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The Beast from the East
29 July 2018 17:26:42

Control run also hot, but I suspect GFS is off on one

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Brian Gaze
29 July 2018 17:31:47

GEFS runs beginning to coalesce around a hot solution next weekend. I think 7 of the low res raw data grids show temps of 30C or higher next Sunday. Not looked at 850s but would expect they'll be higher than the 6z ones on balance. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
29 July 2018 17:37:34

 Not looked at 850s but would expect they'll be higher than the 6z ones on balance. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

They're a little higher, yup.

If you dig deeper, there are in fact two clusters. A hot cluster (of which the op is at the top end) and a warm cluster.

ECM, meanwhile, is overwhelmingly supporting the warm rather than hot cluster.


Leysdown, north Kent
29 July 2018 17:40:09


They're a little higher, yup.

If you dig deeper, there are in fact two clusters. A hot cluster (of which the op is at the top end) and a warm cluster.

ECM, meanwhile, is overwhelmingly supporting the warm rather than hot cluster.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Hopecasting again Darren? 😁😂😁😋

Look on the bright side, it will soon be Autumn then your favourite weather for 6 months, dank, drizzly, grey and overcast crap.

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
29 July 2018 17:42:15
There’s apparently a lot of scatter on the ENS. But only because the UK is on the edge of major heat. Which it either taps into or doesn’t.

Here’s the GFS ensemble for Cluny, Southern Burgundy. Steady as she goes: 

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
29 July 2018 17:51:00

Jiries will be happy as he is moving to Kent 😀

Originally Posted by: Heavy Weather 2013 

I look forward to the outcome maxes in Lower Stoke next week as it only sit at 10m above sea level and vast open farmlands around it.  Isle of Grain by the coast got 33C last Friday so I assumed 34-36C in Lower Stoke.  At least this Friday is not far too hot for moving but after that go ahead and I hope to see some record broken somewhere here.  Ensembles would be out soon to see the outcome.

Interesting times ahead and this time good August charts and that how it summer is all about.

29 July 2018 17:51:01

Hopecasting again Darren? 😁😂😁😋

Originally Posted by: moomin75 

Not hopecasting at all, Moomin, I've posted what the ensembles (both ECM and GEFS) show. Please post evidence of stupidly high temperatures - you can't, other than the odd rogue run!

Yes, it's going to be warm if not hot. No, it's not looking like record-breaking temperatures - and it never has done.


Leysdown, north Kent
29 July 2018 17:57:57


Not hopecasting at all, Moomin, I've posted what the ensembles (both ECM and GEFS) show. Please post evidence of stupidly high temperatures - you can't, other than the odd rogue run!

Yes, it's going to be warm if not hot. No, it's not looking like record-breaking temperatures - and it never has done.


Originally Posted by: Retron 

Lighten up Darren....I was jesting.....

I know you prefer it a lot cooler, I think you will have to wait a bit longer, but will be Autumn before you know it 😊😊

Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
29 July 2018 17:59:24
Although I'd say this Ensemble is pretty close to record breaking. 
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Polar Low
29 July 2018 17:59:40

I would say 30c for London by Friday Brian if that set is to be believed




GEFS runs beginning to coalesce around a hot solution next weekend. I think 7 of the low res raw data grids show temps of 30C or higher next Sunday. Not looked at 850s but would expect they'll be higher than the 6z ones on balance. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Ally Pally Snowman
29 July 2018 18:29:09

17c 850s in the SW by next Friday on the ECM prob 32c 

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Ally Pally Snowman
29 July 2018 18:38:09

Absolute insane heat on the way by day 7 19c 850s in the SW.  a bulge of 25c 850s half way up France .


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Polar Low
29 July 2018 18:41:27



Absolute insane heat on the way by day 7 19c 850s in the SW.  a bulge of 25c 850s half way up France .


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Nick Gilly
29 July 2018 18:42:34
Ally Pally Snowman
29 July 2018 18:53:21


Great run from the ECM tonight 30c + from Thursday onwards through to the end of the run, pushing mid 30s at points especially in the SW. But the truly mind blowing 40c air just misses us to our south.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
29 July 2018 18:54:51
ECM showing some common sense and the end of the run. I must say, much as early 40s looks exciting on paper, for a family holiday a long way from the seaside it’s not ideal. Just about managing to keep moving around in early 30s at the moment.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Ally Pally Snowman
29 July 2018 18:57:13

ECM showing some common sense and the end of the run. I must say, much as early 40s looks exciting on paper, for a family holiday a long way from the seaside it’s not ideal. Just about managing to keep moving around in early 30s at the moment.

Originally Posted by: TimS 


Whereabouts are you? France looks destined for the oven whatever happens in the UK. 


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Polar Low
29 July 2018 18:59:41

The Japs dont rule it out either




Great run from the ECM tonight 30c + from Thursday onwards through to the end of the run, pushing mid 30s at points especially in the SW. But the truly mind blowing 40c air just misses us to our south.


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
29 July 2018 19:03:08


Whereabouts are you? France looks destined for the oven whatever happens in the UK. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

A small village close to Cluny, about an hour north of Lyon. On those wetterzentrale max temp maps, there are usually 2 hotspots in a heatwave. One around Bordeaux (showing early 40s next week, but it tends to overcook), the other where we are in a corridor up the Rhône/Saone valley (showing 37-38C, with one 40, the latter likely a bit of an overcook too). 

Hottest I’ve experienced here since buying it 11 years ago was 38C, and we’ve had a few 35/36s. Record max for our nearest station in Macon is 39.9C in August 2003.

Brockley, South East London 30m asl
Ally Pally Snowman
29 July 2018 19:08:22


A small village close to Cluny, about an hour north of Lyon. On those wetterzentrale max temp maps, there are usually 2 hotspots in a heatwave. One around Bordeaux (showing early 40s next week, but it tends to overcook), the other where we are in a corridor up the Rhône/Saone valley (showing 37-38C, with one 40, the latter likely a bit of an overcook too). 

Hottest I’ve experienced here since buying it 11 years ago was 38C, and we’ve had a few 35/36s. Record max for our nearest station in Macon is 39.9C in August 2003.

Originally Posted by: TimS 


850s look truly astonishing for that area at points over the next 10 days. Real chance of 40c

Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
29 July 2018 19:45:13
Everyone on this thread is talking about a quick return to summer but I've just watched the latest BBC Week Ahead forecast from Lucy Martin and according to what she was saying, I see no signs of any decent summer weather returning to here in Scotland any time soon.

That forecast suggests that away from SE England (where it will be more settled), the week ahead is still likely to be changeable. On Monday and Tuesday, there are likely to be some bands of showery rain moving through and then, we have another Atlantic weather system coming in on Thursday to bring yet more rain which then clears by Friday to sunshine and showers.

Even going onto the following week, the general summary still has it rather cloudy here with temperatures no higher than around 21ºC in this part of the world. That to me, suggests that summer is not going to returning to this part of the country any time soon. From that, I have to conclude that those members who are suggesting that we have now 'had' our summer for this year may well have a valid point there.

The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
White Meadows
29 July 2018 20:03:45

Absolute insane heat on the way by day 7 19c 850s in the SW.  a bulge of 25c 850s half way up France .


Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Nothing like a nice hot bulge even if it’s only half way up to look forward to. 

  • TimS
  • Advanced Member
29 July 2018 20:14:41
There’s a difference between “SE England” and “places that are not Scotland”, unless your version of SE England stretches west to County Kerry and North to Tyneside.

All the main models show well above average temperatures and sunshine across the majority of the British Isles. Actually including Edinburgh.
Brockley, South East London 30m asl
White Meadows
29 July 2018 20:20:21

"The blocked patterns that emerged in late winter brought us the severe cold in March so I would think a continuation of this pattern would eventually lead to some pretty cold weather by late autumn "


Which is exactly what Metcheck is predicting at the moment.  While I don't believe for a moment their day to day forecasts for months out, I think that the overall patterns  that they show are a form of guidance. That cold signal for late November/December/January has been showing up repeatedly this last few weeks.



Originally Posted by: RennesCJH 

Not according to CFS:

To which have more credibility than Metcheck’s track history.

29 July 2018 20:56:11

There’s a difference between “SE England” and “places that are not Scotland”, unless your version of SE England stretches west to County Kerry and North to Tyneside.

All the main models show well above average temperatures and sunshine across the majority of the British Isles. Actually including Edinburgh.

Originally Posted by: TimS 

In the forecast that I was referring to above though, I was only really really talking about the extreme SE of England when I was talking about that particular area and by that, I'm really only talking about the likes of Kent and Sussex.

Of course, I'm not suggesting in any way that we're not going to be seeing above average temperatures here in Edinburgh or some sunshine. For most of the time, our temperatures are usually always above average anyway, far more often than not whether that be due to climate change (which is then a subject for the climate forum rather than here) or any other factors which might be the cause of that. Furthermore, we are usually always going to get some sunshine, even during an unsettled spell of weather and especially during this time of year.

When you add those things together, getting above average temperatures and some sunshine in this part of the world at this time of year is no big deal to me. For me, what I would describe as proper summer weather only really happens when we have a blocking area of high pressure in charge which is keeping Atlantic weather systems out to the west completely at bay, and bringing us a lot of glorious warm or even hot sunshine. That is especially true if that blocking high is sitting just to our east and feeding in that really hot air from North Africa which then brings a risk of 20+ºC upper air temperatures over the south of England, which then result in the surface temperatures in that part of the world going into the upper 30sºC.

However, the forecast which I was referring to above shows no signs of that happening and although the main models might be suggesting otherwise, I don't think that this will happen either. I think that we have been spoiled quite a lot during this summer up until now with plenty of decent summer weather this year and given the nature of the British climate and our position as an Island nation bounded by the Atlantic Ocean to our west and the North Sea to our east, I just think that it would be asking too much for the weather to be almost continuously hot and sunny throughout the entire summer with very few interruptions to that.

That is why, it wouldn't surprise me one single bit if our summer was now already over for another year, although it was all good while it lasted and far better than anything which I can remember in my lifetime up until now.


The north of Edinburgh, usually always missing out on snow events which occur not just within the rest of Scotland or the UK, but also within the rest of Edinburgh.
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