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Hungry Tiger
17 August 2013 19:39:51

Good evening. Here is the report on the midday outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for tonight Saturday August 17th 2013.

All models show the UK lying under a Westerly flow with fronts leaving the SE tonight. Tomorrow will see the Westerly flow carry showers across the UK with rising pressure through the day across the South. As we move into the new week further Low pressure could continue to give the North and West some further rain at times while Southern and Eastern areas become dry and increasingly sunny and warm with High pressure building. From midweek the weather is shown to settle down for all with High pressure moving further North and affecting all of the UK.

GFS then shows pressure falling down to the SW with thundery showers arriving at the start of the weekend and gradually feeding further North and East across the UK. The front eventually clears the East bringing temperatures down to closer the seasonal average as winds turn towards the NW. Towards the end of the run the weather remains somewhat cooler as High pressure reasserts itself to the SW of the UK with West or NW winds blowing down over the UK. Due to the proximity of High pressure to the SW little rain would be likely with any that falls only in the far North and NE. 

There is still very good support within the GFS Ensembles for a sustained period of fine and very warm conditions lasting some time with the operational proving to be a pessimistic member of the pack. There is very little rainfall shown especially in the South.

The Jet Stream shows the current Jet flow across the UK migrating North early next week arriving on Iceland shores where it remains for some considerable time as well as weakening in strength.

UKMO tonight shows High pressure to the NE with a slack area of Low pressure slipping up from the South close to the SW next weekend promoting a few thundery showers down there while most other areas stay dry, sunny and very warm.

GEM tonight shows High pressure holding control from late next week across all of the UK with High pressure never straying far from UK shores. This means that the weather would remain dry, sunny and very warm for most in light winds.

NAVGEM shows Low pressure quickly gaining control of the weather down to the SW of the UK next weekend with outbreaks of rain or thundery showers affecting Southern and Western Britain while Northern and Eastern areas are most likely to stay dry, warm and bright.

ECM tonight looks good for those looking for prolonged warmth as once High pressure sets in over the South at the beginning of the week and to all areas late next week the weather looks like staying dry and very warm with long sunny spells with High pressure centred close to the UK throughout.

In Summary all looks good tonight with all models supportive of high pressure building across the UK from the early to middle part of the coming week. There are a few options which introduce some thundery showers into the South and SW later but already these are less dominant than this morning with ECM in particular looking good for a chance of a very warm and sunny start to September as it's Day 10 chart shows little weakening of the high pressure based pattern for some while beyond term of the run.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Sounds nice to me. If we could get through the Bank Holiday and into September with fine and settled weather - then we could get a very long period of nice weather lasting sevral weeks I would have thought.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

17 August 2013 21:22:20

GFS looks to be the most progressive output with regards to that trough to the SW next weekend. The consensus keeps troughing weaker and/or further SW/S so concerns need not be too great just yet.

The fact that the consensus has trended towards a more settled BH weekend also helps

Hopefully the morning runs will see the GFS 00z move to tonight's 12z consensus rather than the 00z consensus moving to tonight's 12z GFS evolution.

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T-Max: 30.2°C 9th Sep (...!) | T-Min: -7.1°C 22nd & 23rd Jan | Wettest Day: 25.9mm 2nd Nov | Ice Days: 1 (2nd Dec -1.3°C in freezing fog)
Keep Calm and Forecast On
Chiltern Blizzard
17 August 2013 21:48:14

??  Both 8 and 9 days out look hot on the 12z to me.... at least for the SE....

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
17 August 2013 22:33:44

Not liking the 18z at all - Hope its being too progressive.

Matty H
18 August 2013 00:02:38 
Sunday looks hot
Monday is not 

Originally Posted by: Chiltern Blizzard 

?? Both 8 and 9 days out look hot on the 12z to me.... at least for the SE....

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

It's the same chart. As it stands, Sunday actually looks hotter but more unsettled.
Chiltern Blizzard
18 August 2013 06:20:26

Not good at all from GFS on the 00z in medium term - unsettled:


Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
18 August 2013 06:45:44
Nightmare scenario continues for anyone being asked for bh monday predictions re events/plans.

Maybe the best guess is to go with a broad repeat of early august though no confidence whtsoever with the spreads showing a depression off n scotland.
18 August 2013 07:15:58

Looking increasingly likely that the Bank Holiday weekend will see more unsettled conditions with heavy showers and thunderstorms breaking out in places, though some should escape dry. May just be a temporary blip as there looks to still be plenty of high presure around but it seems typical that such a blip should occur for the Bank Holiday weekend (that is, if it does occur).

Matty H
18 August 2013 08:21:41

Looking increasingly likely that the Bank Holiday weekend will see more unsettled conditions with heavy showers and thunderstorms breaking out in places, though some should escape dry. May just be a temporary blip as there looks to still be plenty of high presure around but it seems typical that such a blip should occur for the Bank Holiday weekend (that is, if it does occur).

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Can't really complain. I think every single bank holiday here this year has been warm and sunny. I suppose one of them had to be rubbish in the end.
18 August 2013 08:25:16

Good morning. Here is the weekly detailed report on the midnight outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Sunday August 18th 2013.

The General Situation 5-7 days. The models currently show a Westerly flow across the UK carrying a mix of sunshine and showers for all today. The flow weakens over the next 24 hours as pressure rises from the South with just the North at risk of showers tomorrow while the South stays dry and bright. On Tuesday and Wednesday a small depression is shown to move NE across Scotland carrying rain at times across the North and West. This now looks it could spill further South and East on Wednesday with all areas under a lot of cloud with chiefly light rain at times. By Thursday the weather should of become warmer and drier for 24-48 hrs and although there could be quite large amounts of cloud at times across the UK some good sunny spells will develop and it will feel warm or very warm locally. Very late in the week and more likely over the weekend the weather will slide downhill again, this time from the South or SW as Low pressure develops there with thundery rain or showers edging slowly North and East across some parts of the UK in varying degrees next weekend.

GFS shows the Low complex further north to the west of the UK making the breakdown more widespread and affecting most of the UK by next Monday as it slowly moves East over the UK with many areas then becoming cooler and drier again for most of the extended range with High pressure back down to the SW with a tenuous ridge over the UK. NW winds look the most likely option with a lot of dry weather but some occasional rain in the North with temperatures close to average.

The GFS Ensembles show strong support for a warm up in this coming week with a lot of dry and bright weather. There is also now good support for a spell of potentially wet weather in the South next weekend as Low pressure pulls in from the SW or West. Thereafter there is a lot of spread between the members with an array of options ranging from warm and settled to rather cool NW winds and a little rain at times. This weeks spoiler Low to the NW on Tuesday/Wednesday appears to dilute the sunniest conditions away from UK through the middle of this week too.

The Jet Stream shows the flow across the UK splitting this week with one arm travelling North of the UK and as it does so opens the door to a Southern arm which becomes responsible for carrying next weekends unsettled spell across the UK. Beyond that the flow becomes much weaker and diffuse with one arm travelling North over Greenland and another one East over France and Europe.

UKMO closes it's midnight run with Low pressure positioned over the English Channel and Southern England next Saturday with outbreaks of showery and potentially thundery rain in warm and humid conditions while the North sees the best of drier and bright conditions.

GEM on the other hand brings developments to the NW into play next weekend with the short fine spell extended on rather longer in the South in slack winds before cooler and more changeable conditions come down from the NW at the start of Week 2 with outbreaks of rain or showers in cooler Westerly breezes and temperatures close to average by then.

NAVGEM takes the UKMO and GFS type route developing Low pressure close to SW Britain next weekend with outbreaks of rain and showers developing for the South and West following several warm, sunny snd dry days. The North and East would stay rather drier and warm inland in association with High pressure having moved off to the NE by then.

ECM today shows Low pressure too over the English channel or Northern France next weekend, close enough to the South for cloud and outbreaks of thundery rain to develop. In the North things look like staying more favourable under a slender ridge of High pressure stretched across these areas from the Atlantic. Under this pattern it does appear it would stay reasonably warm though in any brightness.

In Summary today our projected fine and very warm spell has been reduced to something more akin to a warm snap this morning. Problems arise from both the onset of the spell and the end as the spoiler Low he models have struggled with for days seems to get hung up over the UK air mass and leads to a lot of cloud and light rain for all midweek with large amounts of cloud now looking likely into the latter end of the week too for some. Nevertheless there should be a couple of reasonably summer like days late in the week before the second problem arise from developments to the South and/or SW next weekend. It looks likely that Low pressure will develop to the SW of the UK early next weekend with a spell of thundery rain or showers in these areas lasting several days. The north may be OK next weekend as a ridge from one source or another holds sway. Further out is anyone's guess this morning as a cocktail of options are shown but it does look disappointingly for many that this weeks and what was a probable longer prospect of good summer weather has been tempered somewhat on the outputs today.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
18 August 2013 08:27:33

Looking increasingly likely that the Bank Holiday weekend will see more unsettled conditions with heavy showers and thunderstorms breaking out in places, though some should escape dry. May just be a temporary blip as there looks to still be plenty of high presure around but it seems typical that such a blip should occur for the Bank Holiday weekend (that is, if it does occur).

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Can't really complain. I think every single bank holiday here this year has been warm and sunny. I suppose one of them had to be rubbish in the end.

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

True. Our luck had to run out eventually

 I see the media are now "promising" a scorching Bank Holiday. Oh dear.

Gavin P
18 August 2013 08:43:59

[quote=ManUtdMatt1986;524753]. I think every single bank holiday here this year has been warm and sunny.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Yep, May Bank Holidays were warm and sunny.

Easter was like the forzen wastes of Siberia tho.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
18 August 2013 09:27:40

BH now looking cooler than previous charts have shown, still warm though.

Rain around the UK , still time for change

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Steam Fog
18 August 2013 09:32:05

Looking increasingly likely that the Bank Holiday weekend will see more unsettled conditions with heavy showers and thunderstorms breaking out in places, though some should escape dry. May just be a temporary blip as there looks to still be plenty of high presure around but it seems typical that such a blip should occur for the Bank Holiday weekend (that is, if it does occur).

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

Can't really complain. I think every single bank holiday here this year has been warm and sunny. I suppose one of them had to be rubbish in the end.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

True. Our luck had to run out eventually

 I see the media are now "promising" a scorching Bank Holiday. Oh dear.

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

It's still a week away, you're talking as if it has already happenned.

Polar Low
18 August 2013 09:38:09

Thanks Martin

Good morning. Here is the weekly detailed report on the midnight outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Sunday August 18th 2013.

The General Situation 5-7 days. The models currently show a Westerly flow across the UK carrying a mix of sunshine and showers for all today. The flow weakens over the next 24 hours as pressure rises from the South with just the North at risk of showers tomorrow while the South stays dry and bright. On Tuesday and Wednesday a small depression is shown to move NE across Scotland carrying rain at times across the North and West. This now looks it could spill further South and East on Wednesday with all areas under a lot of cloud with chiefly light rain at times. By Thursday the weather should of become warmer and drier for 24-48 hrs and although there could be quite large amounts of cloud at times across the UK some good sunny spells will develop and it will feel warm or very warm locally. Very late in the week and more likely over the weekend the weather will slide downhill again, this time from the South or SW as Low pressure develops there with thundery rain or showers edging slowly North and East across some parts of the UK in varying degrees next weekend.

GFS shows the Low complex further north to the west of the UK making the breakdown more widespread and affecting most of the UK by next Monday as it slowly moves East over the UK with many areas then becoming cooler and drier again for most of the extended range with High pressure back down to the SW with a tenuous ridge over the UK. NW winds look the most likely option with a lot of dry weather but some occasional rain in the North with temperatures close to average.

The GFS Ensembles show strong support for a warm up in this coming week with a lot of dry and bright weather. There is also now good support for a spell of potentially wet weather in the South next weekend as Low pressure pulls in from the SW or West. Thereafter there is a lot of spread between the members with an array of options ranging from warm and settled to rather cool NW winds and a little rain at times. This weeks spoiler Low to the NW on Tuesday/Wednesday appears to dilute the sunniest conditions away from UK through the middle of this week too.

The Jet Stream shows the flow across the UK splitting this week with one arm travelling North of the UK and as it does so opens the door to a Southern arm which becomes responsible for carrying next weekends unsettled spell across the UK. Beyond that the flow becomes much weaker and diffuse with one arm travelling North over Greenland and another one East over France and Europe.

UKMO closes it's midnight run with Low pressure positioned over the English Channel and Southern England next Saturday with outbreaks of showery and potentially thundery rain in warm and humid conditions while the North sees the best of drier and bright conditions.

GEM on the other hand brings developments to the NW into play next weekend with the short fine spell extended on rather longer in the South in slack winds before cooler and more changeable conditions come down from the NW at the start of Week 2 with outbreaks of rain or showers in cooler Westerly breezes and temperatures close to average by then.

NAVGEM takes the UKMO and GFS type route developing Low pressure close to SW Britain next weekend with outbreaks of rain and showers developing for the South and West following several warm, sunny snd dry days. The North and East would stay rather drier and warm inland in association with High pressure having moved off to the NE by then.

ECM today shows Low pressure too over the English channel or Northern France next weekend, close enough to the South for cloud and outbreaks of thundery rain to develop. In the North things look like staying more favourable under a slender ridge of High pressure stretched across these areas from the Atlantic. Under this pattern it does appear it would stay reasonably warm though in any brightness.

In Summary today our projected fine and very warm spell has been reduced to something more akin to a warm snap this morning. Problems arise from both the onset of the spell and the end as the spoiler Low he models have struggled with for days seems to get hung up over the UK air mass and leads to a lot of cloud and light rain for all midweek with large amounts of cloud now looking likely into the latter end of the week too for some. Nevertheless there should be a couple of reasonably summer like days late in the week before the second problem arise from developments to the South and/or SW next weekend. It looks likely that Low pressure will develop to the SW of the UK early next weekend with a spell of thundery rain or showers in these areas lasting several days. The north may be OK next weekend as a ridge from one source or another holds sway. Further out is anyone's guess this morning as a cocktail of options are shown but it does look disappointingly for many that this weeks and what was a probable longer prospect of good summer weather has been tempered somewhat on the outputs today.

Originally Posted by: GIBBY 

Polar Low
18 August 2013 09:41:51

ecm 0z mean looks better than the opp

looks nice for b/h that mean

18 August 2013 09:52:40

ecm 0z mean looks better than the opp

looks nice for b/h that mean

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

it always will PL. check out the spreads for a more meaningful refection of the ens mean's reliability. 

Hungry Tiger
18 August 2013 10:24:31

Well - you can see how a low sneaks in there and trashes it - But at the same time run a bit further and things settle again.

Well according to GFS at any rate.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Saint Snow
18 August 2013 10:34:03

Awful output this morning

After days of looking like we'd strike lucky with our holiday in the Lakes, there's been a massive back-track on the models in the last 24 hours.

From dry, warm & sunny to showers & longer spells of rain.


Friggin typical.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
18 August 2013 10:34:39

6z has low pressure slap bang right over us from Saturday to Monday. Bank Holiday curse!

Frost Hollow
18 August 2013 11:06:44

6z has low pressure slap bang right over us from Saturday to Monday. Bank Holiday curse!

Originally Posted by: ManUtdMatt1986 

As usual

18 August 2013 11:12:51
Would you all say that Friday onwards is nailed on
with low pressure longer spells of rain etc for the whole country?
or could the models flip back again?
Quite extraordinary the sudden change with a week to go still
Hungry Tiger
18 August 2013 11:17:03

Awful output this morning

After days of looking like we'd strike lucky with our holiday in the Lakes, there's been a massive back-track on the models in the last 24 hours.

From dry, warm & sunny to showers & longer spells of rain.


Friggin typical.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Murphies Law. It's amazing how a Bank Holiday here puts the kiss of death on a decent spell of weather.


Gavin S. FRmetS.
TWO Moderator.
Contact the TWO team - [email protected]
South Cambridgeshire. 93 metres or 302.25 feet ASL.

Steam Fog
18 August 2013 11:22:25

Would you all say that Friday onwards is nailed on
with low pressure longer spells of rain etc for the whole country?
or could the models flip back again?
Quite extraordinary the sudden change with a week to go still

Originally Posted by: cultman1 

No it's certainly not "nailed on." No more than a fine bank holiday was "nailed on" yesterday. It looks less likely today that there will be fine settled weather throughout the country over the bank holiday. But that could easily change.

As for it being typical that there will be bad weather on bank holidays you only need to look back earlier this year to see that it quite untrue.
Matty H
18 August 2013 11:38:35

Awful output this morning UserPostedImage
After days of looking like we'd strike lucky with our holiday in the Lakes, there's been a massive back-track on the models in the last 24 hours.
From dry, warm & sunny to showers & longer spells of rain.

Friggin typical.

Originally Posted by: Hungry Tiger 

Murphies Law. It's amazing how a Bank Holiday here puts the kiss of death on a decent spell of weather.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

But it doesn't. As mentioned earlier, we've just had a string of fantastic bank holidays weatherwise.
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