With regards to March sun strength, and day length being comparable to that of September, what has temperature & temperature lag go to do with that statement?? Absolutely nothing!! September temperatures are pretty much a continuation of summer.
Your argument against the sun not being the same as that of September in March, saying that March must be a winter month because it snows is very bizarre. Snow has fallen in all 4 seasons in lowland (-200m) England... And spring for the United Kingdom is known to be snowier then winter - but it's still bleeding spring!
The whole point is when looking at 850's and predicted temperatures at this time of year and going foreword one has to factor in increased solar heating now. If you are stuck under a band of cloud & showers at this time of year with 850's of -1C then it's likely to feel cold, but if your on the sunny side it will likely feel very pleasant with temps in double figures.
Originally Posted by: picturesareme