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Gary L
10 April 2012 11:49:24

Another questionable decision at Old Trafford today, surely not??

That being said, gulp, you can say it - come on - yes, United ARE more worthy of the title this season than any of the 'pretenders!   

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


They've just ground teams down all through the season. A scum-U team devoid of the talent & skill of the past (look at the difference an aged and arthritic Scholes being brought out of retirement has made!) but doing just enough to win games (although often with the huge help from refs and slices of luck we've become accustomed to).

If you rated each of the scummers' squad out of 10, there'd be a lot of 6- and 7-out-of-tens. Their pitiful displays in Europe this season have been ample demonstration of that. But what they do very well is work their nads off, not giving the other team any time on the ball. They've also built up over their years of dominance a kind of hoodoo over opposition teams, who all too often seem to be resigned to losing before they step foot on the pitch.

Baconface has worked miracles with a severely limited squad.


Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

I hear this time and time again and I don't understand it. There seems to be a need for the opposition to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves that we aren't actually that good.

The only weakness we have is in midfield, although Scholes has come back in and despite being written off as aged and arthritic has been running games. Carrick has also been fantastic this season, although we do need to strengthen centre midfield.

Everywhere else we are extremely strong. Valencia, Nani, Young, Giggs on the wings is better than anything else in the league. Rooney is one of the best players in the world and I don't even need to mention our defense which is easily the best in the league.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

No, you've got it round the wrong way - a common trait among Unaaated fans.

Manchester United are a good team and deserving of the title, because the opposition have not stepped up to the plate on a consistent basis this season.

Manchester United are NOT a great team.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 


Exactly. It's a [reluctant] praise of Baconface's managerial ability to get the most out of his team of pretty average players.

If they were a good team, they wouldn't have been played off the park several times in Europe this season by European also-rans.

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

so we're not even a good team now? People are quick to forget that we broke records in Europe up until this year, everybody goes through dips in form. Barcelona's away form in Europe is shocking compared to United's, but that doesn't make them a poor team.

To be honest if opposition supporters want to kid themselves into thinking we are a bad team then that's fine. 

10 April 2012 12:11:47

Another questionable decision at Old Trafford today, surely not??

That being said, gulp, you can say it - come on - yes, United ARE more worthy of the title this season than any of the 'pretenders!   

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


They've just ground teams down all through the season. A scum-U team devoid of the talent & skill of the past (look at the difference an aged and arthritic Scholes being brought out of retirement has made!) but doing just enough to win games (although often with the huge help from refs and slices of luck we've become accustomed to).

If you rated each of the scummers' squad out of 10, there'd be a lot of 6- and 7-out-of-tens. Their pitiful displays in Europe this season have been ample demonstration of that. But what they do very well is work their nads off, not giving the other team any time on the ball. They've also built up over their years of dominance a kind of hoodoo over opposition teams, who all too often seem to be resigned to losing before they step foot on the pitch.

Baconface has worked miracles with a severely limited squad.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I hear this time and time again and I don't understand it. There seems to be a need for the opposition to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves that we aren't actually that good.

The only weakness we have is in midfield, although Scholes has come back in and despite being written off as aged and arthritic has been running games. Carrick has also been fantastic this season, although we do need to strengthen centre midfield.

Everywhere else we are extremely strong. Valencia, Nani, Young, Giggs on the wings is better than anything else in the league. Rooney is one of the best players in the world and I don't even need to mention our defense which is easily the best in the league.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

No, you've got it round the wrong way - a common trait among Unaaated fans.

Manchester United are a good team and deserving of the title, because the opposition have not stepped up to the plate on a consistent basis this season.

Manchester United are NOT a great team.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


Exactly. It's a [reluctant] praise of Baconface's managerial ability to get the most out of his team of pretty average players.

If they were a good team, they wouldn't have been played off the park several times in Europe this season by European also-rans.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

so we're not even a good team now? People are quick to forget that we broke records in Europe up until this year, everybody goes through dips in form. Barcelona's away form in Europe is shocking compared to United's, but that doesn't make them a poor team.

To be honest if opposition supporters want to kid themselves into thinking we are a bad team then that's fine. 

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Whats being said IMO is that by a measure of yesterday year, champions league etc, the Utd team are not great.

SAF has done well with what is an average team by their standards

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
10 April 2012 12:31:44

Another questionable decision at Old Trafford today, surely not??

That being said, gulp, you can say it - come on - yes, United ARE more worthy of the title this season than any of the 'pretenders!   

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


They've just ground teams down all through the season. A scum-U team devoid of the talent & skill of the past (look at the difference an aged and arthritic Scholes being brought out of retirement has made!) but doing just enough to win games (although often with the huge help from refs and slices of luck we've become accustomed to).

If you rated each of the scummers' squad out of 10, there'd be a lot of 6- and 7-out-of-tens. Their pitiful displays in Europe this season have been ample demonstration of that. But what they do very well is work their nads off, not giving the other team any time on the ball. They've also built up over their years of dominance a kind of hoodoo over opposition teams, who all too often seem to be resigned to losing before they step foot on the pitch.

Baconface has worked miracles with a severely limited squad.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I hear this time and time again and I don't understand it. There seems to be a need for the opposition to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves that we aren't actually that good.

The only weakness we have is in midfield, although Scholes has come back in and despite being written off as aged and arthritic has been running games. Carrick has also been fantastic this season, although we do need to strengthen centre midfield.

Everywhere else we are extremely strong. Valencia, Nani, Young, Giggs on the wings is better than anything else in the league. Rooney is one of the best players in the world and I don't even need to mention our defense which is easily the best in the league.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

No, you've got it round the wrong way - a common trait among Unaaated fans.

Manchester United are a good team and deserving of the title, because the opposition have not stepped up to the plate on a consistent basis this season.

Manchester United are NOT a great team.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 


Exactly. It's a [reluctant] praise of Baconface's managerial ability to get the most out of his team of pretty average players.

If they were a good team, they wouldn't have been played off the park several times in Europe this season by European also-rans.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

so we're not even a good team now? People are quick to forget that we broke records in Europe up until this year, everybody goes through dips in form. Barcelona's away form in Europe is shocking compared to United's, but that doesn't make them a poor team.

To be honest if opposition supporters want to kid themselves into thinking we are a bad team then that's fine. 

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

Had SAF been in charge of Shiteh and Mancini in charge of Unaaated we would probably be talking about Shiteh wrapping up the title now.

Still, enjoy the plaudits while you can. Shiteh will probably replace Mankini in the summer with someone who knows how to manage. They'll also improve their squad, which is already better than Utd's. Hence, United won't have a better chance to win the EPL than now.

As for Europe, well there's a lot of work to be done on that front. When Bilbao destroyed you over two legs they showed the new way. United had better wake up to this reality and pronto.

Gary L
10 April 2012 14:30:05

Another questionable decision at Old Trafford today, surely not??

That being said, gulp, you can say it - come on - yes, United ARE more worthy of the title this season than any of the 'pretenders!   

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


They've just ground teams down all through the season. A scum-U team devoid of the talent & skill of the past (look at the difference an aged and arthritic Scholes being brought out of retirement has made!) but doing just enough to win games (although often with the huge help from refs and slices of luck we've become accustomed to).

If you rated each of the scummers' squad out of 10, there'd be a lot of 6- and 7-out-of-tens. Their pitiful displays in Europe this season have been ample demonstration of that. But what they do very well is work their nads off, not giving the other team any time on the ball. They've also built up over their years of dominance a kind of hoodoo over opposition teams, who all too often seem to be resigned to losing before they step foot on the pitch.

Baconface has worked miracles with a severely limited squad.


Originally Posted by: Gary L 

I hear this time and time again and I don't understand it. There seems to be a need for the opposition to make themselves feel better by convincing themselves that we aren't actually that good.

The only weakness we have is in midfield, although Scholes has come back in and despite being written off as aged and arthritic has been running games. Carrick has also been fantastic this season, although we do need to strengthen centre midfield.

Everywhere else we are extremely strong. Valencia, Nani, Young, Giggs on the wings is better than anything else in the league. Rooney is one of the best players in the world and I don't even need to mention our defense which is easily the best in the league.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

No, you've got it round the wrong way - a common trait among Unaaated fans.

Manchester United are a good team and deserving of the title, because the opposition have not stepped up to the plate on a consistent basis this season.

Manchester United are NOT a great team.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 


Exactly. It's a [reluctant] praise of Baconface's managerial ability to get the most out of his team of pretty average players.

If they were a good team, they wouldn't have been played off the park several times in Europe this season by European also-rans.

Originally Posted by: Gary L 

so we're not even a good team now? People are quick to forget that we broke records in Europe up until this year, everybody goes through dips in form. Barcelona's away form in Europe is shocking compared to United's, but that doesn't make them a poor team.

To be honest if opposition supporters want to kid themselves into thinking we are a bad team then that's fine. 

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Had SAF been in charge of Shiteh and Mancini in charge of Unaaated we would probably be talking about Shiteh wrapping up the title now.

Still, enjoy the plaudits while you can. Shiteh will probably replace Mankini in the summer with someone who knows how to manage. They'll also improve their squad, which is already better than Utd's. Hence, United won't have a better chance to win the EPL than now.

As for Europe, well there's a lot of work to be done on that front. When Bilbao destroyed you over two legs they showed the new way. United had better wake up to this reality and pronto.

Originally Posted by: Karl Guille 

United's empire has been no the decline for years, Liverpool supporters in particular love to perpetuate this myth. The truth is we'll be back next year with our poor team challenging for the title. As for being shown to be average in Europe don't forget we have been in 3 Champions League Finals in 5 years. We've had a poor season in Europe this year, mainly down to SAF not giving the group stages enough respect. And as for the Europa League, well I'm not saying we would have beaten Bilbao if it was the Champions League but the players would have been a lot more motivated. 

10 April 2012 16:24:03

A shame that Riley never bothered contacting us after Foy's disgraceful performance in the Stoke game. At least Riley did the decent thing in Wigan's case. I wonder if he would have done the same had Howard Webb screwed up.

10 April 2012 19:33:24

Liverpool two up. Maxi scoring both, I suppose he'll be benched for the next few months as a result and back to Downing, Henderson etc.

Doni sent off, Liverpool relying on their number 3 goalie who saves a shite penalty! All the excitement at Blackburn.

10 April 2012 19:40:06

I can see blackburn winning this 4 - 2.

Matty H
  • Matty H
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
10 April 2012 20:25:14
Miserable ****** King Cunny's post match interview will be fun if this turns out to be another calamity from Liverpool
10 April 2012 20:27:22
Lets hope it does :D

Liverpool probably should have had Brad Jones sent off as well. Fun game!
10 April 2012 20:27:23

Yakubu made a bit of a mess of that first penalty, shame really, but since its now 2-2 can Blackburn beat them.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
10 April 2012 20:51:43
Aww crap! Carroll of all people!
10 April 2012 21:00:21

Yep, Blackburn mugged (having outplayed and outfought them for much of the second half) by Liverpool in the final minutes. This really is a shockingly poor Liverpool team.

10 April 2012 21:33:04

Somehow that aseemed enevitable as the match went on I kept thinking Liverpool will nic it.

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
Saint Snow
10 April 2012 21:57:49

I wish Blackburn would have won. 1) because it makes Dalglish's departure more likely, and 2) because I want QPR to be relegated

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
10 April 2012 22:00:48

I wish Blackburn would have won. 1) because it makes Dalglish's departure more likely, and 2) because I want QPR to be relegated

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

2 especially!

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
10 April 2012 23:05:44

It's time for 'Arry to go, methinks. Mind you, I've been saying that for the last year. What's different this time round is that Spurs fans are going to turn on him in a big way after today's woeful performance.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Can't make it out, they don't seem to have a clue, how to play anymore.

5th or even 6th beckons at this rate


Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Problem is, Levy can't sack 'Arry yet. We are well and truly screwed.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Weren't some Spurs fans on here saying best Spurs squad for 30 years?? 

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

Yep, and I still maintain that. Problem is, we have a manager with the tactical nous of a concussed slug. Yesterday's fiasco was only the latest instalment.

Originally Posted by: Romfordman 

Good squad, just that the manager, needs a new brain injected in. 

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

But they could well( not saying they will) finish behind supposedly the worst Arsenal side in 40 years ( others words on here ), what does that say?

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

10 April 2012 23:07:10

Miserable [censored]King Cunny's post match interview will be fun if this turns out to be another calamity from Liverpool

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Cant stand the man, refuse to listen to him

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

10 April 2012 23:09:17

A shame that Riley never bothered contacting us after Foy's disgraceful performance in the Stoke game. At least Riley did the decent thing in Wigan's case. I wonder if he would have done the same had Howard Webb screwed up.

Originally Posted by: SEMerc 

yet nothing done about the tackle on Song?? supposedly because one of the officials saw it....really so why wasn't action taken on the day.??

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

10 April 2012 23:27:41

Shame Liverpool got a win, anyone think that KD is still employed because of his history within the club

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Saint Snow
10 April 2012 23:44:46

anyone think that KD is still employed because of his history within the club

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


You don't say...

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
11 April 2012 00:09:47

Shame Liverpool got a win, anyone think that KD is still employed because of his history within the club

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

It's not just that though. He's one of the few people in football I'd love to meet just to punch his lights out. Horrible little paranoid, humourless, sarcastic twunt.

11 April 2012 18:59:09

Wolves already down to 10 men and losing 2-0 oh dear!

11 April 2012 19:43:44

Wolves already down to 10 men and losing 2-0 oh dear!

Originally Posted by: NUT 

Yep, down to that utter tool Bassong. The sooner we (Spurs) move him on, the better.

11 April 2012 20:07:12

Wigan 1-0 v Utd

City 3-0 v West Brom

QPR 1-0 v Swansea

Wolves 0-2 v Arsenal

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
11 April 2012 20:09:47

City running riot now its 4-0

3 goals in 10 minutes

35m asl
No matter who you vote for the government always gets in
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