Well, we've had that cold front come through during the night which was supposed to bring the coldest of the air behind it so surely, no-one can come on here now and say that the coldest air hasn't yet arrived. Yet after dropping for a while to deliver an official air frost at all three of my local stations, the temperature has once again gone up to above freezing at all three of my local stations to leave us with another frostless start to this morning.
On top of that, we have had just a single light snow shower from that cold front which produced just the very lightest of dustings of snow here. That came at just after 5am this morning with absolutely nothing before or since then. Yet, we have had more snow during this winter from just a typical westerly which has arisen from a period of cold zonality with the air coming from Greenland/Canada than what we are seeing just now so all I can say is so much for this being the coldest and snowiest spell of the entire winter.
This shows to me that this whole so-called legendary cold spell is proving to be one big massive legendary non-event. I have brought this up a few times and in response to that, a few members have posted charts which show certain aspects of the model output for a day or so's time in order to try to prove me wrong. As I have said before though, any model output for even as little as a day in advance can never actually be guaranteed to be right in terms of what actually ends up happening and given what has happened so far, there is now no way that I can now take such model output seriously since it seems to be becoming more apparent to me, that such charts have been produced by certain agencies who are obviously being paid by various sections of the media such as the Express, in order to help them to produce those much over-hyped stories about extreme weather being on the way, which generates a lot of their revenue.
The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.