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24 June 2024 08:00:52
Thanks Dew, as always.

A very cool, wet, stormy showery election day for most, according to GFS. 😧 
24 June 2024 08:13:57

Thanks Dew, as always.

A very cool, wet, stormy showery election day for most, according to GFS. 😧 

Originally Posted by: ozone_aurora 

Goodness knows why anyone would pay attention to a forecast 10 days out!

That's the same GFS, mind you, which shows an absolute drought setting in... and if that's the case, rainfall will be very much welcome!

(e.g. for my location, last measurable rainfall on the 16th June - 8 days ago) 
Leysdown, north Kent
24 June 2024 10:10:27

Goodness knows why anyone would pay attention to a forecast 10 days out!

That's the same GFS, mind you, which shows an absolute drought setting in... and if that's the case, rainfall will be very much welcome!

(e.g. for my location, last measurable rainfall on the 16th June - 8 days ago) 

Originally Posted by: Retron 

I don't know about that, I think 10 days is not that long away to completely write off what the models are showing particularly when the output has been consistent and supported by the ensembles. Otherwise there would be no point in any longer range forecast beyond about 5 - 7 days.
NW Leeds - 150m amsl
24 June 2024 10:37:12

I don't know about that, I think 10 days is not that long away to completely write off what the models are showing particularly when the output has been consistent and supported by the ensembles. Otherwise there would be no point in any longer range forecast beyond about 5 - 7 days.

Originally Posted by: Taylor1740 

There isn't much point in using op runs beyond 6 or 7 days, frankly, but as they're available of course we'll all pore over them.

Over the past 25+ years I've found it a good idea to give very little weight to any given day 10 op chart, and I'm leery even when it comes to ensembles: they're more useful, but we know how the entire suite is prone to flip-flop should something significant change in the short term (e.g. if a low moving south introduces a spell of easterlies in winter, but then the low ends up deepening more than first thought and moving further north, stopping the easterlies from setting in).

And just look at the GEFS: 

That's this morning's output, and shows the op run (perhaps what ozone aurora was basing his gloom on) to be a generally "out of it" cold and wet run. The suite as a whole clusters around the long-term average - 22 or 23 at this time of year for London - and the majority show either dry conditions or just the odd shower.

Meanwhile the short ECM ensembles don't even go out as far as daytime on the 4th.. that'll appear on tonight's run.
Leysdown, north Kent
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
24 June 2024 15:25:40
GFS 06z not quite as gloomy as the 0z. The LP on Thu 27th is still as previously predicted, but the one following up on Wed 3rd is shallower and further north. Although it then sits over Norway with light N-lies for polling day, it looks as if the weather on that day is most likely to be no worse than cool with occasional showers. (but that regime persists to Mon 8th). The final LP on the 0z, shown there for Wed 10th, has been replaced by HP.
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
24 June 2024 15:44:37
The first 30 of the year showing on my local MetO raw forecast for Thursday. GFS has 24 instead... I suspect MetO will be closer to the mark!

It looks like being one of those typical "last gasp" heatwaves, whereby this little corner ends up the warmest in the UK. MetO has 29s for Heathrow tomorrow and Wednesday, but "only" 27 for Thursday.

NB, 30 would be 8 degrees above average, the June equivalent of an ice day in winter. And we haven't had one of those for years...
Leysdown, north Kent
Matty H
24 June 2024 19:17:03

The first 30 of the year showing on my local MetO raw forecast for Thursday. GFS has 24 instead... I suspect MetO will be closer to the mark!

It looks like being one of those typical "last gasp" heatwaves, whereby this little corner ends up the warmest in the UK. MetO has 29s for Heathrow tomorrow and Wednesday, but "only" 27 for Thursday.

NB, 30 would be 8 degrees above average, the June equivalent of an ice day in winter. And we haven't had one of those for years...

Originally Posted by: Retron 

Moomin, get off Darren’s account with your last gasp summer is over antics
Ally Pally Snowman
24 June 2024 19:30:29
Nice ECM 12z tonight HP build back in strongly for a time.  Quite warm too.
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
24 June 2024 20:09:48

Nice ECM 12z tonight HP build back in strongly for a time.  Quite warm too.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

As long no one created a front to throw at the HP zone like this phantom warm cloudy spell thanks to the front being thrown inside the HP and clouds spread like cancerous.  
24 June 2024 20:50:13

Moomin, get off Darren’s account with your last gasp summer is over antics

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

I'm a changed man Matty..promise  🤣
Witney, Oxfordshire
100m ASL
Tom Oxon
24 June 2024 23:03:44

Nice ECM 12z tonight HP build back in strongly for a time.  Quite warm too.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Good upgrade for the southern UK on that op tonight 
S Warwickshire countryside, c.375ft asl.
25 June 2024 04:09:54

Moomin, get off Darren’s account with your last gasp summer is over antics

Originally Posted by: Matty H 

You misunderstood that one! 😉

The "last gasp" bit refers to this heatwave... it's often the case when fresher weather moves in from the west that we see a last-minute surge in temperatures in this corner of England, as the heat gets shoved eastwards and we lose our cooling sea breezes.

While I wish it was summer as a whole's "last gasp", sadly it won't be - we're in for more of this over the next couple of months. Remember folks, down here in Kent, while snow (or even -5C) isn't guaranteed every winter, or even most winters these days, a spell of warmth including 30C+ is a dead cert every summer. And more often than not, more than once!
Leysdown, north Kent
Ally Pally Snowman
25 June 2024 04:44:38
Poor set of 0z this morning 
Model consistency has been really crap recently. 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Ally Pally Snowman
25 June 2024 04:55:04
ICON keeps the faith but GFS and GEM are off the scale bad. HLB over Greenland is back . 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
  • DEW
  • Advanced Member
25 June 2024 06:56:39
GFS Op - as previously forecast, LP moving in Thu 27th 990mb Hebrides but minimal effect on S England, leaving a spell of zonal weather as it moves away; with HP to the SW this gives a mainly NW-ly flow to Wed 3rd. Then LP from Iceland 985mb grazes N Scotland en route to Norway leaving shallow area of low pressure in the N Sea with weak but cool N-lies for all of Britain. A brief ridge of HP Tue 9th gives way to further LP 990mb off W Ireland.

ECM - similar to GFS but LP Thu 4th is closer 995mb Aberdeen (yesterday this was shown further N)

GEM - more emphasis on LP; the HP responsible for the zonal flow in GFS is further SW in this model and weather is less settled everywhere, not just the N. In particular there is a twin centre LP on election day 990mb Cornwall and 995mb N Ireland.

GFS - cooling down later this week and mean temp then staying near norm (slightly below in N; op and control amongst the coolest everywhere) with variation between ens members becoming steadily more significant from Wed 3rd. Very little rain in S (one or two runs with large amounts later on), small amounts quite frequently in N

A lot of LP around with rather cool weather in the models, which however is not reflected in GEFS
War does not determine who is right, only who is left - Bertrand Russell

Chichester 12m asl
Ally Pally Snowman
25 June 2024 07:17:12
Looks like no avoiding a poor start to July. Ensembles look mixed at best. Atm no sign of Summer after this spell ends.
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
25 June 2024 07:54:59

Looks like no avoiding a poor start to July. Ensembles look mixed at best. Atm no sign of Summer after this spell ends.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Not much difference after this phantom cloudy fest spell ends, might end up better amount of sunny days in early July when I get back.  Leaving today and still lot of infill clouds formed so early this morning so will see blue skies in the air.  
25 June 2024 11:34:37

Looks like no avoiding a poor start to July. Ensembles look mixed at best. Atm no sign of Summer after this spell ends.

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

Between now and Monday 1st the coolest day forcasted on the met for here is 21C and that's this Friday... Every other day is warmer! Each looks also to be dry.
Ally Pally Snowman
25 June 2024 12:02:27

Between now and Monday 1st the coolest day forcasted on the met for here is 21C and that's this Friday... Every other day is warmer! Each looks also to be dry.

Originally Posted by: picturesareme 

Tbf the South and EA might be OK upto the 1st. 
First week of July look less good but ensembles are not as bad as the Ops atm. 
Bishop's Stortford 85m ASL.
Saint Snow
25 June 2024 12:23:40

Tbf the South and EA might be OK upto the 1st. 
First week of July look less good but ensembles are not as bad as the Ops atm. 

Originally Posted by: Ally Pally Snowman 

After looking at the GFS especially, the Met Office web forecast for MBY surprised me. Mostly dry (chance of PPN maxing out at 15%) and temps 17-19c out to the 1st. 

Not great.... but great when compared to what I was expecting from the last few GFS runs

Home: St Helens (26m asl) Work: Manchester (75m asl)
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