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15 April 2020 16:31:10
The talk of herd immunity..

Ultimately this will be what will need to happen. A combination of mass antibody testing and anti viral drugs that seriously decrease the severity of this disease in worst case victims.

It's worth considering that in the past experts have basically said the majority of infected never get tested. This why its vitally urgent we find an effective easy to use, cheap to produce, antibody test. Testing is something globally most countries have failed on.

Also remember these deaths are people who have died 'with' covid-19, and not necessarily from. Undoubtedly it is killing (it is a nasty thing) but probably not in the numbers the global death rates would suggest.

Waiting for a vaccine is probably pointless as they have never successfully managed to create one for any known Coronaviruses.. not even the far more lethal SARS or MERS. I'd say the odds are slim for a covid-19 vaccine.
Heavy Weather 2013
15 April 2020 16:33:36
UK to introduce new social care brand
Matt Hancock announces new details of the UK's plan to cope with coronavirus in care homes.

He says "priority drops" of protective equipment for the social care will continue over the next three weeks whilst a new online system is developed.

He says the UK will be introducing a "single brand" for social care, to replicate the "famous" blue and white logo for the NHS.

Supermarkets will be asked to give care staff the same priority as NHS workers, and the UK will undertake a recruitment drive, with the government paying for "induction training".

"I know that many will answer our call," he adds.

Did I miss hear. This care badge announcement - was it new?

I only ask as it’s seems to have been around since the start of the year?
Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
15 April 2020 16:35:03

Patients in hospital beds is down 1% nationally and 5% in London

Deaths remain unchanged with previous days

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

Thanks for posting this as I don't watch the briefings. It shows that we are probably past the peak and the lockdown is working. The number of deaths should follow after some time, but I still expect some very high numbers first and then only a gradual decrease.

15 April 2020 16:38:49


Thanks for posting this as I don't watch the briefings. It shows that we are probably past the peak and the lockdown is working. The number of deaths should follow after some time, but I still expect some very high numbers first and then only a gradual decrease.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

As Chris Whitty said , that's how he see's it .

I sense there is real caution around the relaxation , I wouldn't be surprised if  the restrictions ran through to that start of June 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Saint Snow
15 April 2020 16:38:50

UK to introduce new social care brand
Matt Hancock announces new details of the UK's plan to cope with coronavirus in care homes.

He says "priority drops" of protective equipment for the social care will continue over the next three weeks whilst a new online system is developed.

He says the UK will be introducing a "single brand" for social care, to replicate the "famous" blue and white logo for the NHS.

Supermarkets will be asked to give care staff the same priority as NHS workers, and the UK will undertake a recruitment drive, with the government paying for "induction training".

"I know that many will answer our call," he adds.

Did I miss hear. This care badge announcement - was it new?

I only ask as it’s seems to have been around since the start of the year?

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 


A joke.

They'll still be underpaid on minimum wage.

Many will still be forced into ZHC arrangements.

It will still be common practice to not pay mobile care workers for travel between appointments

They'll still be compelled to work longer hours, over and above their contracted times.


And, most importantly, the care sector will still be chronically underfunded.


Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
A TWO addict since 14/12/01
"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics."
Aneurin Bevan
15 April 2020 16:49:24



So at present we are testing people who are hospitalised and NHS staff. You can't test all NHS staff at the same time, so you could have capacity to test 50k, but if only 4k are hospitalised and 4k of NHS present themselves for testing, then you are only going to test 8k.

Originally Posted by: warrenb 

My friend who is NHS admin volunteered at a test centre over the weekend. Drive thru, based at a hospital. 25 staff were tested on Saturday, and sundays session was cancelled as no one had made an appointment. 🀷‍♀️

The Fenlands of Cambridgeshire
Heavy Weather 2013
15 April 2020 16:50:53

Care Badge launched today was actually launched March 2019. 

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
noodle doodle
15 April 2020 16:50:56


As Chris Whitty said , that's how he see's it .

I sense there is real caution around the relaxation , I wouldn't be surprised if  the restrictions ran through to that start of June 

Originally Posted by: Gooner 


In scotland the kids break up for the summer hols at the start of july - I can't see sturgeon letting the kids back into school for just a month or less


This is the long haul, lockdown till september I reckon

Phil G
15 April 2020 16:53:51



In scotland the kids break up for the summer hols at the start of july - I can't see sturgeon letting the kids back into school for just a month or less


This is the long haul, lockdown till september I reckon

Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

Do the summer holidays apply this year as there may not be any?

15 April 2020 16:56:59



In scotland the kids break up for the summer hols at the start of july - I can't see sturgeon letting the kids back into school for just a month or less


This is the long haul, lockdown till september I reckon

Originally Posted by: noodle doodle 

That's a fair shout , I'm just recalling Boris many weeks ago when he said 12 weeks 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Polar Low
15 April 2020 16:59:52

Indeed Martin and payed only 25p for every mile between appointments have to use own often clapped out banger 25p for wear and tear and petrol also in the dark at night often very late maybe 23:00 hours also many girls struggle to find remote locations and get lost.

Have  to deal with some really difficult situations and grumpy old people but they care and take the abuse.

Not a good job but many diamonds do it needs much more appreciation and reward.






A joke.

They'll still be underpaid on minimum wage.

Many will still be forced into ZHC arrangements.

It will still be common practice to not pay mobile care workers for travel between appointments

They'll still be compelled to work longer hours, over and above their contracted times.


And, most importantly, the care sector will still be chronically underfunded.


Originally Posted by: Saint Snow 

Darren S
15 April 2020 17:01:55

I posted about this earlier but it must have been missed. Another more detailed report on the antibody tests - it seems like a valid one has been found. It just happens to involve the Rutherford Health lab down the road from here.

Crowthorne, Berks (87m asl)
South Berks Winter Snow Depth Totals:
2023/24 0 cm; 2022/23 7 cm; 2021/22 1 cm; 2020/21 13 cm; 2019/20 0 cm; 2018/19 14 cm; 2017/18 23 cm; 2016/17 0 cm; 2015/16 0.5 cm; 2014/15 3.5 cm; 2013/14 0 cm; 2012/13 22 cm; 2011/12 7 cm; 2010/11 6 cm; 2009/10 51 cm
Gandalf The White
15 April 2020 17:03:49


My friend who is NHS admin volunteered at a test centre over the weekend. Drive thru, based at a hospital. 25 staff were tested on Saturday, and sundays session was cancelled as no one had made an appointment. 🀷‍♀️

Originally Posted by: chelseagirl 

But for some posters it will still be the government's fault.


Location: South Cambridgeshire
130 metres ASL
52.0N 0.1E

15 April 2020 17:07:11

I posted about this earlier but it must have been missed. Another more detailed report on the antibody tests - it seems like a valid one has been found. It just happens to involve the Rutherford Health lab down the road from here.


Originally Posted by: Darren S 

Thanks, very interesting and the article has some useful info. Have they provided any info on the estimated accuracy of the test? 

15 April 2020 17:10:31

I posted about this earlier but it must have been missed. Another more detailed report on the antibody tests - it seems like a valid one has been found. It just happens to involve the Rutherford Health lab down the road from here.

Originally Posted by: Darren S 

Ooh, two very interesting bits of info there.

One, the test costs £8 - a bargain!

Two, "There are reports of other immune mechanisms – NK cells, and local cytokines deactivating the virus without the need for an antibody response in younger people"

I know there was a report linked last week on here which looked into the response to Covid-19 from the immune system and it showed that the levels of antibodies detected after an infection was much higher in the over 40s (and higher still in the over 60s) than it was in the under 40s - which would back up what the second point mentions, i.e. there are other mechanisms at work involved with defeating the virus in younge patients. That would also tie in with the milder infections and larger numbers of asymptomic cases, especially in the 20s and under age bracket.


Leysdown, north Kent
15 April 2020 17:11:55


Do the summer holidays apply this year as there may not be any?

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Yes, I am pretty sure they will as the children are still being taught and learning remotely. Most on Easter holidays currently but will restart on Monday. A different way of working but not a holiday.

Rob K
15 April 2020 17:18:20


A lot of assumptions there. Research is currently suggesting covid-19 might work more like HIV, and that the question of people who've had it - especially mild cases - having immunity for any significant period is very much yet to be determined.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

That's a bit of a misrepresentation. I read the article that was posted here about that, and as I understand it there is the suggestion that this virus attacks T-cells like HIV does, but it just kills them rather than infecting the T-cells and reproducing faulty T-cells that don't work, like HIV does. Or at least that's what I got from an admittedly cursory read.


This is the paper referenced

Yateley, NE Hampshire, 73m asl
"But who wants to be foretold the weather? It is bad enough when it comes, without our having the misery of knowing about it beforehand." β€” Jerome K. Jerome
15 April 2020 17:18:48

The German lockdown will be eased from Monday 4th May

  • Schools to reopen from May 4th

  • Masks are recommended in German shops and on public transport

  • All major events are banned until the end of August

Originally Posted by: Gavin D 

That's noteworthy IMO.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
The Beast from the East
15 April 2020 17:19:24



I know there was a report linked last week on here which looked into the response to Covid-19 from the immune system and it showed that the levels of antibodies detected after an infection was much higher in the over 40s (and higher still in the over 60s) than it was in the under 40s - which would back up what the second point mentions, i.e. there are other mechanisms at work involved with defeating the virus in younge patients. That would also tie in with the milder infections and larger numbers of asymptomic cases, especially in the 20s and under age bracket.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Interesting. But can they still carry the virus and spread it to older people?

The Horizon programme showed that most Bats had it, but didn't get any symptoms. They just spread it to each other before it made the leap to humans


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
15 April 2020 17:20:50

I posted about this earlier but it must have been missed. Another more detailed report on the antibody tests - it seems like a valid one has been found. It just happens to involve the Rutherford Health lab down the road from here.

Originally Posted by: Darren S 

These are the South Korean tests that have been used in Germany too. My first thought is how on earth has a private lab gone off piste and got them before PHE  / NHS? Why hasn't the UK government bought a job lot of them?

Edit: Apparently about 6% of his staff tested positive. If these tests are accurate my guess is about 3% to 5% of the UK population have been infected. It's a VERY long road ahead.

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
The Beast from the East
15 April 2020 17:25:34

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Gavin D
15 April 2020 17:27:08

Dundee have voted yes to an SPFL resolution it means the Scottish Championship, League One and League Two are now finished following the Covid-19 outbreak

  • Dundee United FC have been declared champions of the Ladbrokes Championship

  • Raith Rovers FC are champions of Ladbrokes League 1

  • Cove Rangers FC have been declared champions of Ladbrokes League 2.

The Beast from the East
15 April 2020 17:28:11

Maunder where are you? Your beloved Tories are shipping over potentially infected Romanians to pick our veg. Why are you not outraged? Brexit means Brexit?



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
15 April 2020 17:28:40

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Oh dear.

15 April 2020 17:32:14

Interesting. But can they still carry the virus and spread it to older people?

The Horizon programme showed that most Bats had it, but didn't get any symptoms. They just spread it to each other before it made the leap to humans

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

That's the million dollar question. Hopefully we'll get an answer soon enough from those countries which will soon re-open schools.

(If youngsters get it but can't transmit it, that'd be a completely different ball-game to having them potentially pinging the virus between each other, their parents, staff at school etc).

I also suspect it won't be quite that simple, either, in that some will develop "full blown" Covid-19 (i.e. with antibodies being produced), while others will just shrug it off without even noticing...

Leysdown, north Kent
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