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31 March 2020 07:17:50

I suspect it is only a matter if time before there is a more widespread lockdown in Sweden.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 


It's too late now, Beast has already bought his ticket for Stockholm. He will probably be the last Briton to exercise his EU FoM.

Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 07:18:58

But I wonder who they’re exporting to when other countries have stagnant economies?

Originally Posted by: Caz 

They will be rebuilding stocks and satisfying domestic demand for now. But yes, you are right, all their export markets are poleaxed by the virus they unleashed on the world.

Plus, they have brought in the kind of stringent border controls that a country which has contained the virus is forced to.

New world order coming.
31 March 2020 07:19:21



It's too late now, Beast has already bought his ticket for Stockholm. He will probably be the last Briton to exercise his EU FoM.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

You should have mentioned this earlier, I would have chipped in. 

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 07:20:55

Nick Ferrari on LBC now calling for end to the lockdown and move to a Swedish style system!

Open the pubs!


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

I think pubs, clubs and spectator sports will be the last things to re-start!    

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 07:22:39

Nick Ferrari on LBC now calling for end to the lockdown and move to a Swedish style system!

Open the pubs!


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Once the weather warms up, surely pubs should be allowed to reopen, especially if people can sit outside and observe social distancing. Same goes for restaurants - restaurants have been allowed to reopen in South Korea, but all the tables have to be separated - the common rule is that only every other table can be occupied.

New world order coming.
31 March 2020 07:25:29

Once the weather warms up, surely pubs should be allowed to reopen, especially if people can sit outside and observe social distancing. Same goes for restaurants - restaurants have been allowed to reopen in South Korea, but all the tables have to be separated - the common rule is that only every other table can be occupied.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Around September then? :)

I can't see them re-opening for months.

31 March 2020 07:28:53

Tanzania report first Covid death

Brian Gaze
31 March 2020 07:37:22
One thing that has tickled me is we are now facing another oil crisis. This time it is because the world is running out of storage space for the stuff. I bet Jimmy Carter in 1979 never imagined he would live to see this day! The futility of predicting the future.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
31 March 2020 07:39:17

The finance minister of the German state of Hesse has killed himself, he had been reportedly living under considerable worry and stress because of the economic impacts of the pandemic.

Brian Gaze
31 March 2020 07:43:35


Once the weather warms up, surely pubs should be allowed to reopen, especially if people can sit outside and observe social distancing. Same goes for restaurants - restaurants have been allowed to reopen in South Korea, but all the tables have to be separated - the common rule is that only every other table can be occupied.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

We've got a few pubs by the canal where people can and do sit outside when the weather is reasonable. In fact they get very busy indeed and maintaining social distancing is impossible even outside. When you go inside to the bar or the loo it is usually like entering a sardine can. In many London bars and pubs the situation is even worse. Quite frankly I think reopening the pubs in late spring will be an unmitigated disaster unless the virus is back down to contact tracing levels.   

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 March 2020 07:44:59


Sales of groceries in the UK in March beat all previous records as shoppers stocked up for a long period at home, according to consumer analysts Kantar.

The busiest spell was 16-19 March, when 88% of households visited a food store, adding up to 42 million extra trips across four days.

In the last four weeks, year-on-year supermarket sales grew by 20.6%.

Kantar's Fraser McKevitt said £10.8bn sales in the past four weeks were "even higher than levels seen at Christmas".

The figures have mainly risen because of people making extra shopping trips, rather than spending more on each visit.

The average household spent an extra £62.92 during the past four weeks, equivalent to adding five days' worth of groceries.


Seems like a lot of bog rolls were sold in the last month 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
Brian Gaze
31 March 2020 07:49:06

I know it will be described as "negative" but here is another sign the British government is behind the curve:

Germans help out Brits in Bali
Britons stranded in Bali were thrown a lifeline by the German government yesterday which offered 40 seats on a repatriation flight on Friday, the UK embassy in Indonesia said (Ben Clatworthy writes).

“Our German friends are at it again,” officials at the embassy tweeted. Britons will be responsible for their own onward travel once the charter lands in Frankfurt.

More than 4,000 Britons are thought to be on Bali. While the offer of 40 seats will barely change the situation, it has been applauded by stranded tourists.

According to the German embassy, 17,000 people have been flown back on more than 70 charter flights organised by the German foreign office to 21 countries.


Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 07:50:06

Religious fundamentalists self select for the virus it would appear  - just been talking to an Israeli colleague on Zoom and there is a massive hotspot for the virus in Tel Aviv - a region called Bnei Brak - in this region, the majority test positive for the virus. This region is populated by religious fundamentalists and they take no notice of any rules on social distancing - same as for any religious nutter - this is "God's/Allah's/Jehovah's will".

Fundamentalists are crazy people who deny science and think they are above natural laws. The other day on BBC news they showed a packed Russian Orthodox church in Moscow - they asked a woman why she was not self isolating and she replied "this is a Holy place, you cannot catch anything bad in here" - OK missus, so a virus will not enter the house of God? Nuts!

New world order coming.
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 07:50:13


Sales of groceries in the UK in March beat all previous records as shoppers stocked up for a long period at home, according to consumer analysts Kantar.

The busiest spell was 16-19 March, when 88% of households visited a food store, adding up to 42 million extra trips across four days.

In the last four weeks, year-on-year supermarket sales grew by 20.6%.

Kantar's Fraser McKevitt said £10.8bn sales in the past four weeks were "even higher than levels seen at Christmas".

The figures have mainly risen because of people making extra shopping trips, rather than spending more on each visit.

The average household spent an extra £62.92 during the past four weeks, equivalent to adding five days' worth of groceries.

Seems like a lot of bog rolls were sold in the last month

Originally Posted by: llamedos 

Not forgetting that those who would normally eat in restaurants and McDonalds needs to do extra food shopping!

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
31 March 2020 07:53:00

We've got a few pubs by the canal where people can and do sit outside when the weather is reasonable. In fact they get very busy indeed and maintaining social distancing is impossible even outside. When you go inside to the bar or the loo it is usually like entering a sardine can. In many London bars and pubs the situation is even worse. Quite frankly I think reopening the pubs in late spring will be an unmitigated disaster unless the virus is back down to contact tracing levels.   

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Yes, I think Maunder might have a rather idealised image of countryside pubs in mind, but London (and some other city centres) is quite different. I could also imagine many people rushing back to restaurants, cafes and pubs as they had enough at home.

Btw, the WHO has criticised the term social distancing, they say we should use physical distancing :)

  • llamedos
  • Advanced Member Topic Starter
31 March 2020 07:55:21

Not forgetting that those who would normally eat in restaurants and McDonalds needs to do extra food shopping!

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Notwithstanding that some of the binge buyers seem have been disposing of their over bought fresh produce, although that's a completely different discussion.

Comment of course t'was tongue in cheek 

"Life with the Lions"

TWO Moderator
  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 07:58:56


Yes, I think Maunder might have a rather idealised image of countryside pubs in mind, but London (and some other city centres) is quite different. I could also imagine many people rushing back to restaurants, cafes and pubs as they had enough at home.

Btw, the WHO has criticised the term social distancing, they say we should use physical distancing :)

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

 I wonder if, when life gets back to normal, we’ll have to ditch social gatherings in favour of physical gatherings?

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
31 March 2020 07:59:49

Religious fundamentalists self select for the virus it would appear  - just been talking to an Israeli colleague on Zoom and there is a massive hotspot for the virus in Tel Aviv - a region called Bnei Brak - in this region, the majority test positive for the virus. This region is populated by religious fundamentalists and they take no notice of any rules on social distancing - same as for any religious nutter - this is "God's/Allah's/Jehovah's will".

Fundamentalists are crazy people who deny science and think they are above natural laws. The other day on BBC news they showed a packed Russian Orthodox church in Moscow - they asked a woman why she was not self isolating and she replied "this is a Holy place, you cannot catch anything bad in here" - OK missus, so a virus will not enter the house of God? Nuts!

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Not quite the same, but this is what a CEO said yesterday in the WHite House:

"God gave us grace on November 8, 2016, to change the course we were on,” he said. “God had been taken out of our schools and lives, a nation had turned its back on God.

“I encourage you to use this time at home to get back in the word, read our Bibles and spend time with our families.”


The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:04:18

Religious fundamentalists self select for the virus it would appear  - just been talking to an Israeli colleague on Zoom and there is a massive hotspot for the virus in Tel Aviv - a region called Bnei Brak - in this region, the majority test positive for the virus. This region is populated by religious fundamentalists and they take no notice of any rules on social distancing - same as for any religious nutter - this is "God's/Allah's/Jehovah's will".

Fundamentalists are crazy people who deny science and think they are above natural laws. The other day on BBC news they showed a packed Russian Orthodox church in Moscow - they asked a woman why she was not self isolating and she replied "this is a Holy place, you cannot catch anything bad in here" - OK missus, so a virus will not enter the house of God? Nuts!

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Same thing happening in the Bible belt in the USA. Louisiana for example has a massive hotspot thanks to Churches still gathering and breaking the ban, and local Sheriffs agreeing with the sky fairy loons and not intervening. America will end up as the worst hit country in the world.

Perhaps that was China's plan all along


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Maunder Minimum
31 March 2020 08:04:18

On Newsnight last night someone was saying that one reason they cannot ramp up testing quickly, is a global shortage of the TRIzol reagent used for RNA isolation.

I don't have the right contacts, but there are some in the right sectors who use this site - please explain to the authorities if you can, that boiling samples at 98 degrees for 5 minutes has the same effect of isolating any RNA in a sample, since extraneous proteins and detritus is destroyed, but the RNA if present, is not, so boiling will isolate it for testing.

P.S. From the Telegraph this morning:

"Former WHO Director Anthony Costello spoke to the BBC's Radio 4 Today programme. 

Talking of Britain's testing, he said: "We are mid-table in the European league. US is buying up all the capacity."

New world order coming.
The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:07:34



It's too late now, Beast has already bought his ticket for Stockholm. He will probably be the last Briton to exercise his EU FoM.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

If Brexit does go ahead on Dec 31. Sweden is an attractive option. Lots of snow and hot blondes

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
31 March 2020 08:09:09

On Newsnight last night someone was saying that one reason they cannot ramp up testing quickly, is a global shortage of the TRIzol reagent used for RNA isolation.

I don't have the right contacts, but there are some in the right sectors who use this site - please explain to the authorities if you can, that boiling samples at 98 degrees for 5 minutes has the same effect of isolating any RNA in a sample, since extraneous proteins and detritus is destroyed, but the RNA if present, is not, so boiling will isolate it for testing.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

Perhaps you can email your MP? They would be relieved to receive an email from you which isn't about borders. 

I cannot email my MP as it's Chris Grayling, so he'd probably end up making a biological weapon of the above.

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
31 March 2020 08:12:12


If Brexit does go ahead on Dec 31. Sweden is an attractive option. Lots of snow and hot blondes

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

But no Wetherspoons!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
31 March 2020 08:12:32

If Brexit does go ahead on Dec 31. Sweden is an attractive option. Lots of snow and hot blondes

Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Yeah, Stockholm is a great city and most women are hot.

The Beast from the East
31 March 2020 08:13:51

Interesting thread from Tory defector Philip Lee. Of course, the public disagree and think Bozo is doing great, and you got slaughtered at the election!



"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
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