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06 December 2013 18:49:31

Wake me up when it's over 

06 December 2013 19:13:52

Surely it isn't very common to have persistant periods of severely cold uppers (i.e. -20s) spread as far south in the N Atlantic just off NEastern USA, is it? Or is my memory playing tricks on me?  As long as this continues, there's every chance that the 'status quo' (i.e strong jet to our N) will go on and on, IMO.  

That said, our Aleutian high, which I think is a feature most winters, is continously projected to ridge into the Canadian Arctic so will this lead to a change in stratospheric and atmospheric circulations with time? 



06 December 2013 19:50:45

Good evening everyone. Here is tonight's rather shorter than usual report on the 12 midday outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for Friday December 6th 2013.

All models show a Westerly flow over the UK following a warm front moving East over the North with High pressure close to Southern England. Over the coming days this changes little drifting slowly down into France maintaining relatively mild and rather cloudy weather across the UK with a band of rain and snow clearing East out of Scotland overnight tonight leaving all areas in the same air mass with Western ocasts and hills at risk of drizzle at times with any breaks more likely to the East of hills and in the South. Through next week there may be a period of slightly colder conditions across the South as winds back SE briefly before SW winds look like taking hold again towards the end of the week with mild conditions generally and some rain to Northern and Western extremities.

In Week 2 all models that go out that far maintain the status-quo with High pressure to the SE of the UK with SW winds and mild conditions and occasional rain in the North and West with very little signs of change as far as the models can see tonight.

The GFS Ensembles continue to show mild weather over the UK for the foreseeable future with few exceptions from the members to this rule. Though dry through Week 1 there seems a slow trend for blocking to the SE to recede somewhat to allow Atlantic troughs and stronger winds to make more progress down over the UK later in Week 2 with some rain for all. However, temperatures will remain distinctly mild feeling despite this.

The Jet Stream continues to run NE well to the NW of Britain steering all rain bearing fronts and depressions around the Northern flank of the European High and onward over Northern Scandinavia. There are just the merest hints of it slipping down towards the UK in a NE direction towards the end of week 2 which is reflected by the GFS trend of more rainfall for more areas at the end of the run.

In Summary tonight there is nothing to say that hasn't been said already with the Northern arm of the Jet being steered strongly NE well to the NW of Britain around the periphery of a European High which remains dominant throughout the coming two weeks. It's position shuffles around a bit with a slight difference to this morning in that it now looks that less time involving a continental feed is likely from tonight's output suggesting that any cooler and misty days in the South towards midweek could well be short-lived with mild SW winds soon returning with attendant cloud cover but precious little rainfall. As I look towards the position in two weeks time there is little to suggest currently that mild weather won't continue for some time to come after the expiry of the runs, possibly out to Christmas.
Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
Polar Low
06 December 2013 19:55:25

 But thanks Martin


Polar Low
06 December 2013 19:57:41

 must be very mild outlook if Jiries is about anyway hope you had a good summer and made lots at car bootys have a good one.

On word can describe the weather for the next 10 days for many parts of the UK..that is.... FOG

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

I haven't been onto the weather models since the great heat of July.  It had been very benign Autumn this year and knowing there wasn't anything interesting weatherwise in the past few months.  I hope at some point we see some decent cold and snow this winter but for now I am eager to go to Toronto next month fof nearly 3 weeks and they had a very cold start to the winter.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

06 December 2013 20:23:14

 must be very mild outlook if Jiries is about anyway hope you had a good summer and made lots at car bootys have a good one.

On word can describe the weather for the next 10 days for many parts of the UK..that is.... FOG

Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I haven't been onto the weather models since the great heat of July.  It had been very benign Autumn this year and knowing there wasn't anything interesting weatherwise in the past few months.  I hope at some point we see some decent cold and snow this winter but for now I am eager to go to Toronto next month fof nearly 3 weeks and they had a very cold start to the winter.

Originally Posted by: Jiries 

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

I wouldn't say it is going to be very mild, as I posted before the 6z had very low single digits

The 12z run was on the high end of the scale

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Saint Snow
06 December 2013 20:41:21

On word can describe the weather for the next 10 days for many parts of the UK..that is.... FOG

Originally Posted by: Gusty 


I quite like a big of early winter fog. Suppresses the daytime temps fairly well and gives it a seasonal feel.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Saint Snow
06 December 2013 20:42:22

Pretty similar set up to this day in 1971 also, although I gather that the remainder of that winter was pretty much unremarkable.

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 


I'll have you know that the rest of that winter was VERY remarkable.


Because that's when I was born.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
06 December 2013 20:44:58

Today there doesn't appear to be a single model that seems prepared to pull a rabbit out of a hat and dispense with the euro high. Is the atmosphere stuck in a rut? Or is it just the models? Beyond a certain range I suppose the models can't resolve the perturbation that will break the impasse of this seemingly very stable pattern. Let's hope this is the case...

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
06 December 2013 20:46:19

On word can describe the weather for the next 10 days for many parts of the UK..that is.... FOG

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


I quite like a big of early winter fog. Suppresses the daytime temps fairly well and gives it a seasonal feel.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

I'd agree. If it is going to be calm, grey, foggy and atmospheric let it be in the dark month of December. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

06 December 2013 20:55:39

On word can describe the weather for the next 10 days for many parts of the UK..that is.... FOG

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


I quite like a big of early winter fog. Suppresses the daytime temps fairly well and gives it a seasonal feel.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

Spot on , bit of freezing fog thrown in

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

The Beast from the East
06 December 2013 21:03:58
It's actually quite funny. You couldn't make it up. Perhaps we will get rewarded later in the season for the pain we will have to live through until January. It could end up similar to last winter
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
06 December 2013 21:05:52

It's actually quite funny. You couldn't make it up. Perhaps we will get rewarded later in the season for the pain we will have to live through until January. It could end up similar to last winter

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Which will do me, we had a really decent snowfall in January, it stuck around for ages

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

06 December 2013 21:09:47

It's actually quite funny. You couldn't make it up. Perhaps we will get rewarded later in the season for the pain we will have to live through until January. It could end up similar to last winter

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Is that a December forecast?
  • TomC
  • Advanced Member
06 December 2013 21:10:42

Well 16 of the 50 ecm ensembles show an easterly or northerly at T+ 252

The Beast from the East
06 December 2013 21:23:00

Well 16 of the 50 ecm ensembles show an easterly or northerly at T+ 252

Originally Posted by: TomC 

Scraping the barrel but the ens will always give us something. Even in 1988 there must have been a few straws to clutch for the pros who had access to the data in those days. The reality is that once a pattern like this is locked in, it's very hard to get out of. Miracles don't happen
"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
06 December 2013 21:54:12

Well 16 of the 50 ecm ensembles show an easterly or northerly at T+ 252

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Scraping the barrel but the ens will always give us something. Even in 1988 there must have been a few straws to clutch for the pros who had access to the data in those days. The reality is that once a pattern like this is locked in, it's very hard to get out of. Miracles don't happen

Originally Posted by: TomC 

And here's a chart especially for you Beast...  (thanks to the Euro High at the same time)
06 December 2013 22:26:06

If it cheers you all up any we had a remarkable cold out break in Australia this week (you might have heard the how cold it was from the comments on the radio if listening to the cricket). Snow was reported falling in the towns on the Blue Mountains, they have had their log fires lit, very seasonal 

06 December 2013 22:27:20

Well 16 of the 50 ecm ensembles show an easterly or northerly at T+ 252

Originally Posted by: TomC 

Northerly? Are there many of those? Struggling to work out how they evolve.
06 December 2013 22:34:05

If it cheers you all up any we had a remarkable cold out break in Australia this week (you might have heard the how cold it was from the comments on the radio if listening to the cricket). Snow was reported falling in the towns on the Blue Mountains, they have had their log fires lit, very seasonalUserPostedImage

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Not cold enough to stop us getting battered though!
Gandalf The White
06 December 2013 23:42:20

The ECM ensemble from the 12z continues the recent theme. 

The Op was amongst the mildest 20% on Day 8 and mildest 10% on Days 9 and 10.  The mean and Op show temperatures recovering to around normal for 3-4 days before easing back. Beyond Day 10 the mean is a couple of degrees higher than it was, with highs of 6-7C now.  Very few runs predict any overnight frosts and the precipitation graph shows predominantly dry conditions.

The Day 10 ensemble mean chart is rather less mild for much of England than the Op.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

07 December 2013 08:16:42

No post until 8.15 this morning.
Says it all really - GFS has flatlined. No ENS member below -5 at 850.
Have a nice day

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
07 December 2013 08:23:28

A thoroughly boring set of models this morning (if it's cold you're after, or extreme mildness for that matter!), showing near average temperatures for the foreseeable future. Not mild, not cold, just constantly around 7 to 9C highs down here.

Here's the 0z ECM ensemble for Reading:

Note that the op and control were cold on the 13th but some of the mildest members by the end.

Leysdown, north Kent
The Beast from the East
07 December 2013 08:33:25

For my 10,000th post on the new Forum, I was hoping to ramp about an impending Siberian freeze which looked possible a week ago

Instead, this is about as bad as it gets. I think I'd rather have record mild or wind and rain. This is just utterly boring

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
07 December 2013 08:40:41

For my 10,000th post on the new Forum, I was hoping to ramp about an impending Siberian freeze which looked possible a week ago

Instead, this is about as bad as it gets. I think I'd rather have record mild or wind and rain. This is just utterly boring

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Great mile stone 😁 😁
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