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Tim A
29 January 2021 08:39:52
The Met Office 6 to 12 day update will be interesting today.To present they have seen the possibility of wintry outbreak associated with high pressure to the North towards the end of the 12 days whereas some of the decent charts posted today show it much earlier.
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
29 January 2021 08:54:00

ECM Op made me laugh this morning - I checked the ens first and saw the red line towards the bottom of the pack, so was expecting some pretty pixels

GFS seems largely similar to where it has been for a little while - decent chance of cold mid term IMBY but by no means certain. The arrival of the cold air in the South has been nudged back a day or two, as mentioned by Rob yesterday which isn't great for down here but the signal for cold in Scotland is stronger and they're generally in colder air throughout with a less certain warm up signal in deep FI.

GEM as mentioned isn't as good as it has been for the South with HP settling too close to the UK and cutting the cold feed off fairly quickly. It would be dry and crisp though which isn't a bad thing given how sodden it is at the moment.

Overall the issue seems to be not dissimilar to our departed chilly/cold period - how strong is the initial HP build, how far south does the jet end up and does the HP tend to wander towards Canada allowing the Atlantic to spin up warmer air for the South in particular. Ideally I'd say we need the jet to keep pushing LPs through southern Europe rather than stalling the Atlantic ala the 00z GFS op as all that does is fire up a big LP which pushes milder air through the Southern half of the UK after the initial cold blast. Either that or we need the LP to stall in a way that helps inflate pressure over Greenland allowing a reload from the North East.

At the moment I'd tend to say in the South it's wobbling around 60/40 in favour of at least 3-4 days of cold uppers down here mid term, with a much higher chance in Scotland, probably 85/15 and with the duration of the cold also being longer the further North you are. 

Not a bad place to be but definitely plenty of time for corrections to placement and strength of the HP build to put us back in a chilly/mild and wet pattern down here, so caution definitely needed for 3-4 days at least given the onset of the colder air down here has been pushed back a touch.




Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
Ally Pally Snowman
29 January 2021 09:05:45

De Bilts getting there but not there yet.
EC OP also on the cold side of the envelope so more reasons for caution.
Originally Posted by: nsrobins 



Hopefully a case of Op and control leading the way because most ensembles not as good. Looks like De Bilt  has the same issue as southern England with the coldest weather staying further north.

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Jive Buddy
29 January 2021 09:22:15


Lots of even colder rain/drizzle here. I would rather have a slack mild westerly flow than this. never ending cool easterly muck. 

2cm of slush would be an upgrade. 

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Old "Muck"Doc-cold :D


It's not over, until the fat Scandy sinks.....

Location: St. Mary Cray, S.E. London border with Kent.
The Beast from the East
29 January 2021 09:28:26


GEM as mentioned isn't as good as it has been for the South with HP settling too close to the UK and cutting the cold feed off fairly quickly. It would be dry and crisp though which isn't a bad thing given how sodden it is at the moment.


Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

It was the first to pick this up, so has to be taken seriously. Sad, but could be onto something

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
29 January 2021 09:28:52

Brian mentions a possible attack from the SW later in the run from GFS , I'm happy with that ...sort of , it can deliver big snowfall amounts and sometimes struggle , all a very long way off though and lots to look forward to but we need to get the cold here first .

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 January 2021 09:32:00


Old "Muck"Doc-cold :D


Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

 Good evening JB.


Joe Bloggs
29 January 2021 09:41:27


Old "Muck"Doc-cold :D


Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Oh Christ look who it is 😀😀😀

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

29 January 2021 09:57:29

Ensembles firming up on a cold spell from 6th of February but also more support for it being a 3-4 day wonder. I'd take that at this stage if I eventually got some lying snow.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
29 January 2021 09:59:42


Old "Muck"Doc-cold :D


Originally Posted by: Jive Buddy 

Old School synoptics deserve old school posters 😂

Hello stranger 😎

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
29 January 2021 10:03:32


Obviously one's views will be tempered depending on the location. Down here, with 5¼ inches of mostly cold rain this month I would welcome even a 3-day easterly blast right now. Further north, where there's been rather more snow in the mix, things may well be different!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

After a further 23mm in the last 24hrs looks like we are about to be hit by another clump of torrential rain this morning!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Ally Pally Snowman
29 January 2021 10:06:54

Ensembles firming up on a cold spell from 6th of February but also more support for it being a 3-4 day wonder. I'd take that at this stage if I eventually got some lying snow.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

I think there is huge uncertainty still at the moment of just how cold it's going to get. I wouldn't be surprised if we see whole ensemble sets flip colder over the next couple of days. Maybe even flip milder if we are unlucky. 

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
29 January 2021 10:10:52

BBC being very optimistic last night about the prospects of a very cold easterly, backed up  by though perhaps less emphasis on the 'very'.


Originally Posted by: DEW 

Yes, the longer outlook on the above chart is actually milder than yesterday. So some caution still needed. But that could be due to a warming trend later in that period. 

Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
29 January 2021 10:12:26


I think there is huge uncertainty still at the moment of just how cold it's going to get. I wouldn't be surprised if we see whole ensemble sets flip colder over the next couple of days. Maybe even flip milder if we are unlucky. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 


Yes . I like the model this morning esp the ECM  but caution is needed. What annoys me is the fact that the closer we get to the more reliable time frame in the models the more the uncertainty continues when we should have more certainty and cross model ageeement we have the opposite. 😠 a bit frustrating really. Also the latter stages if the model look milder. 

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

  • GezM
  • Advanced Member
29 January 2021 10:16:29

The GFS 00Z Op run gives us southerners a Colorado like temperature flip on Feb 10th. 850Pa temps jump from -8C to +5C in 24 hours. That would be quite a day if it verified:

Living in St Albans, Herts (116m asl)
Working at Luton Airport, Beds (160m asl)
29 January 2021 10:27:01
On a knife edge for the South on this run milder air is a lot closer. Midlands northwards is very cold
29 January 2021 10:33:55

Surely not a northerly? 

This is shaping up to be another cold run in FI by the look of things.

29 January 2021 10:34:42

Surely not a northerly? 

This is shaping up to be another cold run in FI by the look of things.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

Yep a decent run by the looks of things 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

29 January 2021 10:35:59

Has the daily express run a story on “beast from the east “ and "snowmaggedan” yet, if so , it’s doomed 🤣🤣

Location Whisky 🥃 country, Cragganmore ,Moray, 440 AMSL
29 January 2021 10:36:40

On a knife edge for the South on this run milder air is a lot closer. Midlands northwards is very cold

Originally Posted by: ballamar 

There's always a bit of a risk in this type of setup - we need LP over the continent to help advect cold our way and to inject a bit more moisture/energy in to the mix but if this is a little too far North or orientated so it drags up too much milder air from southern Europe, things go a bit wrong for the far south.

Up to T210 the 6z op just about keeps the far south east in cold enough air that despite the warmer uppers it's snow not rain, whereas areas very slightly further North are under much colder uppers with no concerns. Post that point things look to warm IMBY though as the main cold pool moves through and we draw up slightly milder air. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from here.

Overall pattern though is good and the trend is good so far at least - get the pattern to T72 or so and then worry about how cold and any precip

Home: Tunbridge Wells
Work: Tonbridge
29 January 2021 10:36:49

The 06z is rolling out. It's like pulling hen's teeth trying to get that cold across the line in the South. This weekend doesn't look cold enough for snow South of Norfolk and the Midlands although more marginal muck is possible further south. The Easterly remains on a knife edge for the South in terms of depth of cold. We really need the high to sink and the low over France to do the same. In years gone by the low over France would be great as it would drag in cold continental air but it is perilously close to dragging up the hot air from Europe sourced from East Africa! 50 miles further North and that low could wreck it for the south. On the other hand it gives the potential for copious amounts of snow anywhere in the UK. It really is going to be a nail biter in a weeks time. 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
29 January 2021 10:38:06

Another variation on the theme from the 6z, with the +ve height anomaly heading from Greenland, day 11 on will be pretty outrageous.

From December 27th 2020, zonality will be banned from mixing with the UK. We appreciate that this may come as a shock to younger people and old Uncle Barty. This ban will last for a minimum of ten days.
29 January 2021 10:42:15


There's always a bit of a risk in this type of setup - we need LP over the continent to help advect cold our way and to inject a bit more moisture/energy in to the mix but if this is a little too far North or orientated so it drags up too much milder air from southern Europe, things go a bit wrong for the far south.

Up to T210 the 6z op just about keeps the far south east in cold enough air that despite the warmer uppers it's snow not rain, whereas areas very slightly further North are under much colder uppers with no concerns. Post that point things look to warm IMBY though as the main cold pool moves through and we draw up slightly milder air. It'll be interesting to see where it goes from here.

Overall pattern though is good and the trend is good so far at least - get the pattern to T72 or so and then worry about how cold and any precip

Originally Posted by: Hippydave 

Simultaneous post almost identical post to mine 9 secs apart! Same S.E perspective, IMBY but we have fared the worst this winter in every way!

S.Essex, 42m ASL
29 January 2021 10:44:23

I may believe this if wass at +12hr 

29 January 2021 10:47:20
Crazy FI run on the Op today would cause a few issues nationwide!
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