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Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 18:39:24

I thought most of those affected were poorer people in the small towns? 


Originally Posted by: The Beast from the East 

Northern Italy is a very rich region. It's the opposite way round to the north south divide in the UK. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Ally Pally Snowman
08 March 2020 18:40:15

Saudi Arabia becomes the latest country to shut all schools and universities.  It's done it until further notice.


Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 18:40:22


Clearly neither.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

So what could the explanation be? I don't think demographics is enough now. 

Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:41:53

LOL Someones nicked the loo rolls from the gents in the pub!

Cant wait to see if someone needs a dump. Probably have to use the ladies - though that's probably been stripped too,considering the skanks that come here


"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
08 March 2020 18:43:51

 So what could the explanation be? I don't think demographics is enough now. 

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Most cases in Europe have originated from Italy, but no other country has the Italian death rates. The most likely explanation is that the N.Italian hospitals are getting swamped (like in Hubei) and this is what is causing the high death rates.

Northern Sky
08 March 2020 18:44:19

The death rate in Italy could approach 25%. All governments should be looking at what is happening. Is it a different mutation of the Corona or are Caucasian people more vulnerable to it.

Originally Posted by: Brian Gaze 

Where have you got that figure from Brian? 

It's 5% at the moment which is obviously very high but still a long way off 25%

The Beast from the East
08 March 2020 18:44:25


Why not self isolate if you get it? Unless you deliberately want to infect your pub mates.


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

That's the plan. Only way to beat the Tories now

"We have some alternative facts for you"
Kelly-Ann Conway - special adviser to the President
08 March 2020 18:51:30
The death rate is not 25%.
[email protected]
08 March 2020 18:51:54
The death rate is not 25%.
[email protected]
08 March 2020 18:53:48
1500 new cases for Italy, 50 for China. It’s definitely moved west
Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
08 March 2020 18:55:28

It's clear that pizza isn't good for your immune system.

At least it will be mild!
08 March 2020 18:56:53

This is indicative and a copy/paste of what had happened in Wuhan: 

  • Italian doctors have warned medics across Europe to “get ready” for coronavirus in a letter revealing up to 10 per cent of all those infected with coronavirus need intensive care, with hospitals becoming overwhelmed

  • We are seeing a high percentage of positive cases being admitted to our intensive care units (ICUs), in the range of 10 per cent of all positive patients

  • Italian hospitals had seen “a very high” number of intensive care patients who were admitted “almost entirely” for severe lung failure caused by the virus and needing ventilators to help them breathe

  • Increase your total ICU capacity. Identify early hospitals that can manage the initial surge in a safe way. Get ready to prepare ICU areas where to cohort Covid-19 patients – in every hospital if necessary.”

  • The technical note spells out how patients with coronavirus experience a severe infection in all of their lungs, requiring major ventilation support. It also reveals the effect of the virus, which affects blood pressure, the heart, kidneys and liver with patients needing sustained treatment

  • A week ago we opened a six-bed ICU for Covid-19 critically ill patients. In two days our unit filled up and we extended it to 10 beds on 3 March which filled up during the same afternoon. Now we’re planning to merge the cardio and general ICUS to use the general ICU beds for 10 more Covid-19 patients.”

  • Dr Nattino said younger patients were being affected, saying the ages of patients ranged from 46 to 83 with only a small number having important underlying conditions.

    He added: “The last days are showing a younger population involved as if the elderly and weaker part of the population crashed early and now younger patients, having exhausted their physiological reserves, come to overcrowded, overwhelmed hospitals with little resources left.”

08 March 2020 18:58:36
Are the death rates determined by the virus actually being the main cause of death, or someone dies who has tested positive of the Corona virus,but it might not of been the main cause of death?
08 March 2020 19:05:25

It's clear that pizza isn't good for your immune system.

Originally Posted by: westv 

I’ve binned all my pasta and stocked up with rice 

Thorner, West Yorkshire

Journalism is organised gossip
08 March 2020 19:06:46


Where have you got that figure from Brian? 

It's 5% at the moment which is obviously very high but still a long way off 25%

Originally Posted by: Northern Sky 

Probably made the same mistake i did and forgot to divide 100 by the number to make the percentage. 

A goes into B  amount = C 

100 ÷ C = %

Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 19:12:49
I took off 2000 and assumed most criticals will die. Anyone thinking the NHS will perform much better than the Italian health service is in for a nasty shock IMO. It may do a bit better or a bit worse. The difference won't be big.
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
Maunder Minimum
08 March 2020 19:14:45

When Quantum, me and some others were warning about this looming pandemic and urging tighter travel restrictions, stopping people going to the Far East for holidays and cruises and then urging closing of borders with countries like Italy, we were scorned.

Jeered at - "isolationist brexiteers" "scaremongering". Well, those panglossian remainers who were saying "move along please, nothing to see here" were wrong.

The UK has been reacting too slowly, the EU has been completely useless, yet now we see in Italy just what this virus means for real people trying to get on with their lives.

Hopefully, the UK can still escape the worst, but my fear is that that particular horse has already bolted.

I exempt Justin from criticism - he is a resident remainer who did have the foresight to see what was coming.


New world order coming.
08 March 2020 19:19:32

When Quantum, me and some others were warning about this looming pandemic and urging tighter travel restrictions, stopping people going to the Far East for holidays and cruises and then urging closing of borders with countries like Italy, we were scorned.

Jeered at - "isolationist brexiteers" "scaremongering". Well, those panglossian remainers who were saying "move along please, nothing to see here" were wrong.

The UK has been reacting too slowly, the EU has been completely useless, yet now we see in Italy just what this virus means for real people trying to get on with their lives.

Hopefully, the UK can still escape the worst, but my fear is that that particular horse has already bolted.

I exempt Justin from criticism - he is a resident remainer who did have the foresight to see what was coming.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

I hadn't returned to TWO at that point, but was firmly in the you/Justin camp on that one. From what I can see in here, some of those who continue to be most "relaxed" about this are Leavers. Not sure this splits down Brexit lines TBH, Maunder.

[email protected]
Maunder Minimum
08 March 2020 19:21:20


I hadn't returned to TWO at that point, but was firmly in the you/Justin camp on that one. From what I can see in here, some of those who continue to be most "relaxed" about this are Leavers. Not sure this splits down Brexit lines TBH, Maunder.

Originally Posted by: NickR 

Probably not Nick. However, there was chronic complacency for many on all sides.

Too late to worry now, the pandemic has already arrived and we just have to get through it.

Some will get a mild infection, some will get very sick and some will die, but life in general will go on.
New world order coming.
08 March 2020 19:22:16

Most cases in Europe have originated from Italy, but no other country has the Italian death rates. The most likely explanation is that the N.Italian hospitals are getting swamped (like in Hubei) and this is what is causing the high death rates.

Originally Posted by: xioni2 

Don't worry, with our bulldog spirit, we can beat the italians at anything.

"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Brian Gaze
08 March 2020 19:25:12
I've just been speaking to someone who works at a local tech company. They've been told they can work from home if an "outbreak occurs". That's complacency. Why not now?
Brian Gaze
TWO Buzz - get the latest news and views 
"I'm not socialist, I know that. I don't believe in sharing my money." - Gary Numan
08 March 2020 19:26:19

Some will get a mild infection, some will get very sick and some will die, but life in general will go on.

Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum says that if you die, you are just lazy and stupid. It's your own fault.
"As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely on authority, there is no end to our troubles." - Bertrand Russell 
Gavin D
08 March 2020 19:26:55
The Foreign office have advised against all but essential travel to northern Italy
08 March 2020 19:29:13

When Quantum, me and some others were warning about this looming pandemic and urging tighter travel restrictions, stopping people going to the Far East for holidays and cruises and then urging closing of borders with countries like Italy, we were scorned.

Jeered at - "isolationist brexiteers" "scaremongering". Well, those panglossian remainers who were saying "move along please, nothing to see here" were wrong.

The UK has been reacting too slowly, the EU has been completely useless, yet now we see in Italy just what this virus means for real people trying to get on with their lives.

Hopefully, the UK can still escape the worst, but my fear is that that particular horse has already bolted.

I exempt Justin from criticism - he is a resident remainer who did have the foresight to see what was coming.


Originally Posted by: Maunder Minimum 

It's pathetic to associate this with Brexit. I personally mocked  Q repeatedly for his overreaction in late Jan (stopping social activities, raising indoor temperature to 27C etc. and for indulging in wild and baseless speculation (it's out of control in Singapore, 10% death rate, the Chinese data is dodgy etc.)

I have taken this seriously right from the start by trying to improve my hygiene and by trying to stay informed. I have stopped shaking hands about a week ago and I will now work from home for the next 2-3 months and I am fully stocked up for that period. I also said repeatedly that Italy and Europe have probably mishandled the epidemic in Lombardy.  


Heavy Weather 2013
08 March 2020 19:31:30


It's pathetic to associate this with Brexit. I personally mocked  Q repeatedly for his overreaction in late Jan (stopping social activities, raising indoor temperature to 27C etc. and for indulging in wild and baseless speculation (it's out of control in Singapore, 10% death rate, the Chinese data is dodgy etc.)

I have taken this seriously right from the start by trying to improve my hygiene and by trying to stay informed. I have stopped shaking hands about a week ago and I will now work from home for the next 2-3 months and I am fully stocked up for that period. I also said repeatedly that Italy and Europe have probably mishandled the epidemic in Lombardy.  


Originally Posted by: xioni2 

So I assumed you will apologising to Q as you are now doing what he outlined to some degree. A small majority were calling this correctly since the turn of the year.

Beckton, E London
Less than 500m from the end of London City Airport runway.
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