Jetstream from the S at the moment but non-existent anywhere the UK from Saturday until Tue 18th when it resumes W-ly close to the N of Scotland
GFS - Ridge of HP from Azores to Norway persists with high temps until Tue 18th when the Norway end of it collapses, and the Azores end moves to become centred over the Low Countries Sat 22nd. Continental LP pushes up against the ridge from time to time affecting only the S, most notably Fri 14th.
GEFS - Temps in the S v.high to Fri 14th (7-8C above norm) then sharply dropping to close or even a bit below norm. Some rain irom Tue 11th onward, no clear pattern. Scotland and the N similar but slower to warm up, not reaching the high temps until Mon 10th.
ECM - also has ridge in place but like yesterday shows it as more of a twin-centre feature with the UK under a col and the Continental LP more prominent
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell
Chichester 12m asl