 2021 09:04:00


At least now is 6 days countdown for the drop than over 10 days away, if wasn't the interfering mild blip it would be today the last day of mild weather.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 


Slight backtrack in cold uppers around the 6th otherwise trend is the same ...for it to turn colder from 4th or 5th but there appears to be more scatter than in the 18z ens. But good to see some sub -10c uppers.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

28 January 2021 09:37:13

If anyone cares the -10°C.t850hPa count for here on the 00z GFS suite was an impressive 25, which is the highest I have counted so far. Lots more cool or even cold rain, thanks to the easterly influence.  (And yes with -10°C t850s it can still rain here when there is an easterly component).

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Have you ever thought of moving 10 or 20 miles inland? It would probably make a huge difference. (And the same question goes to our Folkestone and Solent correspondents.)

Cranleigh, Surrey
28 January 2021 09:44:44

ECM clusters on 7th Feb consist of 3 groups all showing eaterlies


Greasby, Wirral.
28 January 2021 09:47:00

 Have you ever thought of moving 10 or 20 miles inland? It would probably make a huge difference. (And the same question goes to our Folkestone and Solent correspondents.)

Originally Posted by: jhall 

No need. I just get in the car and drive for 5 minutes to get my snow kicks. 

Believe it or not I've experienced 4 snow events here at this balmy SE coast location (not massive, just a cm or two) just a few minutes away from my back yard this winter.

4th December, 8th January, 16th January and 25th January. 

With potentially more again this weekend for a time before it turns milder again.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

28 January 2021 09:52:31


Have you ever thought of moving 10 or 20 miles inland? It would probably make a huge difference. (And the same question goes to our Folkestone and Solent correspondents.)

Originally Posted by: jhall 

Whilst my esteemed friend Michael carefully considers his response, I’ll briefly give you my position. I’m as aware as anyone living in this locale of the sometimes dramatic differences in winter  in only a few miles, but I confess the draw of the ocean will always win over the odd elevation related snowfall. If I couldn’t walk down to the sea, especially in the Covid era, I’d probably go mad.

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
28 January 2021 10:05:05



32 members going sub -10c 850s within 24 hours 

Originally Posted by: JRobinson 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 January 2021 10:06:23


Cold cluster starting around the 5th. Lots of spread though



Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

True but around the 6th a lot of the spread is at the cold end of the scale.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 January 2021 10:11:06

Not sure there has been much of a change to get people excited has there? The GFS still has the Azores high hanging around like an unwelcome guest, while the parallel is still shifting everything a couple of thousand miles too far west.

ECM looks better than it has done but then it flips so much run to run at 240 hours at the moment.

I certainly can’t see any decisive swing to cold which I was expecting having read the comments on here this morning.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Considering what people were getting excited about before it is! The reason is the GFS ensemble mean has shown a colder trend for two consecutive runs now and the mean is somewhat more valid anyway as there is a more distinct cluster. It is the most significant cold trend in the mid term for a while. I agree though, you wouldn't call it as decisive.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
28 January 2021 10:22:38


Have you ever thought of moving 10 or 20 miles inland? It would probably make a huge difference. (And the same question goes to our Folkestone and Solent correspondents.)

Originally Posted by: jhall 

Many times actually 🙂 But the house prices go up significantly the further north in Hampshire you go. Plus these days with having kids, the disruption in relocating is undesirable. Sometimes (not often) we get it lucky - The memorable 02/12/2010 snowfall deposited far more on the coastal areas than it did further inland.

Hedge End, Hampshire, 26m asl
The Beast from the East
28 January 2021 10:23:20

Meanwhile for this weekend the trusty iPhone app (which picked out last Sunday’s snow over a week ahead, albeit after quite a few false alarms earlier in winter!) has now got 100% chance of snow on Saturday and 60% on Sunday, with the temperature down to 3C both days now.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

That does surprise me, I'm not expecting anything other than cold rain down here. later next week is when our turn may come

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 January 2021 10:24:50


Whilst my esteemed friend Michael carefully considers his response, I’ll briefly give you my position. I’m as aware as anyone living in this locale of the sometimes dramatic differences in winter  in only a few miles, but I confess the draw of the ocean will always win over the odd elevation related snowfall. If I couldn’t walk down to the sea, especially in the Covid era, I’d probably go mad.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 


Very much this (what Neil said) and the proximity to amenities work etc. far outweighs any hobby like snow-chasing, which I can normally do when it doesn't come to me. Or at least when we're not in a pandemic with travel restrictions.

I'm afraid, I'm just going to have to stick to the moaning until winter arrives.  It would be no fun if it were straightforward, although even my tolerance of cold grey nothingness is running out.

Anyway back to the models. Cold grey nothingness sums it up. 

The Beast from the East
28 January 2021 10:27:23

GFS says rain down here

Modele GFS - Carte prévisions

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 January 2021 10:27:58
GFS has my favourite weather event rain to snow as the cold undercuts. Looks like a decent run for a cold spell
The Beast from the East
28 January 2021 10:29:09

GFS op poor and shows how it can go wrong

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Arbroath 1320
28 January 2021 10:29:35
The Beast from the East
28 January 2021 10:30:37

typical. we always find a way to grab defeat 

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
28 January 2021 10:31:04


Whilst my esteemed friend Michael carefully considers his response, I’ll briefly give you my position. I’m as aware as anyone living in this locale of the sometimes dramatic differences in winter  in only a few miles, but I confess the draw of the ocean will always win over the odd elevation related snowfall. If I couldn’t walk down to the sea, especially in the Covid era, I’d probably go mad.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 


Indeed, I can identify with that completely...Having lived in Chi for nearly 20 years, I quickly worked out that the chances of snow here are very limited.. but we have a great climate here [apart from lack snow] and proximity to Chi Harbour and the south downs...[where the chances of snow increases from minimal to slighttongue-out I've been fortunate too, to have some winter walking Alpine breaks in Austria/Germany and Switzerland that more than compensates for the lack of snow here.. and the prospect of longer days, spring bulbs that are just getting close to bursting out... and cherry blossom...and my increasing age... so definitely no plans to move to a snowier area, much as I still love the white stuff!

Rob K
28 January 2021 10:31:45
GFS op sinks the Scandi high but there may be a second bite on the way.

Parallel looks similar to its previous run but everything a bit further south.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
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