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25 April 2020 17:55:48


I find the over seventies generally, but not exclusively the worst.  I wonder if that’s because a lot don’t have the technology that younger ones have. No social media to get local news, no stopping in the co-op for a catch up on local gossip, no sharing experiences, etc. 

Originally Posted by: Caz 

Oi  Could you make that the over 80's !   We invented the technology, grew up with it in our twenties and were the earliest adopters and I worked with a computer for most of my working life and had a home computer 40 years ago.  I'm just turned 70 and was a long haired hippy during my teens which was the era of flower power and prog rock. (sorry about the prog rock ) The only place I've ever caught up with the gossip is down the pub or on here! 


S.Essex, 42m ASL
Justin W
25 April 2020 17:56:54

The over 70s in this hamlet are the only ones ignoring the lockdown. They are quite unbelievable and seem to think it is a bit of a joke.

Yo yo yo. 148-3 to the 3 to the 6 to the 9, representing the ABQ, what up, biatch?
25 April 2020 17:57:29


If you’re using that argument, why haven’t they been training this week?

Originally Posted by: John p 

Because there has been no likelihood of them playing anytime soon so they can train at home on their own. Now that there is talk of football returning then teams need to get back together so that they’re ready for the season to restart in a few weeks ( all being well)

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
25 April 2020 18:01:22


Italy are at a 1.2% case increase, we are at 3.4%. Italy was at 3.4% three weeks ago. 

I can't see the lockdown holding another 4 - 5 weeks. I'm also not sure it should because the benefits by then will be outweighed by the negative impacts. I think we need a new approach because we are effectively incarcerating millions of the population that are at miniscule risk. Meanwhile a big proportion of those that really are at risk are still busy wandering round supermarkets, seemingly either unaware or not caring of the consequences for themselves or the knock on effects for the NHS. 

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

It is a difficult balance to strike I agree. But I am sometimes feeling, being in the somewhat higher risk category over 70 and abiding by the lockdown (not wandered round a supermarket yet), that I am somehow supposed to be sacrificing myself for the common good. Maybe I should?

S.Essex, 42m ASL
Northern Sky
25 April 2020 18:05:18


What`s the point of being alive

Originally Posted by: springsunshine 

That's a thought that crossed my mind after I caught a minute of Gary Barlow/Andrew Lioyd Webber's celebrity song the other night.


25 April 2020 18:10:20

Wrong type of household cleaner! He did not suggest, he said they would look at, explore, he was 'brainstorming', hoping for a light bulb moment. Ever been in a meeting where brainstorming is going on. It's just saying things out loud in the hope someone gets an idea, a light bulb moment. Could be that someone develops some kit, some filters perhaps containing bleach that destroys the virus before it enters our system.

He did not actually say down bleach. Sorry but it just goes to show how fucking stupid some people are.

Originally Posted by: Phil G 

Are you SERIOUSLY saying that as President - and one who has cultivated a following where his supporters consider him to be above MSM and "experts" - he should not consider that he doesn't have to instruct or suggest people try something, for them to do exactly that because he has brainstormed or mused something out loud in a press conference?

He did the same with chloroquine, and, guess what, people died. You've seen the example prior to this. Now there are examples here. If you can't see this, you are either thick or wilfully blind.

[email protected]
25 April 2020 18:12:30


Well with a squad of 20 + its 2 per pitch 

They will just have to practise a lot of short corners 

With distancing in mind lol

Originally Posted by: Gooner 

Shame it's not thirty years ago eh Gooner? They would only have needed to practice the offside rule 

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 18:15:19

Interview with Neil Ferguson here, not watched it all yet (35 minutes) but is quite interesting.

Originally Posted by: JHutch 

Interesting interview - points to Korea as a country that is doing quite well

Currently working on a model as to ways of how to get out of the current situation

He quite clearly states we have to reduce the number of cases if we are to avoid a second wave

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 18:16:21


Shame it's not thirty years ago eh Gooner? They would only have needed to practice the offside rule 

Originally Posted by: fairweather 

Experts at that without a doubt 

Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

25 April 2020 18:16:28

Why has this become a football discussion thread when we have one available in the TWO Community Sports and Leisure Forum?
I'd be given short shrift if I wanted to discuss, say, badminton or well dressing.

Originally Posted by: Roger Parsons 

To lighten the mood a bit? Anyway the quips are just a light hearted aside to the relevant essential work and social distancing rules aspect.

S.Essex, 42m ASL
25 April 2020 18:22:00

I'm fairly confident the government will go another 3 weeks from May 7th

I do agree that perhaps a relaxation on who you can see , such as family , garden centres and the likes will be given the thumbs up and all DIY's


Remember anything after T120 is really Just For Fun

North Oxfordshire
378 feet A S L

Phil G
25 April 2020 18:38:47


Are you SERIOUSLY saying that as President - and one who has cultivated a following where his supporters consider him to be above MSM and "experts" - he should not consider that he doesn't have to instruct or suggest people try something, for them to do exactly that because he has brainstormed or mused something out loud in a press conference?

He did the same with chloroquine, and, guess what, people died. You've seen the example prior to this. Now there are examples here. If you can't see this, you are either thick or wilfully blind.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Haha. Feel better fella?

The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 18:46:46

Italy to allow bars and restaurants to reopen with enforced distancing from May 18.

We are six to eight weeks behind Italy.

Originally Posted by: Justin W 

Hopefully much less. Tim Martin will be working behind the scenes on his friend Boris


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 18:52:02

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
25 April 2020 18:52:06


Are you SERIOUSLY saying that as President - and one who has cultivated a following where his supporters consider him to be above MSM and "experts" - he should not consider that he doesn't have to instruct or suggest people try something, for them to do exactly that because he has brainstormed or mused something out loud in a press conference?

He did the same with chloroquine, and, guess what, people died. You've seen the example prior to this. Now there are examples here. If you can't see this, you are either thick or wilfully blind.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

I genuinely can see where Phil is coming from, though in my opinion it is about the position and context in which Trump said it. To me that is the part that is indefensible. In a private meeting with Dr Fauci? Fair enough, Fauci can shoot him down and say "No, Donald, don't even think about going down that route" but Trump showed his ineptitude once again by blurting it out at a press conference to millions.

Of course as you say Nick he sadly has form for this already and one would think that would encourage caution on his part, but I don't think that quality is in Trump's wheelhouse.

I don't think anyone is being thick on here. Perhaps a little close-minded but I just hope people who counter opinions understand that it is not always agenda driven.

The Beast from the East
25 April 2020 18:56:43

Only just found out that Lynn Faulds-Wood of Watchdog fame has died, though it seems of a stroke, not Covid. What a shame


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
Polar Low
25 April 2020 19:17:48

You really are insensitive most of the time Geoff do you really get that much kick out of  a 70 year old dying from a bleed on the brain

regardless how much you dislike her.



Only just found out that Lynn Faulds-Wood of Watchdog fame has died, though it seems of a stroke, not Covid. What a shame


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

  • Caz
  • Advanced Member
25 April 2020 19:19:58


Oi  Could you make that the over 80's !   We invented the technology, grew up with it in our twenties and were the earliest adopters and I worked with a computer for most of my working life and had a home computer 40 years ago.  I'm just turned 70 and was a long haired hippy during my teens which was the era of flower power and prog rock. (sorry about the prog rock ) The only place I've ever caught up with the gossip is down the pub or on here! 


Originally Posted by: fairweather 

  Yes!  You’re right because I’m not far behind you!  It probably is the over 80’s and those nearer 80!  

Market Warsop, North Nottinghamshire.
Join the fun and banter of the monthly CET competition.
John p
25 April 2020 19:29:07

You really are insensitive most of the time Geoff do you really get that much kick out of  a 70 year old dying from a bleed on the brain

regardless how much you dislike her.




Originally Posted by: Polar Low 

I agree he has his moments,  but I honestly think you’ve misread his post there. 

Camberley, Surrey
Gavin D
25 April 2020 19:34:29

John p
25 April 2020 19:38:54
I wonder what absolute cobblers the Sunday papers will serve up tomorrow in terms of the lockdown ending etc?
Then it’ll be denied on Marr and round and round we go!
Camberley, Surrey
25 April 2020 19:46:04

I wonder what absolute cobblers the Sunday papers will serve up tomorrow in terms of the lockdown ending etc?
Then it’ll be denied on Marr and round and round we go!

Originally Posted by: John p 

Almost like a play where each has their role (without being too Shakespearean). I suspect you are correct John.

Phil G
25 April 2020 19:50:42


Almost like a play where each has their role (without being too Shakespearean). I suspect you are correct John.

Originally Posted by: doctormog 

A lot of it will be about Cummings. The Guardian raised it first I think, the BBC/Guardian go hand in hand, literally.

Polar Low
25 April 2020 20:23:38

Ms Patel said police had been called to respond to some "extraordinarily dangerous driving" as motorists take advantage of the quieter roads "as their own personal race track".

She said: "We've seen speeds of up to 151mph clocked on the M1 and 134mph in 40mph zone in London.

"Police and fire (services) continue to put their arms around people and our communities by taking people shopping and taking prescriptions to the elderly.


Polar Low
25 April 2020 20:41:49

Professor Paul Hunter, of the University of East Anglia, added: “There is no doubt this rate of decline is disappointing. Certainly it is far too high to consider lifting lockdown restrictions at present. We need to get numbers down to a few hundred new cases a day before we can do that. Such a decline could take months.”



I'm fairly confident the government will go another 3 weeks from May 7th

I do agree that perhaps a relaxation on who you can see , such as family , garden centres and the likes will be given the thumbs up and all DIY's


Originally Posted by: Gooner 

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