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22 February 2018 23:28:33 

Amazingly at the end of the short ensembles the op is not one of the coldest...infact the opposite!

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Joe Bloggs
22 February 2018 23:30:50


Which perturbations go for that minority scenario, Joe? Out of morbid curiosity and furthering my understanding.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

P4, 10, 12 and 17 are a bit disappointing and too anticyclonic for Tuesday. 

There is a very small danger that those evolutions are correct, but I think unlikely. Would be just our luck. 

Some of the above still look very wintry later in the week. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Chiltern Blizzard
22 February 2018 23:31:02

P17 from the 18z GEFS

I hope the op doesn’t follow this tomorrow morning or there’ll be handbags at dawn. ;-)

Everything crossed. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

And that’s why I’m not calling it ‘nailed on’ yet.... Even P17 would provides a notable spell of weather imby, though to short and not sharp enough to match recent expectations and certainly wouldn’t be close to a 1991-type spell. 

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
22 February 2018 23:33:26


Which perturbations go for that minority scenario, Joe? Out of morbid curiosity and furthering my understanding.



That's the joke 

Originally Posted by: SJV 

Actually the notorious P17 is the wettest (i.e. Snowiest) of the bunch for London at least if you look at the precip ensembles. Biggest threat to the South is still that warm air spouting up from France. Biggest threat to the North probably high pressure. But the high pressure scenarios seem to bring in a secondary Arctic Northerly. 

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Chiltern Blizzard
22 February 2018 23:37:28


P4, 10, 12 and 17 are a bit disappointing and too anticyclonic for Tuesday. 

There is a very small danger that those evolutions are correct, but I think unlikely. Would be just our luck. 

Some of the above still look very wintry later in the week. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

4 and 12 are really quite impressive for cold further out than Tuesday.

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
22 February 2018 23:37:49

what ensembles are you looking at ? P10 and 17 look 2 of the coldest?

...oh I see...that's the point!...too cold for snow....

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Chiltern Blizzard
22 February 2018 23:42:44

what ensembles are you looking at ? P10 and 17 look 2 of the coldest?

...oh I see...that's the point!...too cold for snow....

Originally Posted by: squish 

P17 isn’t especially cold in the near term with maxes nonlower than 3/4c for most... cold but nothing special... Yes, it get colder into week 2 but that’s too far out to be at all confident.

Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
Joe Bloggs
22 February 2018 23:42:44


4 and 12 are really quite impressive for cold further out than Tuesday.

Originally Posted by: Chiltern Blizzard 

Indeed - was just looking at a snapshot for Tuesday. :) 


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

22 February 2018 23:43:31

18z GEFS a split camp after day 9/10....but I sense the cold camp gained a couple of members since the 12z set, 1 being the op....


D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
22 February 2018 23:44:36


I take it that the mean will have that LP further south then? Wouldn't surprise me.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

I think that's a pretty reasonable assumption.

22 February 2018 23:48:08

Some cold nights in FI as well:

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

22 February 2018 23:54:47

18z JMA. Not fantasy land, just another model showing -12c 850's advancing into the east on Monday.

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Solar Cycles
22 February 2018 23:56:25
Some eye watering charts but I think it’s time for some much needed realism as predicting precipitation this far out is a fools game, yes it will turn very cold amd yes there will be snow but impossible to predict amounts or where it falls really.
23 February 2018 00:01:15

All models look good midday Thursday, with the core of the cold on Thursday and Friday.


GFS Control 






UKMO (Wed).

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 February 2018 00:03:15

18z Ensembles for London: - Cold definitely intensifying end of Feb/early March on 18z ensembles. it is the best part of one week away so could we see more of an upgrade tomorrow or a downgrade!?

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

Saint Snow
23 February 2018 00:07:29

Seen worse...


Weather type GFS Fr 02.03.2018 06 GMT


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
23 February 2018 00:18:40

 it is the best part of one week away so could we see more of an upgrade tomorrow or a downgrade!?

Originally Posted by: tallyho_83 

It's not though is it? It has started in the S.E corner with dry Easterly, frost and low DP's. The real cold kicks in from Sunday night in the East and snow cannot be ruled out from then on. Surely that is three days away  - not a week.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Matty H
23 February 2018 01:24:09

At the risk of being the party pooper, I think peeps need to calm the €¥% down re snow totals. People talking about metres of snow etc. The reality will be far, far less for the vast majority. I’m sure that many will see snow falling and some lying snow. Some deep lying snow in favoured areas, but many won’t. Check out Ian F’s thoughts currently on twatter. Solar energy during daylight hours can’t be ignored at this time of the year regardless of uppers. Just pre-empting the nashing of teeth and ‘’ emoticons from those that perhaps should know better if it doesn’t happen for them, and those that are regularly, constantly educated, but seem to have the memory of a goldfish. 

Night all. Hopefully similarly interesting charts for the next three days

23 February 2018 01:37:13


It's not though is it? It has started in the S.E corner with dry Easterly, frost and low DP's. The real cold kicks in from Sunday night in the East and snow cannot be ruled out from then on. Surely that is three days away  - not a week.

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Yes true but let's be realistic here! It will be cold this weekend into the start of next week but not unseasonably cold for Feb. The 'real' bitterly cold weather (at least for now) is expected next Wednesday and Thursday with daytime maxes of -2 to 0c for many parts. Perhaps from Tuesday onwards we will see the first ice day for the east and south east. We are not expecting ice days this Sunday or Monday for instance. Say temps will start of with a max of +5c for the south east tomorrow and drop a degree each day so by Wednesday 28th Feb we may be seeing daytime maxes of -1c in many parts with our first ice day of the winter 2017/18. - Typical to have an ice day falling on the last day of meteorological winter.

As for precipitation - We will probably see some flakes on Monday and then flurries between Monday night right through to Wednesday giving dusting's but then after - it's all to play for. I think I know what could happen and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it comes about. 

Just hope there are no downgrades- There could be some changes in precipitation patterns in terms of their locations as well as temps, which will also depend on whether or not there will be snow cover under clear skies or overcast etc - but the overall pattern is still largely unchanged.

Home Location - Kellands Lane, Okehampton, Devon (200m ASL)
Sean Moon
Magical Moon

23 February 2018 04:25:04
Bit worried about the latest sets (18z/00z) as the snow totals here would be really huge and we would be genuinely cut off. GFS 00z again has a near constant blizzard later in the week across many places, of course lingering over the Welsh Marches!
North Herefordshire 180m asl
23 February 2018 04:56:41

Talking of high snow totals, GFS brings the cold spell to an end with a big bang. I mean, really!

Here's the 0z's take on Thursday and Friday next week down here. I've never seen so much snow forecast in one 3-hour period...

Edit: Mean windspeed above 35mph, exceptionally heavy snow... ladies and gentlemen, that's a blizzard in the forecast for Kent.

Of course, most unlikely to verify.

Leysdown, north Kent
23 February 2018 05:06:31
Just been woken up by a yellow alert for snow from the Met Office so had a quick look at the GFS 00z. The area of LP towards the end of next week tracks northwards bringing huge snow totals but eventually introducing milder air, at least for a time to the South. High risk but high reward. Not often a genuine once in a lifetime blizzard is modelled in the output.
Crookes, Sheffield, 226 metres asl
Whether Idle
23 February 2018 05:11:29

Stunning charts again this morning.  As is usual in an easterly outbreak, especially so one that is severe, FI is  t96. and by 120 there are significant differences in terms of the exactly how COLD and SNOWY each specific location could be,

For that reason,  I am not taking any chart beyond that time with any great degree of seriousness.

As for the breakdown, I've no doubt our resident clowns will start focussing on that before the cold has arrived.  More fool them


Edit - anyone of a nervous disposition in the south should not view the GFS 0z CONTROL. (JFF)


A jaw dropping set of London 2mtemp ensembles.  Op is a milder outlier as expected later next week.


Dover, 5m asl. Half a mile from the south coast.
Karl Guille
23 February 2018 06:03:01
GEFS is indeed a thing of beauty. The heart of the cold pool is now headed directly for the UK with -14/-16 hPa widely predicted. Down here in the far south we have four days of circa -12/-13 850 hPa which to be honest is pretty spectacular and the chance of Channel streamers throughout! Here are the ensembles for Guernsey. 
St. Sampson
Chiltern Blizzard
23 February 2018 06:06:38
Cold arrival is brought forward to t+66 (when -10c hits EA).

Run of the morning goes to DWD/ICON with its sub -20c air over Norfolk at t+120!
Rendlesham, Suffolk 20m asl
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