Not pathetic at all - a one-in-20-year event is bound to have effects, not least because it's so unusual. Around here, for example, there were stories of new-build houses cracking up as subsidence set in in 1995. (I suspect they'd cheaped out on the foundations). 1995 was a hellish summer for me because of the heat, I fell into a pattern of 3 sleepless, sweaty, sticky nights, then one deep sleep due to sheer exhaustion.
These days of course I'm an adult and can afford things like A/C. Indeed, two of the four people in my office have bought A/C units this summer, a third only hasn't as she lives with her parents and has no room for one. The fourth guy is one of those people who seems immune to heat.
We could prepare better - mandate A/C in all houses down here, enforce stricter controls on road and rail construction, station fleets of snowploughts in all villages - but it's not worth the money.
Meanwhile back to the models: the EPS has a token hot run, but it retains means in the 21-23C range for London, basically average as has been the case for several days' worth of runs now.
Originally Posted by: Retron