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11 April 2012 20:15:10

Wigan 1-0 up, despite seemingly having a pro-Manure ref.

EDIT: Ref can't prevent Wigan from winning 1-0.

Karl Guille
11 April 2012 22:22:28

Wigan 1-0 up, despite seemingly having a pro-Manure ref.

EDIT: Ref can't prevent Wigan from winning 1-0.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Don't exagerate, he only added 9 and a half minutes injury time!!

St. Sampson
11 April 2012 23:22:32
Super Cell
12 April 2012 07:17:37

Wigan 1-0 up, despite seemingly having a pro-Manure ref.

EDIT: Ref can't prevent Wigan from winning 1-0.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

After the Wigan goal was ruled out for extra-terrestrial reasons I would agree with you, but given there were two clear penalties turned down and the corner Wigan scored from was actually a goal kick I reckon it evened itself out.

Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
12 April 2012 07:54:01

Wigan 1-0 up, despite seemingly having a pro-Manure ref.

EDIT: Ref can't prevent Wigan from winning 1-0.

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

After the Wigan goal was ruled out for extra-terrestrial reasons I would agree with you, but given there were two clear penalties turned down and the corner Wigan scored from was actually a goal kick I reckon it evened itself out.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

As it always does, but you won't get the ever failing cockerknees to agree with you I'm afraid




12 April 2012 10:00:18

Comolli gone. Shame really - I'd have preferred him to stay.


"I would really struggle to say we need something because I think we have such a complete squad at the moment."

Damien Comolli September 2011.

12 April 2012 10:26:36

So, 'King' Kenny dodges a bullet. It's astonshing.

From RAWK.

"He's been really helpful in every transfer target we've gone for...

"Everyone who has come into the club since Damien has been here was of my choice. Once I made the choice who I wanted...

 "...Damien went away and did a fantastic job of bringing them in. It's sad to see anyone leave the club and he goes with my best wishes."

Super Cell
12 April 2012 12:42:47

"I would really struggle to say we need something because I think we have such a complete squad at the moment."

Damien Comolli September 2011.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

He was right. Complete mediocrity.

Farnley/Pudsey Leeds
40m asl
Saint Snow
12 April 2012 12:52:01

He was right. Complete mediocrity.

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

You're being overly generous

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
12 April 2012 13:28:37

He was right. Complete mediocrity.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

You're being overly generous

Originally Posted by: Super Cell 

I assume he's referring to Comoli

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
12 April 2012 15:19:24

So Commolli bites the bullett for our poor season. This leads to a number of questions...

1/ Was it for 'family reasons'? I seem to remember Woy going by 'mutual consent'!

2/ Did Dalglish want any of the players, or have Liverpool fans got a reason/been given a reason now to not blame KK?

3/ Is Rafa coming back, notoriously dislikes having DoF figures above him?

4/ Will Fenway bankroll again this summer in the hands of someone else?


Matty H
  • Matty H
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12 April 2012 15:56:26
So Alan Davies mentions Hillsbrough without fawning and gushing all over it, and all of a sudden he's the spawn of Satan amongst the Scouse grief monkeys. They're going to run out of people to hate before long. 
12 April 2012 15:57:04

Well the answer to point 2 is yes in the sense that Dalglish was well aware of players likely to come in. He also had veto powers. Which begs the question as to why he's still there and Comolli isn't. I'm assuming - apart from it being the obvious 'safe' option - that sacking Dalglish wasn't on because of timing considerations i.e. Cup semis coming up against the Bitters.

12 April 2012 16:06:01

I was going to post this last night. The blog is absolutely spot on. I liked the use of the term 'mourning sickness'.

12 April 2012 16:10:46

So Dalglish has dodged the bullet officially if this story is even remotely true (yes, I know it's the Fail). Non-Liverpool supporting fans - especially at those clubs Liverpool should be competing with - will probably be pleased/amused.

From Werner:

'We feel there is enough talent on the pitch to win and, as I said, we've been dissatisfied, as most supporters have been, with the results so far.'

So why is Dalglish still there?

12 April 2012 16:18:50

Nah there will always be some one to blame for something, for not being what the amorphous masses want.

The comment "daring to ask why we must make endless performances of public mourning in response to terrible tragedies like Hillsborough". says it all about the chockful of emotional cripples that seem to make up our population these days. The average sycophant raving on about this, obvisiously has too much time on their hands and needs to get out more and get a life. 

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
David M Porter
12 April 2012 16:25:55

So Alan Davies mentions Hillsbrough without fawning and gushing all over it, and all of a sudden he's the spawn of Satan amongst the Scouse grief monkeys. They're going to run out of people to hate before long.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Without meaning any dispespect at all to some Liverpool fans, you would think sometimes that they are the only club in the whole world whose fans have ever suffered a major tragedy. Sure, Hillsborough was absolutely awful and should have never ever happened. I was nine at the time and I still recall vividly how I felt when I heard the news. But sadly, those 96 people can't be brought back, and nothing will ever change that.

My own team was another British club whose fans once suffered an awful tragedy at a ground; 2nd January 1971 to be exact when 66 Rangers fans died at Ibrox after getting caught up in a crush at the end of the New Year game against Celtic. Last year was the 40th anniversary of that awful day, and I'm sure that while the tragedy was a very sensitive subject for duscussion for Rangers fans for many years after, they have had to learn to deal with it and move on. Sure, the causes of the two tragedies were totally different, but lives lost are lives lost and sadly can't be brought back.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
12 April 2012 16:36:14

Werner's comments are a little more to the point this afternoon than the earlier statement regarding Camolli.

We've had a strategy that we have agreed on. There was some disconnect on the implementation of that. That strategy is a strong one and it will continue.

"We need to build a strong system under the first team. We're hard at work identifying transfer targets and we will be better next year."

Has space been made for KK to go back upstairs, politically apeasing the fans whilst bringing a new manager I wonder? As for money to be spent over the summer, it does sound like there is more to come.

As far as the Hillsborough comments, I understand from an 'Out of Towners' perspective why rival fans would question it, but I think Liverpool's wishes shouldn't be questioned. As a now armchair supporte,r I do not fully understand the effects that this horrid moment in our history had on the area of Liverpool and never fully will, having not been directly affected. However I would never question it, and if for instance Rangers or United were to not play on the anniversaries of their respective disasters it would not be my place to question that, simple as. Alan Davies getting involved was just daft, I bet his gig in Liverpool this year will be interesting. It smacks of someone having gone off the radar wanting some press coverage to me.

Saint Snow
12 April 2012 20:48:16

As far as the Hillsborough comments, I understand from an 'Out of Towners' perspective why rival fans would question it, but I think Liverpool's wishes shouldn't be questioned. As a now armchair supporte,r I do not fully understand the effects that this horrid moment in our history had on the area of Liverpool and never fully will, having not been directly affected. However I would never question it, and if for instance Rangers or United were to not play on the anniversaries of their respective disasters it would not be my place to question that, simple as. Alan Davies getting involved was just daft, I bet his gig in Liverpool this year will be interesting. 

Originally Posted by: haghir22 


Well said.

I'm not a 'grief monkey'. I didn't go to Anfield to leave my childhood Liverpool scarf (although I had a couple mates who didn't own a Liverpool scarf, so bought one just to take - W.T.F...). Still remember the day like it was yesterday. Still remember being shocked hearing that an old schoolmate was one of those who passed out and was manhandled over the fences onto the pitch where he was brought back round.

Still remember where I was when Diana (Princess of Hearts and whales) died; when September 11th happened.

Thought the collective wailing & gnashing of teeth by people with no connection to either aforementioned ex-wife of Charlie Windsor, nor to any of the 3,000 who died in the WTC, was annoying.

But Hillsborough was a bit different for most Liverpool people, simply because they DO have a connection. The vast majority know someone who was there, who was caught up in it, maybe who died.

It's also important to say that they don't expect everyone in Britain to weep each 15th April. All they ask is that they're allowed to remember in their own way - which includes not having a Liverpool football match scheduled on that day. Not too much to ask is it? So when other people, with no obvious legitimate motivation, call into question or make a cheap shot over the way Liverpool people handle the anniversary, surely those same Liverpool people have every right to respond. What that blog and certain people on here seem to be saying is that if someone wants to have a pop at Scousers over Hillsborough, then Scousers shouldn't be allowed to have a pop back.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
Matty H
  • Matty H
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12 April 2012 20:55:00
Saint, I know you. You'd be all over it if it wasn't the club you 'support'

I'm sick to death of having it rammed down my throat. That doesn't mean to say i don't know how tragic it was. I was watching it and it was awful, but why this? Why does Liverpool always think its such a special case all the bloody time? As others have said, how about we stop flying planes every 9/11, or stop the tubes every 7/5? Honestly some - and I said some - Liverpool fans are so far up their own arses. They aren't happy unless they are miserable and demanding the pity of everyone else. Snoozzzzzzze.
David M Porter
12 April 2012 21:17:40

While I do understand to an extent why Liverpool don't want to play a match on April 15th, especially an FA Cup semi-final as it was such a game that the tragedy occurred at, I do wonder why other clubs elsewhere whose fans have been hit by disasters haven't taken a similar stance. For instance, Rangers AFAIK have never made any request for a game scheduled for 2nd January in any given year not to go ahead. They have played many games against Celtic on that date in all the years since 1971, most recently last season when they played Celtic at Ibrox exactly 40 years to the day since the disaster. Likewise, I wonder if Bradford City players, fans etc have ever not wanted to play on May 11th, the date of the fire at Valley Parade in 1985, or if Juventus have ever not wanted to play on May 29th, the anniversary of Heysel- a disaster that I, then a five year old kid, saw unfold on live TV, just as so many others did that night.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
12 April 2012 21:39:08

As far as the Hillsborough comments, I understand from an 'Out of Towners' perspective why rival fans would question it, but I think Liverpool's wishes shouldn't be questioned. As a now armchair supporte,r I do not fully understand the effects that this horrid moment in our history had on the area of Liverpool and never fully will, having not been directly affected. However I would never question it, and if for instance Rangers or United were to not play on the anniversaries of their respective disasters it would not be my place to question that, simple as. Alan Davies getting involved was just daft, I bet his gig in Liverpool this year will be interesting. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Well said.

I'm not a 'grief monkey'. I didn't go to Anfield to leave my childhood Liverpool scarf (although I had a couple mates who didn't own a Liverpool scarf, so bought one just to take - W.T.F...). Still remember the day like it was yesterday. Still remember being shocked hearing that an old schoolmate was one of those who passed out and was manhandled over the fences onto the pitch where he was brought back round.

Still remember where I was when Diana (Princess of Hearts and whales) died; when September 11th happened.

Thought the collective wailing & gnashing of teeth by people with no connection to either aforementioned ex-wife of Charlie Windsor, nor to any of the 3,000 who died in the WTC, was annoying.

But Hillsborough was a bit different for most Liverpool people, simply because they DO have a connection. The vast majority know someone who was there, who was caught up in it, maybe who died.

It's also important to say that they don't expect everyone in Britain to weep each 15th April. All they ask is that they're allowed to remember in their own way - which includes not having a Liverpool football match scheduled on that day. Not too much to ask is it? So when other people, with no obvious legitimate motivation, call into question or make a cheap shot over the way Liverpool people handle the anniversary, surely those same Liverpool people have every right to respond. What that blog and certain people on here seem to be saying is that if someone wants to have a pop at Scousers over Hillsborough, then Scousers shouldn't be allowed to have a pop back.


Originally Posted by: haghir22 

Yes but death threats just for expressing an opinion, I am surprised that the police arn't looking into this over reaction by some charming "scousers".

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Saint Snow
12 April 2012 23:20:52

Saint, I know you. You'd be all over it if it wasn't the club you 'support'

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


I don't know...maybe.


I'm sick to death of having it rammed down my throat. 

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


That isn't the way I see it, though. Like I said, Liverpool people just seem to me to want to commemorate their tragedy themselves - no ramming down the throats of others. In fact the only time you tend to hear of it outside of Liverpool is when either a hack piece runs a feature or if some public figure pokes a stick in the wasps nest.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
David M Porter
13 April 2012 08:34:00

But Hillsborough was a bit different for most Liverpool people, simply because they DO have a connection. The vast majority know someone who was there, who was caught up in it, maybe who died. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Maybe so, but I'm pretty sure that many people living in Glasgow back in 1971 would have said something similar after the Ibrox disaster, and I also imagine that the same would have been true of people from Bradford 14 years later. OK, the number of fatalities in each of those disasters was nowhere as huge was the number that died at Hillsborough, but the given the number who perished at Ibrox and at Bradford, 66 and 56 respectively, I would think it likely that there were also a lot of people in Glasgow and Bradford at the times of those disasters who knew someone that was at the ground at the time and who also perhaps knew someone that sadly lost their life.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
13 April 2012 09:40:39

But Hillsborough was a bit different for most Liverpool people, simply because they DO have a connection. The vast majority know someone who was there, who was caught up in it, maybe who died. 

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 

Maybe so, but I'm pretty sure that many people living in Glasgow back in 1971 would have said something similar after the Ibrox disaster, and I also imagine that the same would have been true of people from Bradford 14 years later. OK, the number of fatalities in each of those disasters was nowhere as huge was the number that died at Hillsborough, but the given the number who perished at Ibrox and at Bradford, 66 and 56 respectively, I would think it likely that there were also a lot of people in Glasgow and Bradford at the times of those disasters who knew someone that was at the ground at the time and who also perhaps knew someone that sadly lost their life.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I find it hard to believe that the vast majority of people in liverpool do know someone who was there. 

The population of the greater Liverpool area is approx 800,000, the metropolitan area was probaly 400,000.

As a cup semi final there would have been 'pool fans there from all over england at least, if not abroad, I understand that there were about 14000 tickets for liverpool fans. I just wonder how many attending fans actually lived in Liverpool.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
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