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22 January 2014 09:00:04

The 00z GFS ens look pretty cold with the iphone of the milder ones. The control run is fairly tasty compared to most of this winter's output.

UKMO is nice at 144 too. I know the ECM goes wrong later but the UKMO has the high better positioned.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

'iphone' of the milder ones? I thought I knew my weather terms but thats a new one on me!

FWIW next week is still a tricky call, but it does look like we have to get through a lot of rain before we get there. Not great for those who have too much water already.

22 January 2014 09:00:55

Good morning. Here is the report on the midnight outputs from GFS, UKMO, GEM, NAVGEM and ECM for today Wednesday January 22nd 2014 and taken from

All models continue the basic pattern of Low pressure to the NW and High to the SW and NE with a broad troughing down the North Sea. Through the period between now and the start of next week a series of troughs cross East over the UK, each bringing spells of rain and/or showers, heavy and prolonged at times and falling as snow at times over Northern hills, especially tomorrow. Friday and again on Sunday look likely to be the most wet days with flooding issues again becoming possible in places in blustery winds at times. Temperatures will be close to average but there will be some chilly days, most likely tomorrow and a few mild ones most notably on Friday as the rain pushes over.

GFS then shows next week as a very windy and unsettled one with further showers or longer spells of rain in a blustery WNW wind at times. Late in the week a drier interlude with lighter winds and night frosts look likely as a ridge of High pressure is shown to sink South behind a departing depression to the SE. The end frames of the run show no change with the Atlantic bandwagon of Low pressure continuing delivering rain at times in a blustery Westerly wind and average temperatures.

The GFS Ensembles show little change to the rather chilly and unsettled weather but it looks unlikely to turn very cold with most members maintaining average temperatures just below the long term mean. Rainfall looks like continuing to be a feature for all throughout the period but the amounts of rain trend downward with time, especially towards the South and SE.

UKMO closes it's run this morning with a deep Low pressure area over the NW next Monday sliding SSE down over the UK maintaining a very unsettled start to next week with showers and longer spells of rain likely for all areas in temperatures a little on the cool side with no doubt some hill snow at times in the North.

GEM too takes this depression down over the UK from the NW early next week with attendant rain and showers continuing for all before pressure rises slowly from the NW with colder weather with scattered wintry showers looking likely for a time before dry weather develops under a ridge of High pressure over Southern Britain late in the run with frosts at night.

NAVGEM shows the Low drifting South over the UK early next week, moving it quite slowly away while bringing further rain and showers. On the rear side of the Low a period of cold Easterly winds are shown when cold air moves in and could turn some of the rain to sleet and snow before it exits away South at least from Scotland.

ECM today shows the Low moving South on Wednesday with rain and showers for all. It is quickly followed by a strong Westerly flow with Low pressure areas crossing East to the North with further rain at times as troughs move ESE across the UK in the flow with yet more rain.

The ECM 9 and 10 Day Mean Charts this morning once again favour Low pressure to be to the North of the UK in 9 and 10 days time with a trough down the North Sea. It looks that as a result of this little overall change in the pattern of rain at times will continue as systems bump into the block over the Continent with the UK remaining on the Western side of the trough and therefore temperatures remaining near to or a little below normal at times in West or NW winds.

The Jet Stream Forecast today shows the flow strengthening at the weekend as it continues it's unrelenting path and trajectory over the Atlantic and down over the UK next week keeping the Atlantic Low pressure systems bumping into the block to the NE with some energy sliding SE and some NE and maintaining cold continental air at arms length across the other side of the North Sea.

In Summary this morning apart from some variations on a theme shown between various operational outputs this morning the basic pattern looks largely the same with a trend shown that doesn't offer much change to what we have now. All areas look at risk from further bouts of wind and rain as successive Low pressure areas cross the Atlantic and push their troughs across the UK before stalling them to the East. Most models do show a deep Low pressure area slipping South over the UK next week and some do show a brief flirtation with something rather colder on the rear side of the exiting depression but with the Atlantic still being driven by a strong West to East flow over the Atlantic on the Northern Flank of a strong Azores High it is only a matter of hours rather than days before milder Westerly winds and further rain return across the UK later next week.

Martin G
Kilmersdon Radstock Bath Somerset

Look up my New Facebook Weather Page  for all the latest up to the minute weather stories as they happen
The Beast from the East
22 January 2014 09:21:04

ECM ens suggest no chance of sustained block. Just a brief cold snap and then a return to zonal

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
22 January 2014 09:32:51

ECM ens suggest no chance of sustained block. Just a brief cold snap and then a return to zonal

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


Worst kind of weather = cold rain.  Better get used to it for the forseeable future.

WIO nearly for me as I cannot bear cold and snow in March. Hoping for a brief snap mid Feb  but no suggestion of that from Meto outlook. 

David M Porter
22 January 2014 09:46:36

ECM ens suggest no chance of sustained block. Just a brief cold snap and then a return to zonal

Originally Posted by: soperman 


Worst kind of weather = cold rain.  Better get used to it for the forseeable future.

WIO nearly for me as I cannot bear cold and snow in March. Hoping for a brief snap mid Feb  but no suggestion of that from Meto outlook. 

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

The MetO outlook can always change though, and sometimes at relatively short notice- I've seen that happen in the past from time to time. Let's not forget either that February doesn't commence until a week on Saturday and then we still have 4 weeks of the meteorogical winter left after that.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
22 January 2014 09:50:24

ECM ens suggest no chance of sustained block. Just a brief cold snap and then a return to zonal

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 


No chance of stopping the combination of a strong Jet roaring over a strong AH. Until one of these forces subsides we will be in for a record mild and wet winter (if not already) akin to the eighties. Let's hope this winter is only a blip in the cooling trend over recent years.

Always the Maunder Minimum to look forward to............Oh  I'll be dead !!

22 January 2014 09:53:11

The current and forecast stength of the polar jet looks like mocking the long-held belief than the prevailing zonal influence slackens as we enter February.
Once again I see nothing to suggest a sustained and widescale cold spell for the next two weeks at least.
Tick, tock . .

Fareham, Hampshire 28m ASL (near estuary)
Stormchaser, Member TORRO
Gavin P
22 January 2014 10:09:43

Let's compare the models from a week ago for today


Too deep the low about 25mb, the block too far east and south


Again low too deep and the block too far south and east


Closer but the low a touch south and the centre of block is further east


Low too deep and the block further east,

Originally Posted by: KevBrads1 

Very interesting analysis. I might try and make a blog post out of that later.

Rural West Northants 120m asl
Short, medium and long range weather forecast videos @
Rob K
22 January 2014 10:10:12

The 00z GFS ens look pretty cold with the iphone of the milder ones. The control run is fairly tasty compared to most of this winter's output.

UKMO is nice at 144 too. I know the ECM goes wrong later but the UKMO has the high better positioned.

Originally Posted by: turbotubbs 

'iphone' of the milder ones? I thought I knew my weather terms but thats a new one on me!

FWIW next week is still a tricky call, but it does look like we have to get through a lot of rain before we get there. Not great for those who have too much water already.

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Ha! That's what comes of typing on my phone! It was meant to be "op one of the milder ones" but clearly autocorrect wanted to take some credit for itself!
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Scandy 1050 MB
22 January 2014 10:10:38

The current and forecast stength of the polar jet looks like mocking the long-held belief than the prevailing zonal influence slackens as we enter February.
Once again I see nothing to suggest a sustained and widescale cold spell for the next two weeks at least.
Tick, tock . .

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Good post, the clock is ticking...does look as if we could be about to return to December's conditions possibly.

22 January 2014 10:14:05

The current and forecast stength of the polar jet looks like mocking the long-held belief than the prevailing zonal influence slackens as we enter February.
Once again I see nothing to suggest a sustained and widescale cold spell for the next two weeks at least.
Tick, tock . .

Originally Posted by: Scandy 1050 MB 

Good post, the clock is ticking...does look as if we could be about to return to December's conditions possibly.

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

But cooler/colder IMO seems to have more in the way of cold air

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Rob K
22 January 2014 10:51:05
06 looks pretty progressive, blowing the block half way to Vladivostok!

However right at the end of the run there are yellows over the pole. Jam in late Feb, anyone? 😉
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
22 January 2014 11:09:21

06 looks pretty progressive, blowing the block half way to Vladivostok!

However right at the end of the run there are yellows over the pole. Jam in late Feb, anyone? ;)

Originally Posted by: Rob K

or mid Feb Rob

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

22 January 2014 11:21:46

The control would bring snow across the UK


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

22 January 2014 11:25:53

06 looks pretty progressive, blowing the block half way to Vladivostok!

However right at the end of the run there are yellows over the pole. Jam in late Feb, anyone? ;)

Originally Posted by: Gooner

or mid Feb Rob

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Ignoring far FI ,GFS 06 op effectively dishes the slider Lp scenario with easterlies coming round the top.Expect METO will go down a similar route.

The last chance of any wintry weather before the end of January is receding fast.Chief culprit the strongly +ve QBO enhancing the pola vortex

(Some stas on QBO to post later today)

Andy Woodcock
22 January 2014 11:29:16
Looking at the models again the UK seems stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The scandy block is too far East to influence our weather but too far west preventing low pressure moving to the east of the UK and introducing a northerly.

In its current position we can't even get cold zonality or a proper north westerly.

In the early years of TWO 2000 - 2006 at least we had the odd toppler to get excited about but this is pure pants and frustrating as it leads to yet more rain and temperatures near average.

It would be better under a big Bartlett at least then it would dry out a bit and the higher temperatures save on my heating bills but yesterday's heavy rain at 4c was bloody awful.

Andy Woodcock

Altitude 535 feet

"Why are the British so worried about climate change? Any change to their climate can only be an improvement" John Daley 2001
Rob K
22 January 2014 11:50:49

With -4C uppers in a NW flow? Dubious...

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
22 January 2014 11:52:28

Looking at the models again the UK seems stuck between a rock and a hard place.

The scandy block is too far East to influence our weather but too far west preventing low pressure moving to the east of the UK and introducing a northerly.

In its current position we can't even get cold zonality or a proper north westerly.

In the early years of TWO 2000 - 2006 at least we had the odd toppler to get excited about but this is pure pants and frustrating as it leads to yet more rain and temperatures near average.

It would be better under a big Bartlett at least then it would dry out a bit and the higher temperatures save on my heating bills but yesterday's heavy rain at 4c was bloody awful.


Originally Posted by: Andy Woodcock 


That last line sums up this winter so far perfectly


Lots of Cold rain.

Rob K
22 January 2014 11:58:01
To be fair it's mostly been mild rain, although last night's heavy cold downpour from around 1am wasn't too pleasant to be out in.

Anyway, keep positive - let's see if the 1060mb polar high becomes a new theme for February! 

Totally split vortex there, lovely. Could it be the (stuck record) strat warming?

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
22 January 2014 11:59:59

The current and forecast stength of the polar jet looks like mocking the long-held belief than the prevailing zonal influence slackens as we enter February.
Once again I see nothing to suggest a sustained and widescale cold spell for the next two weeks at least.
Tick, tock . .

Originally Posted by: nsrobins 

Indeed, very unsettled outlook with brief colder shots before wind and rain return.

Further flooding seem likely if some of the runs verify.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

22 January 2014 12:01:03

The  06h GEFS ens support (50:50)a one day wonder of an easterly at 168H.By 192h back to zonal l with the odd familiar stand off position. 

22 January 2014 12:06:08

With -4C uppers in a NW flow? Dubious...

Originally Posted by: Gooner

at that time of day I wouldn't be surprised Rob

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

22 January 2014 12:37:28

I've noticed that my favourite short range model, the NAE, hasn't been updated since yesterday. Does that mean it's being closed down?
  Will have to start using EURO4 as an alternative from here on.

Folkestone Harbour. 
22 January 2014 12:50:16

I've noticed that my favourite short range model, the NAE, hasn't been updated since yesterday. Does that mean it's being closed down?
  Will have to start using EURO4 as an alternative from here on.

Originally Posted by: idj20 

I've noticed that to.

Loughborough, EM.

Knowledge is power, ignorance is weakness.

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