Just in case. Warm, dry modeled till 192h GFS ;)
Please mods excuse me for going off topic, I'm usually a just a reader., you'll probably throw this out or at best place in UIA.
1976 from memory seemed to be just a long warm to hot summer. No rain fell at all till end of August and 75 was a decent summer too.
The very warm dry weather of 76(correct me if I'm wrong) was nationwide.
However this summer has not been nationwide has it?
The hot and continuous dry weather has been mainly in the South East, England, and South East Wales. (Although recently we did have a night of some rain)
Somehow this year is very different from all the other years including 76.
I read the posts, I very rarely post anything on here as I'm not up with the
Science, I don't understand the weather technobab on here, so don't want to make an even bigger fool than I already am.(btw you may have noticed my speeling nad grammer are rubbish on account I was hardly in school, not for bunking off, but for good sound reasons).
I'm more of the folk lore type i.e. I can smell when snow coming a mile off.
Believe it or not I have danced the occasional rain dance, which to my shock and those around me has worked several times. (I won't do it now as I selfishly want the warm dry weather to continue, (That speaks volumes) and that’s as far as my weather credentials go.
To be honest at my age (even though I still feel like I'm still 18), I find it increasingly difficult to want to be around on this planet anymore as this feels like I'm in an alternate dimension, I’ve been transported to this strange planet, partly populated with Big brother idiots and the various countries lead by numpties.
I've been saying for years they should sink more reservoirs, but after summer 76, most of the summers (bar a few freaks) have been a wash out. (Hence why, I want the hot dry weather to continue.)
All the wet winters and crap summers we’ve had, I would say the thinking of corporate water is that we don’t need to fix the leaks or sink anymore reservoirs, but instead, let’s keep the profits for ourselves and the Shareholders. (Viva renationalisation as privatisation was and is a con). ( and that’s from one who has always voted conservative, not anymore). Thank you JC J
Edited by user
06 August 2022 11:25:56
Reason: Not specified
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