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05 August 2013 02:05:52

Credit to England, they've never been massively behind the game anyway. Not much play was lost today, and I reckon even if tomorrow was completely dry it would still be a draw. We've not been hanging on by our finger nails at any stage although, admittedly, the convicts have had the better of it overall. Bottom line is the series will be dead by this time tomorrow 😂

Originally Posted by: Gandalf The White 

I think Clarke should have rolled the dice and taken a risk with a leadaround 250 - 290 and put England in. Australia could have had England say 35 /4 now chasing say 260ish. Ok not as many runs requiredbut would have had a few wickets probably if thepattern of early wickets continuedand more overs at England. I understand why Clarke would have wanted to bat on to a 350ish lead and not play to the weather but I think there was an opportunity to still force a result.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

There was certainly an argument for that, but I reckon he's gambling on the forecast being wrong. On recent and not so recent history he'll be right. They have been nothing short of shite the last few months at times.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Gambling on putting England in chasing say 280would have beenmore under Clarke's control thangambling on theweather, putting England in chasing a total under 300 would have been a big risk but Australia's best chance I think.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

But what if England had finished the day on 40-0 needing 240 in 90 overs? I feel that there is a tendency here to underestimate the degree of caution displayed by all captains in Test cricket. Sure we can all hypothesise what a captain should do and how it might pan out. The reality is that captains simply don't leave any real risk of defeat. The weather forecast is hardly ever a consideration for the same reason. What would be the reaction if Clarke gambled on losing a session tomorrow and no play was lost?

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I guess all coems down to if the captain backs his bowlers or not. When Australia were at their best they backed themselves to win from just about any situation and they did declare on a number of occasiosn to try and force a test result even if the 4th innings score was attainable. Ok so things are a little different now in that Australia are not the quality side they were then bit the situation remains the same. Australia simply have to win this test, it is an all or nothing moment in the series.

Time for the Aussie bowlers to step up and say we can defend 300 runs on this wicket. And also early England wickets falling have been as predictable as wet Manchester weather. Trott is out of nick, Root still very prone as an opener even after the good knock at Lords, Cook is out of form still and KP got his runs in the first innings - so often you see a player go for just a few in their second knock. I really would have fancied a few wickets falling if the Aussies had put them in.

Also to win tests you sometimes have to let the other side still think they have a chance of winning so that they don't block for a draw. England might have been much more expansive if they were chasing say 260 - 280 and that gives opportunities.

05 August 2013 06:05:32
Well it's raining. A possibility of a washout.
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Matty H
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05 August 2013 06:40:25
Absolutely tanking it down 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
05 August 2013 06:49:04
Warner has got some cheek saying that England took a review to waste time when he took an idiotic review himself.
Timelapses, old weather forecasts and natural phenomena videos can be seen on this site
05 August 2013 07:16:32

Credit to England, they've never been massively behind the game anyway. Not much play was lost today, and I reckon even if tomorrow was completely dry it would still be a draw. We've not been hanging on by our finger nails at any stage although, admittedly, the convicts have had the better of it overall. Bottom line is the series will be dead by this time tomorrow 😂

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

Have to agree with this. I was very happy yesterday, getting back from a nice run, to see us well past the follow on. The pitch is still playing like a road, the ball has done nothing (really for either side). Its been a classic example of a very good toss to win. If England had batted first we would be cursing the rain today as we would have racked up the runs.

Re TMS and TV, one thing no-one has mentioned is the time lag. TV is about 5 seconds behind nowadays, so its just not feasible to have the sound of TMS and pictures of Sky, at least not in the conventional way. Works really well if you are gardening/cooking or something away from the TV etc as you get just enought time to see it 'live' on the TV...

05 August 2013 07:56:11
Slow moving rain... and Manchester isn't far from the edge of a bit dry patch... 2 hours till play... Could be more cricket in store than some people think IMO.
[email protected]
05 August 2013 08:24:30

"Time on England's side as Manchester sends in the clouds," writes Gideon Haigh in the Times, noting that "the quickest England moved all day was at 4.26pm when the umpires decided the light was an issue, whereupon they set PBs for spontaneous ground evacuation and feat up-putting".

05 August 2013 08:34:17
Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.
[email protected]
Matty H
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05 August 2013 08:55:08

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

It will take hours to dry up the outfield and get the pitch suitable for play. There's plenty more rain coming in behind. I wouldn't mind betting there isn't a single ball bowled
05 August 2013 08:55:51

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Agreed... Will be nice to get a full day in, from a neutral point of view.

05 August 2013 09:08:36

Sometimes they can get the outfield dried surprisingly quickly nowadays so i wouldnt rule out there being some play - it does look like rain will move back in by lunch though.

05 August 2013 09:22:48

Sometimes they can get the outfield dried surprisingly quickly nowadays so i wouldnt rule out there being some play - it does look like rain will move back in by lunch though.

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Don't panic - light will probably below the reading they took yesterday too...

05 August 2013 09:46:08

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

05 August 2013 09:49:03

According Test Match Special - they may start at 11.30!

05 August 2013 09:52:56

Australia have declared and we are going to try for an 11.30am start, so England will need to chase 332 in, perhaps optimistically, 98 overs. From cricinfo.

05 August 2013 09:56:13

Australia have declared and we are going to try for an 11.30am start, so England will need to chase 332 in, perhaps optimistically, 98 overs. From cricinfo.

Originally Posted by: bowser 

Technically they are chasing 332, in reality I suspect they are trying not to lose wickets all day...

05 August 2013 10:00:22

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

[email protected]
05 August 2013 10:03:12

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Have to agree with Nick, I think there will be more play than expected

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

05 August 2013 10:05:50

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Have to agree with Nick, I think there will be more play than expected

Originally Posted by: NickR 

If it does turn out that way, that will be 2 atrocious forecasts in a row. All in all, the forecasts have been shocking this summer, from Bristol to Aberdeen... and now for Manchester.

[email protected]
05 August 2013 10:10:05

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Like I said... chillax....give the opportunity to get out there and hopefully frustrate Australia, I am not worried if England have to go out there to save the game, if they are good enough today they will get a draw, if not they will get beaten.

I suggest you go and get some fresh underpants 

05 August 2013 10:12:19

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Like I said... chillax....give the opportunity to get out there and hopefully frustrate Australia, I am not worried if England have to go out there to save the game, if they are good enough today they will get a draw, if not they will get beaten.

I suggest you go and get some fresh underpants 

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Can't get fresh ones until I get home from work

Still think the rain will dominate, but it has to be said the forecasts have not matched the reality for the last two days. You have to wonder if they look back themselves and try to use this in future?

05 August 2013 10:17:50

Seriously, look at the radar - it's clearing through Manchester and will quite probably be dry at 11.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Chillax, plenty of rain following on, will probably be dry for an hour or so but plenty to come. Will probably see some play.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Are you looking at the radar? The rain to the S is barely moving towards Manchester. Much like yesterday, the radar tells a very different story from the forecast. It won't be a full day, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think most of the day will be lost to rain.

EDIT: GFS yesterday night had the ppn very light for Manchester for most of the day after about now, and nothing at all from 4pm onwards. Like I say, just look at the radar.

Originally Posted by: SydneyonTees 

Like I said... chillax....give the opportunity to get out there and hopefully frustrate Australia, I am not worried if England have to go out there to save the game, if they are good enough today they will get a draw, if not they will get beaten.

I suggest you go and get some fresh underpants 

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I'm perfectly relaxed and am not bricking it... I'm just commenting on the weather and the difference between the forecast and the reality.

[email protected]
Matty H
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05 August 2013 10:23:56
This absolute crap BBC precipitation forecasts on an almost daily basis are really starting to annoy me. It's become more likely they will be wrong than right. Only two hours ago on 5 Live the forecaster said it would rain all morning, no chance of any play, maybe the odd, brief drier interlude this afternoon. Garbage.
05 August 2013 10:39:06

This absolute crap BBC precipitation forecasts on an almost daily basis are really starting to annoy me. It's become more likely they will be wrong than right. Only two hours ago on 5 Live the forecaster said it would rain all morning, no chance of any play, maybe the odd, brief drier interlude this afternoon. Garbage.

Originally Posted by: Matty H 


The thing is I could see from the GFS last night that the ppn over Manchester was not going to amount to much after the morning and would then disappear completely by mid afternoon. That plus the radar today which made it clear whatr would happen. Shocking. It's as if they don't bother looking at the radar.

[email protected]
05 August 2013 10:41:46

0-1 - just starting to wonder today...

Awful weather forecasts.

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