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Maunder Minimum
18 March 2020 09:41:57


Something along those lines could make sense but I imagine there will be serious issues to overcome. For example, in the areas where hospitals are most stretched there is likely to be a higher incidence of ill teachers. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Very true - but teachers are mobile and perhaps fit, young teachers from surplus regions could move to plug the gap. As can be seen from Gavin's  regional analysis above, Worcestershire for example remains a more or less COVID free county - no idea why - perhaps Worcestershire people don't go on ski holidays.

Just been talking to my sister who cares for our 92 year old mother - she has decided to move in with Mum, to isolate herself from the rest of her (large) family, including her own husband who will have to take care of himself. That is the type of sacrifice people have to make - since my sister is the main carer for Mum, it makes logical sense for her to isolate with her, but it is going to be tough, since she will be isolated from her children and grandchildren too. I have been asked not to visit Mum until this is over.



New world order coming.
Gavin D
18 March 2020 09:42:24

Londoners don't seem to have got the 'social distancing' message



Heavy Weather 2013
18 March 2020 09:43:41

There is going to have to be a major crackdown because otherwise those who 'talk a good game' - utter tw4ts like Beast and one of my friends who said he was going to stop going to the pub and then went anyway 'because he felt fine' - will continue to do so.

These people don't care about the virus continuing to spread more quickly because of numbers circulating in pubs, clubs, etc. All they think about is that they are OK, their friends are OK and so there is no risk. They don't care about asymptomatic carriers, they don't care about the elderly and the vulnerable. All they care about is their own gratification. They will contort any argument to justify carrying on as normal while slagging off the Govt and others for not doing enough.

It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach, frankly. It is just about the most selfish act possible. It should be as socially unacceptable as drink driving but unfortunately there are plenty of red-faced pr1cks out there who are willing to tell the Daily Mail or Sky News that there is no danger from going to the pub.

To anybody who is doing this, I say this: Get this through your thick f5cking skull - it is not about you. It is about the continued circulation of the virus among medium to large size groups. By ignoring advice, you are potentially signing the death warrants of scores of vulnerable and elderly people. 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Totally agree. This is a great post and illustrates the issues well.

I’ve had a row with my step mother who says she feels fine and wants to carry on as normal. 

Im sick of the selfish nature of people. The government need to wake the [censored]up

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
David M Porter
18 March 2020 09:50:50

There is going to have to be a major crackdown because otherwise those who 'talk a good game' - utter tw4ts like Beast and one of my friends who said he was going to stop going to the pub and then went anyway 'because he felt fine' - will continue to do so.

These people don't care about the virus continuing to spread more quickly because of numbers circulating in pubs, clubs, etc. All they think about is that they are OK, their friends are OK and so there is no risk. They don't care about asymptomatic carriers, they don't care about the elderly and the vulnerable. All they care about is their own gratification. They will contort any argument to justify carrying on as normal while slagging off the Govt and others for not doing enough.

It makes me sick to the pit of my stomach, frankly. It is just about the most selfish act possible. It should be as socially unacceptable as drink driving but unfortunately there are plenty of red-faced pr1cks out there who are willing to tell the Daily Mail or Sky News that there is no danger from going to the pub.

To anybody who is doing this, I say this: Get this through your thick f5cking skull - it is not about you. It is about the continued circulation of the virus among medium to large size groups. By ignoring advice, you are potentially signing the death warrants of scores of vulnerable and elderly people. 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Well said, Justin.

I was really hoping until recently that we in this country would avoid having to impose a total lockdown, but as others have said it is now looking inevitable. For all the inconvenience it will cause, if this proves to be the difference between life and death for a great many people across society as a whole and especially the most vulnerable, then so be it.

Priorities, people!

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Joe Bloggs
18 March 2020 09:52:41

Only a total 100% lockdown will sort this problem. 

Perhaps it will come this week. 

Manchester City Centre, 31m ASL

Brian Gaze
18 March 2020 09:53:32

Londoners don't seem to have got the 'social distancing' message



Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Those really are horrific pictures and I am not being funny. No one can say for certain whether the conditions for a Lombardy or worse are in place. However, that must be massively increasing the risk.  

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
18 March 2020 09:57:27

Londoners don't seem to have got the 'social distancing' message



Originally Posted by: Gavin D 


Clueless people 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

David M Porter
18 March 2020 09:59:58

I have a 24-year-old cousin who is living and working in London at the moment; she is traning to be an accountant.

Needless to say, I am more than a little worried for her welfare at this time.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
Justin W
18 March 2020 10:03:14

Why is the Tube still running? It has always been a motorway for the transmission of disease. It is utter madness that people are still herding onto trains and platforms. I think London is facing a catastrophe if this continues.

What all of this - the pathetic 'help' for businesses and individuals, the continued opening of schools, the herd immunity debacle, the 'advice' to keep away from pubs etc - shows is that Johnson is unfit to be PM in a time of crisis. He is unable to take the necessary decisions to protect the public at the right time without being swayed by some narcissist nutjob adviser. 

Johnson is not a strong man. He is weak. And his inability to be consistent and decisive is a danger to all of us. 

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
18 March 2020 10:03:33
London could be an utter catastrophe, given everything I've seen and heard.

And let's see what happens in Liverpool in a 7-10 days' time.
[email protected]
David M Porter
18 March 2020 10:08:37

Why is the Tube still running? It has always been a motorway for the transmission of disease. It is utter madness that people are still herding onto trains and platforms. I think London is facing a catastrophe if this continues.

What all of this - the pathetic 'help' for businesses and individuals, the continued opening of schools, the herd immunity debacle, the 'advice' to keep away from pubs etc - shows is that Johnson is unfit to be PM in a time of crisis. He is unable to take the necessary decisions to protect the public at the right time without being swayed by some narcissist nutjob adviser. 

Johnson is not a strong man. He is weak. And his inability to be consistent and decisive is a danger to all of us. 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

For all we have spent so much time here talking about what Johnson did during the six months between when he became PM and when we left the EU at the end of January, it may well be the coronavirus crisis and the way they have handled this that proves to be the ultimate undoing of him and his government and not the long-term fall-out from Brexit.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
18 March 2020 10:11:48

Why is the Tube still running? It has always been a motorway for the transmission of disease. It is utter madness that people are still herding onto trains and platforms. I think London is facing a catastrophe if this continues.

What all of this - the pathetic 'help' for businesses and individuals, the continued opening of schools, the herd immunity debacle, the 'advice' to keep away from pubs etc - shows is that Johnson is unfit to be PM in a time of crisis. He is unable to take the necessary decisions to protect the public at the right time without being swayed by some narcissist nutjob adviser. 

Johnson is not a strong man. He is weak. And his inability to be consistent and decisive is a danger to all of us. 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Because he can't use his bumbling idiot schtick with this one!

David M Porter
18 March 2020 10:13:13

London could be an utter catastrophe, given everything I've seen and heard.

And let's see what happens in Liverpool in a 7-10 days' time.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Indeed, Nick.

I know that you live in Durham these days, but am I right in thinking that you are originally from London or somewhere near to it?

If so, I imagine you are pretty glad you are not living there at the moment.

Lenzie, Glasgow

"Let us not take ourselves too seriously. None of us has a monopoly on wisdom, and we must always be ready to listen and respect other points of view."- Queen Elizabeth II 1926-2022
18 March 2020 10:19:11

Why is the Tube still running? It has always been a motorway for the transmission of disease. It is utter madness that people are still herding onto trains and platforms. I think London is facing a catastrophe if this continues.


Originally Posted by: Justin W 

What about people who can't work from home? What about the doctors and nurses who need to get to work? How are those people supposed to get around?

At least it will be mild!
Maunder Minimum
18 March 2020 10:20:04

Coronavirus Cases: 200,106

Of course, those are just the figures for those who have been tested and are a complete fiction.

Still, the milestone of > 200K has passed.

New world order coming.
Maunder Minimum
18 March 2020 10:21:10


What about people who can't work from home? What about the doctors and nurses who need to get to work? How are those people supposed to get around?

Originally Posted by: westv 

The transport network has to remain open for essential workers - I guess it will get to the point where people will need an essential workers pass to use some services.

P.S. if donating money, make 100% certain that it is the proper organisation which benefits:

The WHO have issued a warning to the public that cyber scammers are using “email, websites, phone calls, text messages, and even fax messages” to lure people into donating money to what they believe is the organisation’s “COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund”.

New world order coming.
Heavy Weather 2013
18 March 2020 10:21:25


What about people who can't work from home? What about the doctors and nurses who need to get to work? How are those people supposed to get around?

Originally Posted by: westv 

These are valid questions. But these should be directed at the government. They have a responsibility to all members of the country and need to take the right actions.

They are failing at the moment.


Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Justin W
18 March 2020 10:22:48


What about people who can't work from home? What about the doctors and nurses who need to get to work? How are those people supposed to get around?

Originally Posted by: westv 

Are you for real?

There is overground transport. HMG needs to arrange safe transportation for key workers. This needs to happen yesterday because the Tube is a catastrophe in the making

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
Saint Snow
18 March 2020 10:23:13

Why is the Tube still running? It has always been a motorway for the transmission of disease. It is utter madness that people are still herding onto trains and platforms. I think London is facing a catastrophe if this continues.

What all of this - the pathetic 'help' for businesses and individuals, the continued opening of schools, the herd immunity debacle, the 'advice' to keep away from pubs etc - shows is that Johnson is unfit to be PM in a time of crisis. He is unable to take the necessary decisions to protect the public at the right time without being swayed by some narcissist nutjob adviser. 

Johnson is not a strong man. He is weak. And his inability to be consistent and decisive is a danger to all of us. 

Originally Posted by: Justin W 


It's still running because people are still required to physically go to work - many/most of them unnecessarily, but there remains an immature/Victorian distrust of employees working from home by many employers.

People, especially with an economic atom bomb ticking down, aren't going to give up their jobs if they're being strong-armed by control-freak employers to go into the office to do a job they could do from home.

As you say, the weak 'advice' given by the government helps these employers to continue their "come into the office for now, and we'll continue to monitor the situation" approach, when the Govt should be ordering home working.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
18 March 2020 10:23:49
Horrific scenes from the tube there.

Kids been sent home here and schools decimated. 4 staff down as well.

The fact that we have had to wait this long for the inevitable (which still hasn't happened), coupled with the tube scenes (no doubt similar issues with lack of distancing in other cities) shows that Johnson has dithered for far too long.

The damage has been done and I hope he will be taken fully to account when this eventually eases. I appreciate it is a difficult decision but we need strength from our leader and I can't see how anyone could argue that we've had that.
18 March 2020 10:31:27


Are you for real?

There is overground transport. HMG needs to arrange safe transportation for key workers. This needs to happen yesterday because the Tube is a catastrophe in the making

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Meanwhile in the real world...

At least it will be mild!
Saint Snow
18 March 2020 10:32:35

Kids been sent home here and schools decimated. 4 staff down as well.

Originally Posted by: SJV 


On Monday my daughters' school sent home 55. More yesterday - although there doesn't seem to be much consistency. By youngest's best friend coughed once and sent home. Others claiming to feel unwell and hot have not been sent home.

My eldest has her GCSE dance practical today and hopefully it will go ahead (she's had to choreograph for her and 3 others, thankfully all were well as of last night).

I think they'll close on Friday. Inevitable, but very sad nonetheless. I hope arrangements are made for years 11 & 13 to prepare for and take their exams.

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
18 March 2020 10:33:06


Indeed, Nick.

I know that you live in Durham these days, but am I right in thinking that you are originally from London or somewhere near to it?

If so, I imagine you are pretty glad you are not living there at the moment.

Originally Posted by: David M Porter 


This area does seem relatively low scale at the moment (1 confirmed case in Co. Durham, 1 in Sunderland), but that hides many, many more, including some I know of. That said, I have no doubt that it is many many times worse in most parts of the country. But sooner or later this will hit everywhere hard.

[email protected]
18 March 2020 10:34:08



On Monday my daughters' school sent home 55. More yesterday - although there doesn't seem to be much consistency. By youngest's best friend coughed once and sent home. Others claiming to feel unwell and hot have not been sent home.

My eldest has her GCSE dance practical today and hopefully it will go ahead (she's had to choreograph for her and 3 others, thankfully all were well as of last night).

I think they'll close on Friday. Inevitable, but very sad nonetheless. I hope arrangements are made for years 11 & 13 to prepare for and take their exams.

Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

I've heard nothing yet about Admissions at the University, though I may ask today, if I can get through my marking!

It is incredibly hard to focus on work right now.

[email protected]
Maunder Minimum
18 March 2020 10:37:51

Horrific scenes from the tube there.

Kids been sent home here and schools decimated. 4 staff down as well.

The fact that we have had to wait this long for the inevitable (which still hasn't happened), coupled with the tube scenes (no doubt similar issues with lack of distancing in other cities) shows that Johnson has dithered for far too long.

The damage has been done and I hope he will be taken fully to account when this eventually eases. I appreciate it is a difficult decision but we need strength from our leader and I can't see how anyone could argue that we've had that.

Originally Posted by: SJV 

The real scandal (and I mean the real scandal) is that borders were not closed and travel severely restricted weeks ago!

The whole of Europe has let its citizens down in that regard.

New world order coming.
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