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The Beast from the East
28 March 2020 16:11:04


If you have seen what is happening in Spain, Italy even with the lockdown, then I assume, if your preferred scenario was adopted, that you would be one of those volunteering to shovel the bodies into makeshift graves.


Originally Posted by: RobN 

The death rate will be higher in these countries for reasons we have discussed - they live on top of each other and many have smoked all their lives etc

Our death rate will be much less as Ferguson of Imperial says

BTW, I have been volunteering to get shopping for the old codger next door. It gives me the excuse I need to go to out more than once a day! 


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
  • RobN
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 16:11:41


I accept all that, but its about finding the right balance. Locking down too hard  will IMO lead to more social, emotion and physical problems than the virus itself

We dont have a vaccine and until we do, the virus will start spreading again anyway once restrictions are lifted. 

We just have to accept a certain number of deaths that our health system can cope with, until herd immunity is achieved by default 

HMG seems to have got the restrictions about right, though I would like pubs to reopen with social distancing. We are able to go for walks and to supermarkets, unlike the Italians, so people can release the tension a bit


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

In the flatlands of South Cambridgeshire 15m ASL.
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:14:07

ICU capacity question. Not answered.

We are not yet at capacity, but he hasn’t answered the question Of how many are occupied.

Focus on nightingale. Smoke and mirrors.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Chunky Pea
28 March 2020 16:15:06


It will get worse, but be over  soon. April 12 may be the peak as latest forecasts suggests

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

As I have said before, April 12th is a cursed date! 

However, I am not so sure that 'the peak' will occur on a set date or even the general period around it. Statistical 'modelling' is really for those who like to play around with numbers, however, real life events don't follow mathematics and algebraic formulas. 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
28 March 2020 16:16:01

I personally, am enjoying the slower pace of life!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

As someone who lives on their own, it's the freedoms I'm missing. The freedom to go to the wolf centre, for example, which is off-limits now for the foreseeable future (the owner is feeding the wolves, all walks have stopped).

The freedom to get a haircut (I may have to buy clippers in the coming weeks and hack at it myself).

The freedom to pop into Tesco at 5 in the morning to stock up. (Tesco is closed until 6 now and there are queues galore, plus rationing - no more buying 4 small bottles of various flavours of Pepsi/Coke).

The freedom to invite friends round for a games morning, or to take their dogs down to the coastal park.

The freedom to get a Tesco home delivery as a treat to myself (No slots for love nor money, plus they - rightly - should go to the elderly / vulnerable people)

The biggest change is working from home. I could, in theory, drive into work - but it's against all common sense and I won't do it unless I have to (e.g. the school's "edge" server crashes). There are positives - no commute, no being barged out of the way on that roundabout on the way back, no need to arrive 2 hours early to beat the traffic - but it does feel pretty weird.

On the plus side, I'm saving a small fortune: not going to the wolf centre, nor commuting to work, means I'll be driving several hundred miles less a month. No hotel stays at the wolf centre means I'm saving another couple of hundred a month, but at the expense of fewer points (and qualifying for "status" next year).

Food wise, my bills are relatively unchanged, as I don't eat out and don't have takeaways (except on polling days, where I'll get some chips).

I'm also lucky in that I have 300 square metres of gardens to enjoy, plus a "man cave" with a large screen and a projector, which gives me a change of scenery... if nothing else, I'm catching up on various blu-rays I've yet to see! If I was crammed into a flat or an urban terrace with next to no garden things would be much worse.

I do wonder how those who are extroverts, or used to going out all the time will handle this, especially as the weeks turn into months!

Leysdown, north Kent
Maunder Minimum
28 March 2020 16:17:02


The death rate will be higher in these countries for reasons we have discussed - they live on top of each other and many have smoked all their lives etc

Our death rate will be much less as Ferguson of Imperial says

BTW, I have been volunteering to get shopping for the old codger next door. It gives me the excuse I need to go to out more than once a day! 


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

We took some food my wife cooked to our daughter and son-in-law last night, but kept our distance. They are working all the hours and have no time to shop.


New world order coming.
28 March 2020 16:17:39


ICU capacity question. Not answered.

We are not yet at capacity, but he hasn’t answered the question Of how many are occupied.

Focus on nightingale. Smoke and mirrors.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I know that as of yesterday there was not one ICU bed being used in my local (large) hospital. So far the impact on us up here ( near Leeds) has been minimal.

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:20:32
The press ask the same questions and get the same stock answers. Why don’t they challenge back.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Rob K
28 March 2020 16:21:32
With the wind picking up over the weekend I am racing to get my fence repaired but of course this means having to work right on the boundary of my garden, including outside on the pavement. We live in a quiet road so very few people are likely to come past and I will retreat inside if anyone approaches but I am still waiting for the local busybodies to start complaining.
Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." — Jerome K. Jerome
28 March 2020 16:21:40

I drove through Dorking earlier today and I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. Long queues outside several shops (supermarkets, newsagents, post offices etc.), people were 1-2m apart, but due to the narrow pavements, other pedestrians were passing much closer to those queuing. It was also obvious that some shops or even estate agents had staff working inside and people were just knocking on the door and were allowed in.

This is not a proper lockdown and many of these people risk causing more premature deaths a few weeks later. The longer this continues, the longer it will take for the peak to occur and the longer the 'lockdown' will last.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Dorking is in Surrey and, while Surrey is a large county, Surrey has been rising rapidly up the league table in recent days, now up to sixth. No room for complacency there I would have thought.


Latest number of official cases by area, the leading three are now all outside London (yes, not all NHS areas are the same size and the number of official cases is not the same as total number of cases but I think it gives a fair idea of where has the most badly infected people)


Birmingham: 428

Hampshire: 384

Sheffield: 361

Southwark: 319

Lambeth: 318

Surrey: 314

Brent: 295

Wandsworth: 265

Hertfordshire: 262

Croydon: 261


Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:25:16
There was an interesting line around capacity.

We haven’t yet reached capacity - however it’s confirmed we are opening up capacity all the time.

Operating theatres are being opened up. So it sounds like we are actually very close to tipping over the edge.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
28 March 2020 16:26:12

Sometimes I find these daily briefings come across as a pat on the back and celebration of what the government have done.

- PPE still in short supply
- Testing below 10k

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I'm afraid I disagree. Daily briefings in the UK have been an innovative way in giving updates. Journalists are paid to maintain their respective media outlets the upper hand against their competitors. In doing so they often ask questions designed to entrap the daily "briefers". You need look no further for examples of press intervention than the panic buying fueled entirely by them.

I haven't witnessed much in the way of "patting on the back"  

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:28:49

I'm afraid I disagree. Daily briefings in the UK have been an innovative way in giving updates. Journalists are paid to maintain their respective media outlets the upper hand against their competitors. In doing so they often ask questions designed to entrap the daily "briefers". You need look no further for examples of press intervention than the panic buying fueled entirely by them.

I haven't witnessed much in the way of "patting on the back"  

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Hardly innovative. It’s the right thing to do. But a press conference isn’t a new idea. You would expect this type of briefing to happen in any crisis.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Chunky Pea
28 March 2020 16:33:35

Although 'lockdown' is in full swing here, kids, now that the schools are closed, have been playing out on the street as is normal in fine weather (which in fairness we have seen little of in recent months) and the local shop remains open which is handy for the basic daily essentials. It is really just the bigger supermarkets in town that are constantly packed. 

An interesting thing I have observed though when out and about that men, and particularly young men, are less likely to follow the 'two meter distancing' rule, while women are more likely to 'tut tut' if that rule is violated. Not always the case of course, but it seems to be the general pattern, which makes me wonder is the female mentality more predisposed to following social/cultural rules in general? 

Current Conditions 

"You don't have to know anything to have an opinion"
--Roger P, 12/Oct/2022
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 16:33:39

The death rate will be higher in these countries for reasons we have discussed - they live on top of each other and many have smoked all their lives etc

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Can you please stop peddling this line. Smoking rates in Italy are higher than the UK but not dramatically so. Stats vary but the link below says Italy 24%, UK 19.15%. Even in the 80s when I visited my family in Italy most of them were non-smokers.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 16:35:44


Did you see the post I made yesterday - Danish laboratory technicians have remembered the old way of isolating RNA in samples by boiling at 98 degrees for 5 minutes. Quicker and cheaper than the modern method using machines and chemicals. Sometimes low tech. is better.

 P.S. I mostly agree with Beast above.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Yes I read that. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
28 March 2020 16:36:23


Hardly innovative. It’s the right thing to do. But a press conference isn’t a new idea. You would expect this type of briefing to happen in any crisis.

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I wasn't aware live daily briefings with responses to live media questions were being held elsewhere, but of course I could be wrong. 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
  • pfw
  • Advanced Member
28 March 2020 16:37:10

Mini-report from Canada:

Daily run yesterday. More traffic than I would have expected if it's only people on essential trips. People observing good social distancing though. My perception is that there are a greater proportion of elderly people out and about, which isn't great.

This lock down will get increasingly difficult as we move into spring. it's cold and wet today but the weather here can change very quickly from winter to glorious summer. Many people have been in a sort of annual lock down due to the cold over the last few months anyway. Soon people will want to start lazing in the park, opening pools, going to summer cottages, going for drives and so on. An Ontario summer is almost a race to get as much time in the sun before it snows again! I think compliance here is pretty good now but it could get messy.


JT is out of isolation which will be a relief to him as he can get his beard groomed again

Possible slight flattening of the curve here but too early to really say. I have a hope that we may have implemented lockdown a little earlier in the cycle than the UK, but only time will tell.

28 March 2020 16:39:28


Dorking is in Surrey and, while Surrey is a large county, Surrey has been rising rapidly up the league table in recent days, now up to sixth. No room for complacency there I would have thought.


Latest number of official cases by area, the leading three are now all outside London (yes, not all NHS areas are the same size and the number of official cases is not the same as total number of cases but I think it gives a fair idea of where has the most badly infected people)


Birmingham: 428

Hampshire: 384

Sheffield: 361

Southwark: 319

Lambeth: 318

Surrey: 314

Brent: 295

Wandsworth: 265

Hertfordshire: 262

Croydon: 261


Originally Posted by: JHutch 


Still struggling with Hampshire being so far up the tables.  If it included "Solent City" (Southampton and Portsmouth), I could understand but it doesn't becuase they are unitary authorities and have their own figures.

My suspicion is that Winchester is pulling the figures.   Demographically it's fairly old (so more would end up at hospitals getting tested) but its also extremely wealthy so maybe some early carriers came back from ski resorts ??  All speculation of course.



Chris (It,its)
Between Newbury and Basingstoke
"When they are giving you their all, some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy banging your heart against some mad buggers wall"
Brian Gaze
28 March 2020 16:39:46


Brian, a question -


You keep posting these interesting figures, with minimal comment.  Are you able to take things to the next stage and cast your opinion of the competence of our  government in relation to its strategy and preparedness for COVID-19? 

News of the Coronavirus featured in daily news bulletins from mid January in relation to what was happening in Wuhan, so it was obvious that it was on its way from then.

Originally Posted by: Whether Idle 

There will need to be an investigation when this is over. For now all efforts should be focused on saving lives. Data from the last few days has been worrying IMO and I think the tracker ( will show us close to Italy when updated today. The experts may have good reasons to think we are not on the same path. All I can say is they'd better be bloody good ones. Personally I don't think we can afford to take the risk and must tighten the lockdown now.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
28 March 2020 16:42:10

Mini-report from Canada:

Daily run yesterday. More traffic than I would have expected if it's only people on essential trips. People observing good social distancing though. My perception is that there are a greater proportion of elderly people out and about, which isn't great.

This lock down will get increasingly difficult as we move into spring. it's cold and wet today but the weather here can change very quickly from winter to glorious summer. Many people have been in a sort of annual lock down due to the cold over the last few months anyway. Soon people will want to start lazing in the park, opening pools, going to summer cottages, going for drives and so on. An Ontario summer is almost a race to get as much time in the sun before it snows again! I think compliance here is pretty good now but it could get messy.


JT is out of isolation which will be a relief to him as he can get his beard groomed again

Possible slight flattening of the curve here but too early to really say. I have a hope that we may have implemented lockdown a little earlier in the cycle than the UK, but only time will tell.

Originally Posted by: pfw 

Thanks for that update Paul. Always good to have a report from somebody on the ground 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
28 March 2020 16:42:53


As someone who lives on their own, it's the freedoms I'm missing. The freedom to go to the wolf centre, for example, which is off-limits now for the foreseeable future (the owner is feeding the wolves, all walks have stopped).

The freedom to get a haircut (I may have to buy clippers in the coming weeks and hack at it myself).

The freedom to pop into Tesco at 5 in the morning to stock up. (Tesco is closed until 6 now and there are queues galore, plus rationing - no more buying 4 small bottles of various flavours of Pepsi/Coke).

The freedom to invite friends round for a games morning, or to take their dogs down to the coastal park.

The freedom to get a Tesco home delivery as a treat to myself (No slots for love nor money, plus they - rightly - should go to the elderly / vulnerable people)

The biggest change is working from home. I could, in theory, drive into work - but it's against all common sense and I won't do it unless I have to (e.g. the school's "edge" server crashes). There are positives - no commute, no being barged out of the way on that roundabout on the way back, no need to arrive 2 hours early to beat the traffic - but it does feel pretty weird.

On the plus side, I'm saving a small fortune: not going to the wolf centre, nor commuting to work, means I'll be driving several hundred miles less a month. No hotel stays at the wolf centre means I'm saving another couple of hundred a month, but at the expense of fewer points (and qualifying for "status" next year).

Food wise, my bills are relatively unchanged, as I don't eat out and don't have takeaways (except on polling days, where I'll get some chips).

I'm also lucky in that I have 300 square metres of gardens to enjoy, plus a "man cave" with a large screen and a projector, which gives me a change of scenery... if nothing else, I'm catching up on various blu-rays I've yet to see! If I was crammed into a flat or an urban terrace with next to no garden things would be much worse.

I do wonder how those who are extroverts, or used to going out all the time will handle this, especially as the weeks turn into months!

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I have a feeling that the 1970's hairstyle fashion will come back!

Hope everyone here stays safe!

Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:50:05
It now seems the data of 260 was incorrect. Sky seem to now report 269 deaths today.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Heavy Weather 2013
28 March 2020 16:52:22

We are considering placing NY and New Jersey into a Quarantine.
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
Gavin D
28 March 2020 17:01:22
Head of NHS warns UK will 'do well' if fewer than 20,000 die

NHS England medical director Professor Stephen Powis has said the UK will have done “very well” if the death toll is below 20,000 people. Prof Powis, speaking at the daily coronavirus briefing alongside Business Secretary Alok Sharma, was asked how full intensive care beds were in the UK. He replied: “We are not at capacity yet within London, but beds are being opened all the time to produce that extra surge capacity.” 
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