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26 March 2020 21:25:23

Richard Horton, of medical journal The Lancet, backs a total shutdown of construction sites, adding the UK should have to "shut down as much as possible".

He warns that without this, the other measures brought in by the government will have to go on for longer.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

This should be an easy concept to understand, but these days we are not doing well with rationality: The less strict the lockdown, the longer it will last.

Saint Snow
26 March 2020 21:26:58

It was wonderful and emotional. Lots of clapping, cheering and a few fireworks, too! Brilliant show of nationwide solidarity and support for our NHS.

Originally Posted by: SJV 


Like many, I found it incredibly moving; sent a shiver down my spine.

There will be many, perhaps dozens, of frontline NHS staff who lose their lives trying to save the lives of others during this pandemic. Once all this has settled down in the months to come, I hope there's a rekindling of support for the NHS and its staff, and a realisation that they need to be adequately funded, properly staffed, and supplied with the right level of equipment and other items - and that taxation must pay for it.



Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
26 March 2020 21:30:02

 Like many, I found it incredibly moving; sent a shiver down my spine.

There will be many, perhaps dozens, of frontline NHS staff who lose their lives trying to save the lives of others during this pandemic. Once all this has settled down in the months to come, I hope there's a rekindling of support for the NHS and its staff, and a realisation that they need to be adequately funded, properly staffed, and supplied with the right level of equipment and other items - and that taxation must pay for it.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Gavin D
26 March 2020 21:31:23

West Midlands emerges as a hotspot for coronavirus deaths



"The West Midlands has seen another sharp rise in the number of coronavirus-related deaths after emerging as a hotspot for transmissions of the virus earlier this week. Of the 115 new deaths reported across the UK in the latest update, 40 were recorded in the West Midlands. That took the total number of deaths across the Midlands to 112.

Eighteen people who died were being treated by the Royal Wolverhampton NHS trust, which has recorded the highest death toll from the virus for any trust in the UK for the second time. There have been 17 deaths in Sandwell and West Birmingham hospitals NHS trust, 16 in University Hospitals Birmingham NHS foundation trust and 11 in the Dudley Group NHS foundation trust so far.

Earlier this week the government said it was investigating the reasons behind a hotspot emerging in the region. Anecdotal evidence suggested people’s religious convictions and fears of social isolation could be leading to a sharp rise in the number of coronavirus transmissions in the area.

In an interview with the Guardian, the Birmingham MP Khalid Mahmood said older Muslim and Sikh people in the area were struggling to adhere to government guidelines about physical distancing because of their religious convictions. Despite most religious services being cancelled, some older people were allegedly continuing to attend mosques and gurdwaras to pray, Mahmood said. Another theory suggested panic buying in supermarkets, with people queueing next to each other for hours to pay for their goods, could be contributing to the large cluster."

  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 21:31:57


Here it is - the EIA article:





Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

It's an article from a self-confessed lobby group referencing documents in Mandarin which I can't read.

If you can provide translations of the documents I might take more notice.

I'd be more interested in what Chinese scientists are saying. If they were advocating injecting bear bile I might take you seriously.

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
26 March 2020 21:35:26

West Midlands emerges as a hotspot for coronavirus deaths


Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Extended/large families living together could also be a factor.

26 March 2020 21:37:43

Italy revised their 24h number of deaths to 712 (not 662).

Polar Low
26 March 2020 21:40:00

UK Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick is pushed again on the timing - how long will all these measures last?

He says the government will review things at Easter but adds: "No-one is pretending this is going to be over by [then].

"What we do think is if each and every one of us does what we are asked... there is reason to believe within [12 weeks] we could see the beginnings of the turn of the tide, but it is on all of us."

The Lancet's Richard Horton says the public must be prepared for the "really tough challenge" of 12 weeks with these conditions.

"But if we don't suppress it, it is going to go on even longer," he adds. "We have to be tough now in order to get through this and return the economy to some semblance of order."

Mr Horton ends the programme with a warning the virus could return later in the year with a second, or even a third wave, adding: "We just don't know enough about this new virus."

26 March 2020 21:47:59

Hm, what are they up to here?



Brian Gaze
26 March 2020 21:57:43

Originally Posted by: bowser 

Key thing there is they now think the virus is "slightly" more transmissible. Not good news as lethality estimates are not changed.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
26 March 2020 22:00:45


Key thing there is they now think the virus is "slightly" more transmissible. Not good news as lethality estimates are not changed.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Agreed. Makes lockdown measures even more crucial.

Brian Gaze
26 March 2020 22:17:58

Germany is now testing 500,000 per week. They've been able to ramp up. We're told getting up to 70,000 per week is a major challenge because the global market is saturated.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • four
  • Advanced Member
26 March 2020 22:19:40
Why do London and New York seem to be 'progressing' so differently.
Superficially not that different cities.
Heavy Weather 2013
26 March 2020 22:20:37
The only chink of good news today after a lot of optimism yesterday was the turnout for all of our NHS and key workers who are doing a sterling job.

Sadly based on cases and deaths they today - we do have some tough weeks ahead. We’re going to need each and everyone one of us on here to pull togeather.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
26 March 2020 22:21:56

Germany is now testing 500,000 per week. They've been able to ramp up. We're told getting up to 70,000 per week is a major challenge because the global market is saturated.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Apparently we will be doing 10K tests a day from early next week according to a report o saw on the BBC earlier.

We keep being told this is happening, or this is close and in reality it doesn’t seem to happen

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Tim A
26 March 2020 22:22:16 

Confirmation from North Yorkshire police that you cannot drive to take exercise .
NW Leeds
187m asl

 My PWS 
Brian Gaze
26 March 2020 22:25:12


Apparently we will be doing 10K tests a day from early next week according to a report o saw on the BBC earlier.

We keep being told this is happening, or this is close and in reality it doesn’t seem to happen

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

Germany has gone from 250,000 tests per week to 500,000 tests per week in no time at all. Our government really shouldn't be getting away with not explaining the problems here.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
26 March 2020 22:35:08

Why do London and New York seem to be 'progressing' so differently.
Superficially not that different cities.

Originally Posted by: four 

They are quite different cities, more people live in flats in NYC. 

Plus, Trump. 

Gandalf The White
26 March 2020 22:36:19


This is exactly where you are going wrong and you stop being rational and practical, you almost sound like a fundamentalist. I couldn't care less about politics. If Hitler had done something right, that we could emulate and it would be for a good purpose, then I'd try to learn from him.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

I am perplexed and disappointed by your failure to understand my comments.

I am being completely rational: the virus originated in Wuhan; the authorities lost absolutely critical time before recognising the problem. In that wasted time the virus escaped to many other countries.

Your stance is equivalent to someone sinking a ship and then wanting credit for rescuing a few survivors whilst simultaneously claiming it wasn't their fault in the first place.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

26 March 2020 22:37:21

Germany has gone from 250,000 tests per week to 500,000 tests per week in no time at all. Our government really shouldn't be getting away with not explaining the problems here.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

We should just listen to the likes of Maunder who says that all governments are lying, so why bother. 

26 March 2020 22:41:14

I am perplexed and disappointed by your failure to understand my comments.

I am being completely rational: the virus originated in Wuhan; the authorities lost absolutely critical time before recognising the problem. In that wasted time the virus escaped to many other countries.

Your stance is equivalent to someone sinking a ship and then wanting credit for rescuing a few survivors whilst simultaneously claiming it wasn't their fault in the first place.

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

It's you who misunderstands. I don't care if the virus started in Wuhan or even if the Chinese invented it. All I care is about trying to find the best way to help our people. Of course China has a lot to answer, but this shouldn't be relevant in trying to stop a public health crisis here.

26 March 2020 22:41:37


I think if you press ctrl when you click on the link it will open in a new window. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Ok, thanks 

Gandalf The White
26 March 2020 22:49:35


It's you who misunderstands. I don't care if the virus started in Wuhan or even if the Chinese invented it. All I care is about trying to find the best way to help our people. Of course China has a lot to answer, but this shouldn't be relevant in trying to stop a public health crisis here.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Eh? That's just weird.  I care about trying to find the best way to help our people. I'm sure everyone cares about that.

But what has that got to do with attributing responsibility for this pandemic to where it belongs?

I think you're thinking is muddled; not something I expected of you.

Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

Maunder Minimum
26 March 2020 23:01:43

Why do London and New York seem to be 'progressing' so differently.
Superficially not that different cities.

Originally Posted by: four 

I think part of it is for the same reasons cities like Madrid and Milan have problems - living density. Cities with high living density have faster spread of the virus. People live in apartment blocks in London of course, but we also have suburbia where everyone has their own front door and bit of garden or yard space - I am certain it makes a difference.

New world order coming.
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