Just for clarification there is most certainly not a cold bias in this particular thread in the forum as far as Admin and most members are concerned.
We are privileged to have some knowledgeable members on the forum, the majority of whom make their comments in a rational way and provide substantive analysis to support their opinions. Almost, without exception, they say what they see whether that be mild,cold or something in between.
Less than a week ago a majority of the models were indicating the possibility of a period of exceptionally cold weather affecting large, if not most parts of the country towards the end of this week, but from memory there were no extravagant claims that this would actually manifest; history is still to decide if the models were correct, albeit very unlikely.
On the other hand if a single run from any model suggests that a period of mobility is looking possible at T+ then there's an almost inevitability that some members will make claims about how long a period of zonality, that hasn't even start, will last.
So therein lies the problem, when there's a suggestion of somewhat milder conditions a few members start posting prognosis as if they're set in stone, when they clearly aren't.
As a Mod I'm totally impartial when it comes to what is delivered weather wise on a daily basis, and I'm disappointed by certain members who clearly don't want to discuss the model output, but just disrupt this thread.
"Life with the Lions"
TWO Moderator