I would now accept, with three weeks of February and this winter to go, that it has been desperately poor, unless one happens to enjoy neverending mild & wet weather. However, I really don't think that you, or indeed anyone else, could have known with 100% certainty back in the early days of December that it would definitely turn out this way, unless you/they happen to own the proverbial crystal ball.
It is one thing for someone to, for example, look at a number of consecutive GFS op runs and then say "I think we can write off the next couple of weeks for cold" or something like that. It is quite another though when someone decides to write off an entire season which is, IMO, based not on any evidence from the model output and almost entirely on gut feeling.
Look even at the MetO's prediction for last autumn, which they expected IIRC to have well-above average temperatures throughout the season. That prediction, as far as I recall, turned out to be a bit off the mark as far as temperatures during October and November were concerned. I'm certain that that prediction was not made on their gut feeling and they would only have been going by what their long-range models were indicating at the start of that season. The point here is that even predictions made by professional forecasters based on long-range model output can sometimes go wrong. Therefore, if forecasts by the pros based on model evidence can go awry sometime, then the same certainly applies to gut feeling predictions made by punters like us.
I think it is wise for one to never be too sure of oneself when trying to predict the weather for weeks or months in advance.
Originally Posted by: David M Porter