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Joe Bloggs
02 December 2017 11:04:20


We don't "need" to have any model on board. Even if none of the models existed, the weather would do what it's going to do anyway (barring the butterfly effect from the rising air caused by the heat of the ECMWF servers in Reading!)

Originally Posted by: Rob K 

You know what I mean. 😀

remember what happened in Dec 2009 - we had cross model agreement for quite a few days and the weather ended up delivering in quite a spectacular way.

We’ve seen all too often - if one model doesn’t like an evolution, as outlandish as it may seem - it can prove correct. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Rob K
02 December 2017 11:04:27


A real pity they don't make 850 temp charts available, but that looks pretty scaldy for some. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Meteociel has 850hPa temperature charts for the UKMO run:


Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Chunky Pea
02 December 2017 11:09:39


But they do...

Arctic air (not from Canada.... ) driving south.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Cool thanks, that is handy, though the fussier me would prefer to see them on the classic WZ European charts as it is the style I have become accustomed to over the years. 

Not from Canada this time, but it was at the time of my posting in which I said it was. 



Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Chunky Pea
02 December 2017 11:11:59


Meteociel has 850hPa temperature charts for the UKMO run:


Originally Posted by: Rob K 

Thanks for the link Rob K. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Rob K
02 December 2017 11:13:20
Ian Fergusson's thoughts for next week (for a West Country audience)

"Next week starts initially mild; often rather cloudy but mostly dry though Mon-Tues-Weds. Turning breezier Weds ahead of a marked switch to unsettled wet/windy weather on Thurs. Colder thereafter with showers into Fri, perhaps wintry in places."
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Joe Bloggs
02 December 2017 11:13:22

If the GEFS are anything to go by, there’ll be no complaints about lack of cold air this time.

Some very cold charts on offer.

This is P5 and many others are similar. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

02 December 2017 11:18:29

If the GEFS are anything to go by, there’ll be no complaints about lack of cold air this time.

Some very cold charts on offer.

This is P5 and many others are similar. 

Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

The t850hPa mean in NW Scotland reaches -10°C on Friday on this ensemble set.

Gandalf The White
02 December 2017 11:22:43


Thanks for the link Rob K. 

Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

I was going to post the link and say that Meteociel provides three different map views; the one you prefer was added to their options earlier this year - or perhaps late last year.

Interesting set of runs again overnight and this morning. It seems to me that what isn't on offer is a mild south-westerly flow or a Euro high. The favoured safe options appear to be a flow from the north and some form of blocking in mid-Atlantic.  How sustained, how cold and how much snow are all still up in the air, IMO.

ECM 00z ensemble suite for London shows growing support for sustained cold out to day 15. The op was very much a mild option on days 9 and 10

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Joe Bloggs
02 December 2017 11:23:47

06z GEFS at T+144

There are a few which have a mid Atlantic High (no real link to Greenland) but a clear majority go for something similar to the op. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Gandalf The White
02 December 2017 11:24:28


Cool thanks, that is handy, though the fussier me would prefer to see them on the classic WZ European charts as it is the style I have become accustomed to over the years. 

Not from Canada this time, but it was at the time of my posting in which I said it was. 



Originally Posted by: Chunky Pea 

Let's just agree to disagree on that, shall we.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

02 December 2017 11:26:08

I have to say the charts are stunning today...and already just 120-144 hours away. Key to this is the extension of the arctic high. This allows for a direct arctic  and prolonged source and stabilises the Greenland block.

The door has been banged 4 or 5 times now in recent weeks. Each northerly is getting that bit colder.

I see we are bringing down -40c (500Hpa) air..such deep cold is a recipe for disturbances and polar lows.

This week's recent northerly and light snowfalls was a taster.

The outlook is a wintry one. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Rob K
02 December 2017 11:35:59
That ECM ensemble shows good support for a real plunge in temperatures, from 12-13C early on Thursday to maxima of around 3C on Friday.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
Chunky Pea
02 December 2017 11:36:49


I was going to post the link and say that Meteociel provides three different map views; the one you prefer was added to their options earlier this year - or perhaps late last year.

Interesting set of runs again overnight and this morning. It seems to me that what isn't on offer is a mild south-westerly flow or a Euro high. The favoured safe options appear to be a flow from the north and some form of blocking in mid-Atlantic.  How sustained, how cold and how much snow are all still up in the air, IMO.

ECM 00z ensemble suite for London shows growing support for sustained cold out to day 15. The op was very much a mild option on days 9 and 10

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

Never know this as I rarely use Meteociel tbh, but now I know.

EC15, as you say, keeps troughing in the North Sea going right up to day 15, but with a stronger Atlantic push towards the last couple of days, but even then, still a very high uncertainty regarding this. 

And we could go one further and agree to agree, if only you would agree that I was right.. which I was. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
02 December 2017 11:56:04


I suspect posters and lurkers alike will draw their own conclusions and know the voices to listen to.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

Yep, most of us have and a very sensible viewpoint although it is understandable to have more enthusiasm for the current output than most we get.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
02 December 2017 12:25:47

Awesome set of ensembles. Snow row of 12 in London next Saturday is significant at this range.

Such a wintry outlook has put me in the festive spirit. As a result the decorations are going up today. The missus is off to Sainsburys to buy the mulled wine ! 

No chart available for the selected hour. Many charts start at 3 hours ahead, so if you have 0 hours selected try stepping forward or selecting a later hour.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

02 December 2017 12:27:54

Awesome set of ensembles. Snow row of 12 in London next Saturday is significant at this range.

Such a wintry outlook has put me in the festive spirit. As a result the decorations are going up today. The missus is off to Sainsburys to buy the mulled wine ! 

No chart available for the selected hour. Many charts start at 3 hours ahead, so if you have 0 hours selected try stepping forward or selecting a later hour.

Originally Posted by: Gusty 

What does the snow row actually mean? I have never understood it. 12%, 12mm, 12cm –– what? Cheers.

London E4
02 December 2017 12:29:51

48 hours ago this looked off, with a brief cold snap before a return to the norm. Now things look very, very interesting for later next week. I think I’ll use the benign weather over the next 72/96 hours to get things done outside, as a very dramatic change looks likely. It may well be moderated in terms of deep cold, but it looks nailed on to be very unsettled, and quite likely very wintry for a good few...possibly most.

D.E.W on Dartmoor. 300m asl
Brian Gaze
02 December 2017 12:29:59

GEFS now has that look about it. Things could change quickly but at the moment you would bet on December being colder than average. As for snow events it's best to wait and see. Even in winter 2009/10 (the most severe since 79 for most of the UK) there were "only" 3 significant snow events in the Chilterns. It's not scientific but my benchmark is that approx one in six snow opportunities will materialise in this part of the world. The ratio improves as you head northwards.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
02 December 2017 12:30:53

 What does the snow row actually mean? I have never understood it. 12%, 12mm, 12cm –– what? Cheers.

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

I believe it means that 12 of the 23 available perturbations are showing that the combination of 850Hpa and precipitation combined is supportive of snow. 

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Brian Gaze
02 December 2017 12:31:40


What does the snow row actually mean? I have never understood it. 12%, 12mm, 12cm –– what? Cheers.

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

I explained it recently here:


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Rob K
02 December 2017 12:32:01


What does the snow row actually mean? I have never understood it. 12%, 12mm, 12cm –– what? Cheers.

Originally Posted by: Downpour 

it means 12 of the 22 ensemble runs show snow at that time.

Meteociel shows it as a percentage instead.


Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
02 December 2017 12:32:30

GEFS now has that look about it. Things could change quickly but at the moment you would bet on December being colder than average. As for snow events it's best to wait and see. Even in winter 2009/10 (the most severe since 79 for most of the UK) there were "only" 3 significant snow events in the Chilterns. It's not scientific but my benchmark is that approx one in six snow opportunities will materialise in this part of the world. The ratio improves as you head northwards.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Spot on Brian. Get the cold in place and let the synoptics follow.  Depth of cold and longevity is key.

Steve - Folkestone, Kent
Current conditions from my Davis Vantage Vue 
Join Kent Weather on Facebook. 

Brian Gaze
02 December 2017 12:34:10


it means 12 of the 22 ensemble runs show snow at that time.

Meteociel shows it as a percentage instead.


Originally Posted by: Rob K 

That's not quite right as I explained in this thread:


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Joe Bloggs
02 December 2017 12:44:31

Cracking ones for Liverpool too. 

Snow row of 23. 👍👍


Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

02 December 2017 12:48:43

Cracking ones for Liverpool too. 

Snow row of 23. 👍👍


Originally Posted by: Joe Bloggs 

yep, don’t see that often around here!


Greasby, Wirral.
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