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Brian Gaze
17 March 2020 21:51:57

You can tell my mind is not being occupied with anything else tonight, but another thought. Is there any chance that electricity supplies may be interrupted, by lack of staffing to do whatever it is they do?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

I got an email from People's Energy today which contained the text below. However, I had the same thought as you. It also applies to the other utilities and broadband.

Covid-19 and your energy supply

This is a difficult, and worrying, time for all of us.β€― We want to reassure you that, whatever happens, you don’t need to worry about your electricity and gas. Our team are working hard to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

We’ll continue to supply your property as normal. Your supply will not, at any point, be discontinued.

Following yesterday’s guidance from the UK Government, we are asking as many of our team as possible to work from home. They will continue to answer emails and livechat, however we will need to greatly reduce the number of calls we are able to take.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Northern Sky
17 March 2020 21:53:14

I've now had a full debrief on the science. My last post on the subject now as I've chosen to drink quite heavily. Please don't be complacent. Good news - there might be a chance are we're already up to near 20m+ (virus has been here since Dec19, undiagnosed deaths etc.), but we need to push for antibody tests. Do not push for the viral tests. Worthless.

Originally Posted by: Arcus 

There were quite a few people off at my school just before Christmas with flu and terrible cough. If it was Covid 19 then surely that's good news in that there were also lots of us who didn't get it, despite no extra distancing/handwashing measures?

17 March 2020 21:54:35
Want some good news?

Have several bits of it: 
[email protected]
17 March 2020 21:54:54

I watched a bit of TV news and they seem behind the curve as usually. Not much coverage of the new advice from our epidemiology team. No hard questions asked. No proper analysis.

World class media my arsse. 

17 March 2020 21:56:40

Want some good news?

Have several bits of it:

Originally Posted by: NickR 


Dodgy data, UK knows best.

Northern Sky
17 March 2020 21:56:52

Think about it, this virus emerged in November, unrestricted flights from China brought thousands of people over here all through that time. Do we really think the virus managed to stay locked up in China all that time?

Brian Gaze
17 March 2020 21:58:00

Want some good news?

Have several bits of it:

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I'm suspicious about the combination of anti-viral drugs being effective but we shall see. China and Italy would probably have deployed them by now if they were useful. The other points I agree with.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
17 March 2020 21:58:30

You can tell my mind is not being occupied with anything else tonight, but another thought. Is there any chance that electricity supplies may be interrupted, by lack of staffing to do whatever it is they do?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

Not sure, but I've bought 64 cans of gas and a camping stove.

[email protected]
17 March 2020 21:59:39

Think about it, this virus emerged in November, unrestricted flights from China brought thousands of people over here all through that time. Do we really think the virus managed to stay locked up in China all that time?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

There was a very small umber of infections in China in Nov and Dec until Xmas, so the chance of infection here would have been absolutely tiny.

Brian Gaze
17 March 2020 21:59:51


There were quite a few people off at my school just before Christmas with flu and terrible cough. If it was Covid 19 then surely that's good news in that there were also lots of us who didn't get it, despite no extra distancing/handwashing measures?

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

I'm not buying it. Look at the surge in deaths in Italy and increasingly France and Spain. Britain too has started to measure an increase in recent days.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
17 March 2020 22:00:59


I got an email from People's Energy today which contained the text below. However, I had the same thought as you. It also applies to the other utilities and broadband.

Covid-19 and your energy supply

This is a difficult, and worrying, time for all of us.β€― We want to reassure you that, whatever happens, you don’t need to worry about your electricity and gas. Our team are working hard to keep things running as smoothly as possible.

We’ll continue to supply your property as normal. Your supply will not, at any point, be discontinued.

Following yesterday’s guidance from the UK Government, we are asking as many of our team as possible to work from home. They will continue to answer emails and livechat, however we will need to greatly reduce the number of calls we are able to take.


Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Well that’s good then. We only have to have a breath of wind in N Norfolk and the power goes awry, so we are used to having power cuts. 

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
17 March 2020 22:02:24


Not sure, but I've bought 64 cans of gas and a camping stove.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
17 March 2020 22:03:37


Not sure, but I've bought 64 cans of gas and a camping stove.

Originally Posted by: NickR 


you’ve got quite a stash of stuff up there in the north east, NickπŸ˜›πŸ˜›

Maunder Minimum
17 March 2020 22:03:53


I'm not buying it. Look at the surge in deaths in Italy and increasingly France and Spain. Britain too has started to measure an increase in recent days.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

There are different ways of looking at it - it depends how long it took for masses of the most vulnerable people to come down with it.

One thing we can be sure of, there are many more cases than there are known about - until mass testing for antibodies can start, we simply have no clue how many people have already had the virus without knowing about it (could have put it down to winter flu or a bad bug of some description). Only when people start being hospitalised does the whole thing become big news.

New world order coming.
17 March 2020 22:04:06

Laura K on BBC is like watching North Korea TV.

'you can't blame the chancellor for looking serious. He is doing everything possible to address this crisis.'

17 March 2020 22:05:06

Walked out of my local Sainsbury's tonight. The place has been stripped. It's getting worse now as all the fresh fruit and veg has gone this time. Fresh meat, Baked beans, Soup, Tinned veg, Pasta, Eggs, Dog and Cat Food, Toilet Rolls..... It's fxcking madness. I can only shop at that time as I start work so early. I feel so sorry for people who really need this stuff and can't because of these selfish and profiteering cxnts

Heavy Weather 2013
17 March 2020 22:06:18

Walked out of my local Sainsbury's tonight. The place has been stripped. It's getting worse now as all the fresh fruit and veg has gone this time. Fresh meat, Baked beans, Soup, Tinned veg, Pasta, Eggs, Dog and Cat Food, Toilet Rolls..... It's fxcking madness. I can only shop at that time as I start work so early. I feel so sorry for people who really need this stuff and can't because of these selfish and profiteering cxnts

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

Yes, I’ve noticed that fresh produce is also disappearing more rapidly. The shelves round here were pretty desolate 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
17 March 2020 22:07:26

Laura K on BBC is like watching North Korea TV.

'you can't blame the chancellor for looking serious. He is doing everything possible to address this crisis.'

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

I bet she was bubbling with praise. I really can’t stand the women 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
17 March 2020 22:07:31

Just a question here.  Should it become possible and easy to test if someone has antibodies can they then donate blood, which is then used in a transfusion therefore passing the antibodies on?

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

On the subject of blood ....


Nothing about us type Bs though 

Evesham, Worcs, Albion - 35m asl
Weather & Earth Science News 

Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job - DNA
Maunder Minimum
17 March 2020 22:07:36

Back to Ursula von der Leyen and her completely irresponsible comment today - irresponsible, because people will see the headline comment and expect a vaccine in the autumn.

I have tried to spread some realism about that and now the BBC Website has posted the following:


How close are we to a vaccine?

Let's dig a little deeper into this.

The head of the EU commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has said a German company could have a vaccine ready by the autumn.

But how likely is this? And what needs to happen for us to get there?

So far, researchers have developed vaccines and are starting to test them. There could be human trials by the end of the year if these tests go well.

But, even if a vaccine is developed before 2021, there's still a major hurdle beyond that in the shape of firms being able to successfully mass-produce doses.

It means, realistically, one would not be ready until at least the middle of next year.



New world order coming.
Rob K
17 March 2020 22:08:18


I'm not buying it. Look at the surge in deaths in Italy and increasingly France and Spain. Britain too has started to measure an increase in recent days.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Agreed, it’s ridiculous. Lots of people got a bad cold/chest infection around Christmas. What else is new. So many posts in social media trying to claim they had this virus “before it was cool”. I’m reminded of this.


Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." β€” Jerome K. Jerome
Brian Gaze
17 March 2020 22:10:03


There are different ways of looking at it - it depends how long it took for masses of the most vulnerable people to come down with it.

One thing we can be sure of, there are many more cases than there are known about - until mass testing for antibodies can start, we simply have no clue how many people have already had the virus without knowing about it (could have put it down to winter flu or a bad bug of some description). Only when people start being hospitalised does the whole thing become big news.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Given the timelines in China, Italy and elsewhere I would be staggered if more than 150k in the UK have been infected already. However, I agree about the need to antibody testing here and elsewhere.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Rob K
17 March 2020 22:10:38

Walked out of my local Sainsbury's tonight. The place has been stripped. It's getting worse now as all the fresh fruit and veg has gone this time. Fresh meat, Baked beans, Soup, Tinned veg, Pasta, Eggs, Dog and Cat Food, Toilet Rolls..... It's fxcking madness. I can only shop at that time as I start work so early. I feel so sorry for people who really need this stuff and can't because of these selfish and profiteering cxnts

Originally Posted by: Sevendust 

How do you know it is “profiteering”? As opposed to people quite sensibly making sure their families have food on the table? I very much doubt people are buying stuff up to sell it on, because in the current climate who would buy food from some dodgy stranger?


I don’t think it is even panic buying as such, simply that far more people are going shopping because they don’t know whether they will be able to do so again in the near future. Perfectly sensible behaviour, unless you always keep two or three weeks’ worth of food in your house at all times?

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." β€” Jerome K. Jerome
17 March 2020 22:19:24


We're up to 20 million+ already in the UK? If that's the case surely there would have been a huge surge in deaths. Somebody is speaking bollox. Either your contact or the experts who are working on the mortality rate.   

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Massive, massive underestimate of asymptomatic cases (and the likelihood they were in Europe far, far earlier), and they are big spreaders. The death rate being quoted is based on symptomatic cases. I'm not sure I agree with what I've been told, but I'm more shocked now than before, hence the booze...


Nr. Easingwold, North Yorkshire
30m asl
17 March 2020 22:19:51
Given Bolsonaro's attitude towards the virus, am expecting to see Brazil High up the list of cases in a couple of weeks time
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