Now as a born and bred southern coastal man, which averages 2 or 3 days on average snow a year , my expectations for snow are naturally low , and we are still making up the debt of 2012 which delivered 5 or 6 days of snow and therefore we need a few lean or zero years to compensate. ( Its now officially 2 years since it snowed) . So where is the whinge?
Well i have been flying up and working in Edinburgh since the New year , and this naturally lead to a my expectation going through the roof, especially as Scotland is suppose to be taking the current cold spell,, However apart from some heavy snow showers last Wednesday which didn't even lay for long in the centre, Edinburgh and the Lothian area, has missed nearly all the action. Take tonight for example look at the radar its as though a shield has been placed over The city, with the nearest wintry stuff fizzling out over Glasgow. just my luck to be here during a snow drought. ! The problem is the wind is coming from the every direction but East , and so basically this blocks out all the snow. but not rain it seems! Still a lovely city even though it would look so much better in white!